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Product Details

Boiler steam generator

Price 3650
Yield 1000/年
Place of Production 河南郑州
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

产品重量 100公斤

Product Description

Boiler steam generator
Stone fish steam generator is divided into two kinds of electric energy and steam generator with natural gas as fuel gas steam generator by electricity; electric steam generator also called free type small electric steam boiler, micro electric steam boiler, is a kind of automatic water supply, heating, and continuous real estate students miniature boiler low pressure steam, small water tank and the water supply pump, control operating system complete integration, without complicated installation, as long as the power supply can be connected to water and. Brief introduction of the main parts of steam generator
1, steam generator body: pressure components of steam generator, it can withstand the pressure, see the nameplate, at the top of the steam generator of electric heater.
2, heating tube: electric heating tube heating device of steam generator, through heat transfer, the water within the prescribed period of time into steam heating, the heating part of the heating pipe is completely submerged in water, so the heat efficiency is high.
3, control box: controller in steam generator on the circuit board, the control panel on the right side of the steam generator, the steam generator is the heart, it has the following functions: automatic feeding, automatic heating, automatic protection, low water level alarm, overpressure protection, leakage protection function.
4, water pump: pump is the steam generator water supply device, it can automatically supply water in steam generator water or water, the water pump behind two check valves, mainly to control steam generator water reflux, the main reason is the steam generator water backflow check valve failure, check valve should be replaced, otherwise the boiling water to the pump seals washed out, resulting in pump Water Leakage.
5, the pressure controller is a pressure signal is converted to electrical signal switch electromechanical conversion device, its function is in pressure under the condition of different output switching signals, the factory in the factory has put pressure on the appropriate pressure adjustment.
6, the water level electrode is an important part of the steam generator water level control, automatic control the conductivity of water and steam to achieve the water level.
7, safety valve is a safety device of steam generator, when the steam generator is open, due to various reasons to set pressure without stopping, over pressure, the safety valve is automatically opened, discharge pressure, the pressure in the steam generator is reduced, so as to protect the safe operation of the steam generator. In order to prevent the safety valve of the valve disc and the valve seat to pull the safety valve should be regularly lifting handle, as exhaust test, every 2~4 Zhou Yingsheng for a high pressure exhaust test, to verify the role of safety valve.
8, discharge valve: installed in the bottom of the steam generator, it can be dirt in the steam generator were removed, in the use of pressure of not more than 0.1MPa sewage.
Main function of steam generator control panel:
1, switch button: when the steam generator in the event of an emergency, press this button, all the operation of steam generator will be stopped; when the need to re start, simply press a button, the steam generator can resume operation.
2, operation switch: refers to the electric heating system to stop heating and restore the heating switch.
3, subsection switch: high and low heat is divided into two sections. Size file heating. This switch allows the user to determine the heating power as needed.
4, the buzzer buzzer short Ming said: low steam generator water level; Bell said abnormal water level

Product Performance
