Xianyang tongda light industrial equipment co., LTD

Member Level: Register Member
Enterprise Nature: Joint stock enterprise
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: qindu Xianyang City Shaanxi Province China
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Product Details

Electric cooking

Price 标准设备价格:34000,非标价格另计
Yield 50台/年
Place of Production 咸阳
Product Category 制浆设备类(煮蒸器、预煮器、反应器、贮存罐)
Delivery Time 20天天

Product Detail Parameters

容积:15L 工作压力小于等于0.8Mpa 工作温度小于等于170 加热功率4.5KW

Product Description

TD1-15 type experimental cooker, also known as electric cooking pot. Pulp and paper research and application of small pulp test equipment, suitable for pulp and paper technology and materials development research and production simulation. Container device for rotary motion, so that the raw material and liquid in the container mix soak, temperature and pressure during the operation of the raw materials suitable for cooking, cooking all kinds of fiber raw materials