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Product Details

Specializing in the production of shell and tube heat exchanger cooler warranty

Price 1000
Yield 10000/年
Place of Production 江苏泰州
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 7天

Product Detail Parameters

压力 1.0

Product Description

Key points of installation and maintenance of shell and tube heat exchanger
The main points of the installation and maintenance of shell and tube heat exchanger are as follows:
Shell and tube heat exchanger
1.5), shell and tube heat exchanger should be the maximum working pressure of 1 times the pressure test, the steam section should not be less than the steam pressure plus 0.3MPa; hot water should not be less than 0.4MPa. Under the test pressure, keep the 10min pressure drop.
2), shell and tube heat exchanger front-end should have smoke discharging tube space, namely its head on a wall or roof distance not less than the length of the heat exchanger, equipment operation channel width not less than 0.8m.
3, all kinds of valve and instrument installation height should be easy to operate and observe.
4), the upper part of the heater accessories (generally refers to the safety valve) of the highest point to the lowest point of the construction structure of the vertical net distance should meet the requirements of the installation and inspection, and shall not be less than 0.2m