Hengshui embellish abundant gas equipment co., LTD

Member Level: Register Member
Enterprise Nature: Joint stock enterprise
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zaoqiang County hengshui city Hebei Province China
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Product Details

Yunnan Province gas metering and regulating box moistening system

Price 59800
Yield 500/年
Place of Production 燃气计量调压箱
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 20天

Product Detail Parameters

进口压力 0.4MPA 出口压力 2-3KPa
流量 1000立方

Product Description

Yunnan gas measuring and regulating box
In each symbol correlation matrix correlation matrix transpose matrix for gas pipeline network structure graph respectively "(" pipe flow calculation node to calculate flow "," pipe pressure drop calculation calculation of pressure pipe node impedance of air pressure source calculation design standard "pressure calculation of pressure pipeline end of pipe end zero zero" design standard "the pressure of the multiobjective optimization design model in practical engineering design # gas pipeline system often has multiple network structure design scheme of each structure design scheme can choose different pipe # only depends on the direct viewing feeling or experience to optimize the evaluation scheme often exist to determine diameter specification more # diameter larger (discrete values is not conducive to the construction operation and management" the end of the pipe network calculation and maintenance of low working pressure close to the lower limit for the process of design! # pressure regulation room not 'tube The minimum pipe diameter at the end of the network greatly reduces the operational reliability of the ring network under the accident conditions. In this case, a multi-objective optimization design model for the network structure of the gas pipeline network is put forward
Name: dual gas regulator box / parallel gas regulator box / dual gas regulator / parallel gas regulator / boiler dedicated dual gas regulator / box type gas pressure reducing device / gas valve group / gas reduction valve group
technical parameter
Inlet pressure range (upstream gas pressure) P1:0.4-0.015MPa
Outlet pressure range (downstream gas pressure, burner rating pressure) P2:1-100KPa
Flow range: 800-4000m3/h structure form: 2+0 (double circuit). All the way pressure, all the way standby
Inlet side diameter: DN100, outlet side diameter: DN200
Import and export direction: horizontal direction (can be improved according to customer demand, such as: bottom, bottom, outlet)
The function of this gas pressure regulating cabinet
Filtration: filter accuracy: 10 m, equipped with differential pressure meter.
Voltage regulation: voltage regulator accuracy AC5 (national authorities detected)
Safety shut-off: shut-off valve action at excess of 1.5P2,
Safety release: over 1.3P2, release valve opens.
Applicable medium: methane, natural gas, coalbed methane, coal gas and other non corrosive gases.
The gas pressure regulating box is suitable for methane tank decompression, medium-sized gas boiler, burner (4T-20T), resident user and large industrial user combustion system.
Run Feng official website: www.hsrf0318.com
Contact: Tan Zheng, 180-0338-3735, plus WeChat, quote anytime, QQ:289424295

Product Performance

永安坝街道 四十四团 四十九团 五十团 五十一团 五十三团 喀拉拜勒镇五家渠 军垦路街道 青湖路街道 人民路街道 一零一团 一零二团 一零三团古自治呼和浩特: 新城 回民 玉泉 赛罕 土默特左旗 托克托 和林格尔 清水河 武川 包头: 东河 昆都仑 青山 石拐 白云矿 九原 土默特右旗 固阳 达尔罕茂明安联合旗 乌海: 海勃湾 乌达 赤峰: 红山 元宝山 松山 阿鲁科尔沁旗 巴林左旗 巴林右旗 林西 克什克腾旗 翁牛特旗 喀喇沁旗 宁城 敖汉旗 通辽: 科尔沁 科尔沁左翼中旗 科尔沁左翼后旗 开鲁 库伦旗 奈曼旗 扎鲁
特旗 霍林郭勒 鄂尔 多斯: 东胜 达拉特旗 准格尔旗 鄂托克前旗 鄂托克旗 杭锦旗 乌审