Hengshui embellish abundant gas equipment co., LTD

Member Level: Register Member
Enterprise Nature: Joint stock enterprise
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zaoqiang County hengshui city Hebei Province China
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Product Details

Liaoyuan 80 gas pressure reducing valve

Price 3000
Yield 500/年
Place of Production 河北衡水润丰
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 5天

Product Detail Parameters

进口压力 0.4MPa 出口压力 2-30KPa
流量 400m³/h

Product Description

Liaoyuan 80 gas pressure reducing valve is provided by Feng Feng factory
Technical piping and equipment connections
Between the process piping and with related equipment by welding or flange connection [2], according to GB L50 - 2011 "pressure vessels", GB50235 2010 "industrial metal pipeline engineering construction standard," GB50184 - 2011 "industrial metal pipeline engineering construction quality acceptance" implementation. No fillet welds shall be allowed when the fittings are directly connected with valves and regulators. The sealing gasket between the flanges is made of PTFE gasket.
5.3 anti-static and insulation
All the connecting pipe flanges in the box body shall be anti-static (even) connected, and the box channel (or I-beam) shall be electrostatically connected with the process pipe, and the bottom of the box body is provided with an anti-static grounding joint. The inlet and outlet pipe of the pressure regulating measuring box is provided with an insulated flange or a joint, and the normal insulation resistance is >10MW.
5.4 weld inspection, pressure test, performance test
Weld inspection requirements: butt welds 100% by ray inspection, no less than the second class is qualified; fillet welds using l00% penetrant inspection, I grade for qualified.
Brief introduction of RTZ-0.4BQ gas regulator
RTZ-0.4BQ gas regulator is a direct acting regulator, which uses a toothed lever structure with built-in overpressure safety shut-off valve. It can be widely used in various medium and low pressure non corrosive gas pressure regulation and voltage regulation. Urban medium pressure pipe network regulation is used by gas boiler below 4T. It is the most common gas regulator in coal to gas project, and its performance of regulating voltage and stability are comparable to imported products.
Main characteristics of RTZ-0.4BQ gas regulator
Stable voltage, high circulation capacity;
With safety cutting device, without additional energy, it can use the pressure of the network itself;
The safety cutting device and the built-in safety release device have the advantages of high action precision, fast response, and no need to be equipped with a safety shut-off valve;
Modular design, simple structure, convenient maintenance, can be maintained online.
Main technical parameters of RTZ-0.4BQ gas regulator
Maximum inlet pressure: 0.6MPa;
Outlet pressure setting range: 1.5-50KPa;
Voltage regulator accuracy: AC5;
Turn off pressure level: SG5;
Cutting accuracy level: AC5;
Operating temperature: -20 degrees Celsius to 60 degrees celsius;
Path size: DN50, DN80;
Connection: flange connection;
Applicable medium: natural gas, gas, liquefied petroleum gas and other non corrosive gases.
Run Feng official website: www.hsrf0318.com
Contact: Tan Zheng, 180-0338-3735, plus WeChat, quote anytime, QQ:289424295

Product Performance

驻马店市 武汉市 黄石市 大冶市 阳新县 十堰市 郧县 竹山县 房县 郧西县 竹溪县 荆州市 洪湖市 石首市 松滋市 利县 公安县 江陵县 宜昌市 宜都市 当阳市 枝江市 秭归县 远安县 兴山县 襄樊市 枣阳市 宜城市 南漳县 谷城县 保康县 鄂州市 荆门市 钟祥市 京山县 沙洋县 孝感市 应城市 安陆市 汉川市 云梦县 大悟县 孝昌县 黄冈市 麻城市 武穴市 红安县 罗田县 浠水县 蕲春县 黄梅县 英山县 团风县 咸宁市 赤壁市 嘉鱼县 通山县 崇阳县 通城县 随州市 广水市 仙桃市 天门市 潜江市 恩施市 利川市 始县 来凤县 巴东县 鹤峰县 宣恩县 咸丰县 丹江口市 老河口市 神农架林区五峰土家族自治