1、补偿配网中存在的三相不平衡电流,电流不平衡度降低到3%以内。 2、降低配网中的中线电流。 3、补偿系统的容性或感性无功,提高功率因数至0.99. 4、治理系统中的谐波电流。 5、采用WIFI技术的近距离无线监控手持终端,方便地面监控设置。 6、可选配远程GPRS后台监控系统,手机/PC远程监控柱上设备。 7、具有电网相序自适应功能,相线连接可以任意顺序。..
STATCOM-静止无功发生器(又称SVG)的基本原理是将自换相桥式电路通过电抗器直接并联在电网上,适当地调节桥式电路交流侧输出电压的相位和幅值或者直接控制其交流侧电流,就可以使该电路发出满足要求的无功电流,实现动态无功补偿的目的。 XC SVG静止无功发生器(图1) SVG的三种工作模式: XC SVG静止无功发生器(图2) 设计生产标准: GB 191—2000 包装储..
1、四套电机控制参数 标配四套电机控制参数,可应对四种不同工艺要求和功率段的电机,只需提前设置好各组电机的相关参数,切换使用时只需通过DI端子切换,无需在额外调整参数,很好的应对了项目现场变频器备份与替换的问题,提高了工程项目的可靠性。 2、灵活的端口配置 客户可根据需要选配I/O扩展卡,针对不同的工艺要求,灵活的配置数字量和模拟量的功能,为项目设计盒调试提供便利。 3、丰富的扩展应用 ..
1、该款机型适用范围广; 2、支持壁挂式、嵌入式、并列、上下等安装方式; 3、132KG/160KP及以上机型内置直流电抗器; 4、灵活的应用功能扩展,主要包括IO扩展卡、PLC扩展卡; 5、丰富的通信扩展,通过扩展接口可连接CANopen, Profibus、EtherCAT等通信扩展卡; 6、可外引LED操作键盘; 7、全系列均支持共直流母线及直流供电。..
CMC-HX soft starter, a new type of intelligent asynchronous motor starting and protecting device. It is a set of starting, display, protection, data acquisition in one of the motor terminal control eq..
Shanghai hydraulic machine range:Flash all kinds of aluminum, magnesium alloy die-casting products, cutting and shaping, whole cutting of plastic products;Also applicable to the forming of plastic mat..
Shanghai single hydraulic press briefly described as follows (floor type hydraulic press XTM-107K)Landing hydraulic machine _XTM107K using solid open type structure of welding finishing, C and bow, ha..
Below is the introduction of our company's Servo PressWorking principle of Shanghai precision servo pressThe servo press, its working principle is driven by a servo motor and high precision ball screw..
Shanghai pneumatic press, Shanghai power presses, pneumatic machine, pneumatic machine sales (including safety grating)(we have offices in Kunshan, Shanghai, you are welcome to consult your telephone,..
Small air pressure machine, Shanghai pressure machine, pneumatic press, Shanghai power presses(we have offices in Kunshan, Shanghai, you are welcome to consult your telephone, there are dozens of samp..