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Enterprise Nature: Joint stock enterprise
Operation Mode: Material Suppliers
Location: Xishan Shi Wuxi City Jiangsu Province China
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Product Details

430/2B stainless steel coil

Price 10.25
Unit kg
Yield 50000/年
Place of Production 太原
Product Category 钢板类(不锈钢板、碳钢板、双相钢板、复合板等)
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

0.3-3.0*1220-1500*C 1365

Product Description

430 stainless steel is a general steel with good corrosion resistance. The heat conductivity is better than austenite, the coefficient of thermal expansion is smaller than austenite, the heat resistant fatigue is increased, and the element titanium is stabilized. The welding seam has good mechanical properties. 430 stainless steel for building decoration, fuel burner parts, household appliances, household appliances parts. 430F is a kind of steel with easy cutting performance on 430 steel. It is mainly used in automatic lathes, bolts and nuts, etc.. 430LX adds Ti or Nb to steel 430, reduces C content, improves workability and weldability. It is mainly used for hot water tanks, hot water supply systems, sanitary appliances, household durable appliances, bicycles, flywheels, etc..
Because of its chromium content, it is also called 18/0 or 18-0. Compared with 18/8 and 18/10, chromium content is slightly less and hardness decreases correspondingly.
Chinese name 430 stainless steel, another name for 1Cr17 stainless steel, will not cause corrosion, pitting, corrosion or wear. Fuel oil burner part for building decoration

Product Performance

无锡建诚金属制品有限公司座落于风景秀丽、交通发达的江苏省无锡市锡山区。是长期从事不锈钢的批发、销售、加工和配送的专业公司。自成立以来,本着诚信为本、锐意进取、开拓创新的经营宗旨,公司上下全体员工全力以赴,以质量为中心,狠抓服务,注重员工素质的提高。短短的时间,无锡建诚金属制品有限公司在东方不锈钢市场乃至整个无锡不锈钢行业享有较高的声誉,拥有来自全国各地庞大的客户群体,并建立了长期的合作关系。公司主要以经营:200系、300系、400系、2205、 904L等材质为主的各种规格不锈钢板、304不锈钢板、316不锈钢板、321不锈钢板、316L不锈钢板、不锈钢管材、304不锈钢管、316不锈钢管、321不锈钢管、316L不锈钢管、不锈钢棒材、不锈钢卷材,不锈钢丝、同时兼营各类型材非标定做。 公司在迅速发展的同时不断加强,提高管理水平,始终贯彻“高速高效、互助双赢、以客为本、服务为先”的经营理念和服务宗旨。在各界同仁与客户的关心和支持下不断稳步求进,已发展成为一个集不锈钢销售与加工为一体的综合性企业。公司货源充足,库存量大,并可为客户定做特殊材质、规格的不锈钢材料。公司产品主要用于电炉、锅炉、电热设备、化工、纺织、印染、制药、机械设备、压力容器等诸多行业,客户遍布全国各地。相信我们的专长会给您带来更合理的不锈钢价格、更周到的服务。 我们信奉“诚信为本,长期服务”的经营理念。我们将以人为本,科学管理,规范经营,创新营销,加强与各位朋友之间的沟通、合作,满足客户的多方面需求。我们一定会以越来越崭新的面貌,更加进取的精神、诚挚的态度、热忱的服务与四方朋友携手合作,共创美好明天!电话;18706199767,微信;15101677967,qq649699181,联系人;朱长龙