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Product Category

Product Details

Automatic 12 KW electric steam generator for 2 minutes

Price 3659
Yield 1000/年
Place of Production 河南郑州
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

型号 LDR12-0.4/0.7 品牌 冠中热能
集团热线 13592649186

Product Description

The supply of automatic electric steam generator of 12 kW 2 minutes of steam electric heating steam generator is a key plug-in small packaged steam boiler, customers only need to access the 380V electricity industry, a key button can be used safely; automatic operating system, automatic water supply, automatic water supply, automatic pressure to power, without manual operation; electric steam generator is widely used, can be used for bathing, heating, steam heating, thermal insulation building materials community bridge, clothes drying and steaming buns, steamed Steamed Buns, economic benefits. Fields of application:
Washing and ironing industry: dry cleaning machine, drying machine, washing machine, dryer, ironing machine, ironing, and other equipment supporting the use of
Packaging machinery industry: labeling machine, labeling machine supporting the use of
Bio chemical industry: fermentation tank, reaction kettle, sandwich pot, mixer, emulsifying machine and other equipment supporting the use of
Food machinery industry: tofu machine, steam box, sterilization tank, packaging machine, coating equipment, sealing machine, and other equipment supporting the use of
Other industries: (oil, car), steam cleaning industry (hotels, hostels, schools, mixing station), water supply (bridge and railway) concrete curing, sauna bath, heat exchange equipment

Product Performance


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