Zhucheng Zhongnuo Machinery Co.,Lid.

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Enterprise Nature: Personal company
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zhucheng City Weifang City Shandong Province China
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Product Details

Automatic sterilization

Price 40000
Yield 100/年
Place of Production 山东省诸城市
Product Category 能源工程类(煤制油设备、高温预热器、余热回收器、冷凝罐、稳压罐、空气压力罐等)
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

型号 700*1200

Product Description

Automatic sterilization pot, fish sterilization pot manufacturers, each soft packaging sterilization pot life will have a liking for a snack. Specific, I love to eat spicy, spicy chicken, spicy fish, no spicy unhappiness on the shelf, see a variety of fish products, specifically purchase fragrant spicy fish fish everywhere, spicy and delicious to eat fully and delightfully its shelf life is 9 months, can be sold throughout the country, is how to do it? Through the high temperature and high pressure sterilization pot of us, do the fish, a vacuum packaging, packaging through vacuum processing, avoiding the sterilization process of color, taste, meat sterilization pot also can prolong the shelf life of food, easy to normal circulation, storage and sale.
Full automatic sterilization pot, fish pot, soft packaging sterilization pot with pressure gauge and safety valve, beautiful appearance, easy to install, easy to operate, safe and reliable. Scope of application: high temperature sterilization sterilization pot is widely used in meat, eggs, seafood, fresh corn, peanut, wild vegetables, bean products, aquatic products, canned products, packaging bags and food packaging. Wide range of applications, small and medium enterprises can be used, and can meet the production needs.
Automatic sterilization pot, fish sterilization pot manufacturers, packaging sterilization pot high-temperature sterilization pot from the sterilization way divided into three kinds: 1, hot water circulating sterilization: sterilization pot of food were all soaked in hot water, the thermal distribution of this relatively uniform 2 steam sterilization: food into the pot after the first water is not. But directly into the steam sterilization pot, because during the sterilization pot there will appear cold air, so this is not the most uniform heat distribution. 3 water spray sterilization: this approach is the use of spray nozzle or tube hot water to the food, sterilization pot sterilization process is through the nozzle is arranged on both sides of the sterilization pot or top, spray out the wave of hot water to the surface of the food mist, so not only the uniform temperature sterilization pot and dead, heating and cooling speed rapid, comprehensive, rapid and stable sterilization of the product, especially suitable for sterilization of soft packaged food.
Jia Nannan 15753696358 QQ:15753696358
