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Product Details

QBYF all lined fluorine pneumatic diaphragm

Price 0
Yield 300/年
Place of Production 浙江
Product Category 制药类(反应器、混合槽、贮罐、缓冲罐等)
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

规格 QBYF-25

Product Description

Overview of QBYF all lined fluorine pneumatic diaphragm pump:
QBYF all fluorine pneumatic diaphragm pump fluorine plastic pneumatic diaphragm pump and the metal diaphragm pump cleverly combined together, so that the product has both the corrosion resistance of plastic pumps, with the physical properties of metal pump. Fluorine gas flow components of inner liner with PTFE diaphragm pump, which is suitable for transporting alkali, almost all organic solvents, the shell is made of high quality iron, sturdy and durable.
QBYF - full fluorine pneumatic diaphragm pump type meaning:
For example: QBYF-25
QBY- pneumatic diaphragm pump
F- all lined fluorine F46
25- inlet and outlet diameter (mm)
QBYF all lined fluorine pneumatic diaphragm pump precautions:
1, to ensure that the fluid contained in the largest particle does not exceed the maximum safety of the diaphragm through the particle diameter standards.
2, the inlet pressure does not exceed the maximum allowable pump pressure, higher than the rated pressure of compressed air may cause personal injury and property loss and damage to the pump performance.
3, to ensure that the pressure of the pipeline system can withstand the highest output pressure, to ensure the clean and normal working conditions.
4, the electrostatic spark may cause explosion caused personal injury and loss of property, according to the need to use a large enough area of the wire, the ground screw on the pump properly reliable grounding.
5, grounding requirements in accordance with the requirements of local laws and regulations and the provisions of some special requirements.
6, fastening the pump and the connecting pipe joints, to prevent vibration, impact, rub the production of electrostatic sparks. Antistatic hose.
7, to periodically check and test the reliability of grounding system, grounding resistance of less than 100 ohms.
8, maintain good exhaust and ventilation, away from flammable and explosive and heat source.
9, the diaphragm pump exhaust may contain solids, do not exhaust the mouth to the work area or people, so as not to cause injury.
10, when the diaphragm fails, the material will be discharged from the exhaust muffler.
11. When transporting flammable and toxic fluids, please place the exhaust port to a safe place away from the work area.
12, please use at least 3/8 "inner diameter of the smooth pipe connected to the exhaust port and muffler.
13, the fluid pressure can cause serious casualties and property losses, do not pump pressure when any maintenance work of the pump and tube system, such as the need to do maintenance, the first cut off the pump inlet, pressure piping system pressure relief relief mechanism to open the bypass, the pipe joints slowly release the connection.
14, such as the transmission of harmful toxic fluid, please do not pump directly to the manufacturer to repair. Handle properly according to local laws and regulations.
15, part of the use of liquid delivery Aluminum Alloy material pump, please do not used to transport liquid containing Fe3+ and halogenated hydrocarbons and other halogenated hydrocarbon solvents, the pump will cause corrosion caused by burst.
16, to ensure that all contact parts of the body will not be transported fluid corrosion damage.
17, to ensure that all operators are familiar with the operation of the use and control of the safety of the use of the pump precautions, if necessary, the necessary supplies of supplies.
18, the correct use of the pump, does not allow a long period of air transport.
19, at work where the poor, such as construction sites, industrial wastewater discharge, due to impurities in the water and are complicated, easy to plug the pipeline, so the electric pump on the formation of excessive load, the electrical heating vulnerability, spindle fracture