Hengshui embellish abundant gas equipment co., LTD

Member Level: Register Member
Enterprise Nature: Joint stock enterprise
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zaoqiang County hengshui city Hebei Province China
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Product Details

Double channel gas pressure measuring cabinet

Price 150000
Yield 500/年
Place of Production 燃气调压计量
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 15天

Product Detail Parameters

进口压力 0.4MPa

Product Description

Double channel gas pressure measurement cabinet run the exclusive technology
Adjustable pressure test gas can be completed. Oh well enough cash
Gas pressure regulating cabinet composition is more complex, usually for different users. Specifications and sizes are different, you can make the most suitable for your equipment, we have professional technical personnel for your selection, we have sophisticated processing equipment to produce high quality products.
If you need to customize the gas pressure regulating cabinet can provide the Design Institute of the factory is responsible for the manufacture of the manufacturer, can also provide the pipeline gas pressure, boiler or burner gas pressure, gas flow requirements. If it is not piped gas can also be described as compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas, manufacturers can produce different types of pressure regulating equipment. The implementation of safety checks should be posted in advance in residential areas or residential buildings in the significant position of the "safety inspection notice".
The safety inspector shall be equipped with necessary tools and work documents.
Safety inspection work content
User shared pipelines and facilities
The use of combustible gas leak detector or liquid leak check user shared pipeline leaks;
Users of common duct is stable, whether it is appropriate to clamp;
In the common gas pipeline and facilities, whether there are overlapping wire, barbed wire, rope and other attachments or altered, cover warning signs and other acts;
The existence of decoration, decoration and other activities occupy public space, common gas pipeline Quanzhan, pipeline maintenance inconvenience caused;
The existence of decoration, decoration and other activities occupy public space, occupy the common gas pipeline valves and other facilities, resulting in meter reading, maintenance and repair and rescue channel is not smooth

Product Performance

联系方式:谭正180-0338-3735 可加微信随时报价 0318-8538006 QQ:2894242950
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