Hengshui embellish abundant gas equipment co., LTD

Member Level: Register Member
Enterprise Nature: Joint stock enterprise
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zaoqiang County hengshui city Hebei Province China
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Product Details

Tiedong gas measuring cabinet, Feng Feng model is complete, can be fixed

Price 98000
Yield 500/年
Place of Production 河北衡水润丰
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 20天

Product Detail Parameters

连接方式 法兰

Product Description

Tiedong gas measuring cabinet, Run Feng model is complete, can be customized
One, one, two way pressure adjustment measuring cabinet (pre pressure metering)
(1) the inlet and outlet ball valves of the whole device can be found in the gas pressure regulating cabinet, so that even if there is a more urgent safety accident, it can be closed in the shortest possible time.
(2) Runfeng gas pressure regulating cabinet meet the large enterprise users and industrial boiler gas, standard gas flow pressure regulator shall be within the tolerance range, supply standards: a gas pressure regulating cabinet should be able to meet the daily gas 400 households consumption, if households is more large residents of the community, you can use a combination of a plurality of pressure regulating cabinet.
(3) the use of Runfeng vice principal (with a prepared) the biggest advantage lies in the dual pressure regulating cabinet can be assured of 24 hours by gas, if the main regulator failure, deputy regulator can supply into operation, will not affect the use of users.
"Safety distance Highway Safety Protection Ordinance" and "the Railway Transportation Safety Protection Ordinance" requirements are specified for highway and railway safety guarantee does not affect the occurrence of accidents of dangerous goods production, processing, storage and sale of premises, facilities, dangerous goods refers to the GB l2668 2012 listed in the "list of dangerous goods" and "the catalogue of hazardous chemicals", including gas is flammable gas categories, including toxic and radioactive dangerous goods. The influence range of toxic and radioactive dangerous goods than the diffusion range of gas fire spacing is much larger, "Highway Safety Protection Ordinance" and "the protection of railway transport safety regulations" and no city gas and toxic and radioactive dangerous goods distinction, but provides a unified security distance, which makes the Highway Safety Protection Ordinance "and" "the protection of railway transport safety regulations" provisions of the gas station and highway, railway safety spacing is much larger than the urban gas industry regulation system under the spacing requirements.
Run Feng official website: www.hsrf0318.com
Contact: Tan Zheng, 180-0338-3735, plus WeChat, quote anytime, QQ:289424295

Product Performance
