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Location: Qingyuan County Baoding City Hebei Province China
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Product Category

Product Details

Toyo ring chain wrench hoist factory

Price 100
Yield 100/年
Place of Production 日本
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters


Product Description

Toyo ring chain wrench, factory hoist price, Japanese chain hoist
Toyo ring chain wrench hoist factory price, the lowest price for the broad masses of customers, good faith management, quality assurance. The Japanese chain hoist is made of 80 grade alloy steel chain. After carburizing, it has many advantages, such as firmness, abrasion resistance, hardness and so on. Toyo chain chain hoist has a wide range of use, simple operation and simple maintenance.
Japanese chain hoist is widely used in shipyard hull assembly welding joint tension power sector high voltage transmission lines, agriculture and forestry, transportation department hoisting vehicle, material strapping, vehicle dragging and factories and other sectors of the equipment installation, calibration, and mining are also very widely used.
Tel: 0312-8492468 13171926988
Hebei Connaught Hoisting Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. General Manager