Product Details

30 cubic low temperature liquid nitrogen

Price 260000
Yield 120/年
Place of Production 河北润丰压力容播放器有限公司
Product Category 制药类(反应器、混合槽、贮罐、缓冲罐等)
Delivery Time 60天

Product Detail Parameters

外形尺寸:2860*2680*1108 重量:13530

Product Description

The low-temperature storage tank is a double layer fixed vacuum powder insulated storage tank. The Austrian s30408 type stainless steel liner material, outer liner material for national standard Q345R. The anti-corrosion coating on the surface of sand blasting, blowing, spraying, while using a two-component fast curing liquid coating. Cryogenic liquid storage, which is mainly used for liquid nitrogen gas. 1 cubic meters of liquid can be replaced by 130 gas cylinders. It can replace the gas cylinder to and from the daily transportation, saving a lot of manpower and material resources. Widely used in galvanized, food industry and other large gas users, is the best product to achieve centralized gas supply. With long service life, compact structure, small floor area, centralized control, easy to operate and so on.
