Disk gear paint pump (custom gear pump)Guangdong Yinghui y-pump disk paint gear pump is widely used in automatic painting equipment and Omega disc electrostatic painting machine. The gear pump continu..
Paint gear pump paint gear pumpYinghui and Dayang paint gear pumps are made of high hardness wear-resistant alloy steel and corrosion-resistant stainless steel; the shaft seal is made of framework typ..
Ying Hui disk pneumatic high-speed atomizer driven by compressed air speeds up to 45000rpm (carrying 160000/min 0.35MPa). An aluminum alloy disc (electrostatic atomizing disc) is installed on the rota..
Y-PUMP gear pump is suitable for the quantitative delivery of chemical liquids such as granular liquid coatings, waterborne lacquers, fluorocarbon lacquers, PU, UV, PE, paint, ink, glue and other chem..
The air heater is suitable for the air source water clearance of the air compressor to ensure the drying of the gas source.Widely used in spraying equipment and electronics industry..
DISK gear paint pump (custom gear pump)Guangdong Ying Hui Y-PUMP DISK paint gear pump is widely used in automatic spray paint equipment and OMEGA disc electrostatic spray paint machine. The gear pump ..
DISK静电雾化盘 旋碟 静电旋碟雾化盘是静电自动喷漆机器主要部件,承担涂料雾化功能,涂层均匀及雾化颗粒大小省油有直接关连。静电雾化盘安装在气动马达转轴上,涂料由泵浦定量输送到盘内壁再经过高速离心旋转往盘的底部小孔甩出形成雾状微小颗;雾状涂料带有负极静电迅速吸附到带正极工件(接地正极);完成静电喷漆涂层作业。 盈晖旋碟雾化盘材质为硬度铝合金,表面处理光亮耐腐蚀,转速可达到30000r/min..
ZQYH100/ZQYH800静电旋杯 盈晖静电旋杯侧面安装在往复机上,旋杯转轴上安装一个旋杯;接通压缩空气驱动马达高速旋转,接上负极输出高压静电,涂料由齿轮泵浦输入旋杯后端,然后经过高速旋转雾化从旋杯口甩出。涂料高速雾化后漆雾上带有负极电压,迅速吸附到工件上完成作业。(工件接地为正极)盈晖静电旋杯传动采用进口高速轴承,喷杯转速通过调节气压输入高低来控制,漆雾喷幅大小是通过成形气来控制。 Z..
静电发生器(水性喷漆通用型) 盈晖机械指针式、数字式水油通用型自动喷漆静电发生器。(高压电源)静电发生器高压电源采用进口电子元件及自动保护设计。高压包电子元件真空固封确保耐压DC 120KV以上,高压输出稳定耐用运行工作280000小时以上。 盈晖YH120kv/YH150kv高压静电发生器具有体积小重量轻,造型美观,操作简单,稳定性好,静电吸附力强,漏电少,产品上漆率高。设备在运行过程..