
Member Level: Register Member
Enterprise Nature: Private
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Qingyuan County Baoding City Hebei Province China
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Product Category

Product Details

Imported French hand gourd batch

Price 100
Yield 1000/年
Place of Production 日本
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

型号 toyo

Product Description

Imported Oriental hand hoist wholesale 1.5 tons, Oriental chain wrench chain hoist
Oriental import hoist for wholesale, imported from Japan, to enter the domestic market for decades has been recognized by all walks of life we have factory direct supply, stock price at the same time, factory direct sales, not only the price you buy the rest assured at the same time. 1.5 ton chain chain hoist, beautiful appearance, small size, easy to use, very suitable for carrying out use. Minimum produces maximum performance. Maximum machine efficiency, with minimal hand power, gives superior performance. Absolute reliability and durability. Imported Thai hoist wholesale manufacturers, cash supply, is a cheap and inexpensive imported hand hoist, with high cost performance, hand light force, stable performance.
Tel: 0312-8492468 13171926988
Hebei Connaught Hoisting Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. General Manager