Green development of black coke, key to high quality development of coking industry

On November 28, the third member (director) meeting of the seventh session of China Coking Industry Association was held in Jingdezhen. The meeting believed that under the overall stable and steady development trend of the national economy, the coking industry firmly promoted the supply side structural reform, and entered into high-quality supply, high-quality demand, high-quality configuration, high-quality input-output and high-quality income distribution And high-quality economic cycle development critical period.
At the meeting, Cui Pijiang, President of China Coking Industry Association, introduced that since this year, the coking industry has been operating stably on the whole, and the growth of steel demand has driven the growth of coke output. From January to September, the national coke output was 354.356 million tons, up 6.25% year on year.
Cui Pijiang pointed out that due to the strong correlation between the coking industry and the steel industry, the normal fluctuation of market operation, the large decline of coke price, and the high output did not bring high profits. Since September, the price of coke has dropped by 300 yuan / ton on a month on month basis, 560 yuan / ton on a year-on-year basis. At present, about 60% of coking enterprises are on the edge of loss.
For the future development, Cui Pijiang believes that with the acceleration of upgrading of coke oven technology and equipment, new breakthroughs have been made in the extension of coking by-product industry chain, and the gradual maturity of some new technologies and processes have brought firm confidence to the transformation and upgrading of the industry.
Liu Bing of MCC jiaonai Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. pointed out that the transformation and upgrading of coking industry and high-quality development direction should be Park oriented, large-scale, green and high-end. He believes that design optimization in industry upgrading is the key. Comprehensive design optimization is a multi-dimensional, life cycle oriented choice of the best cost performance. At the same time, the application of the new generation coking technology and the green and intelligent coking plant that fully meets the requirements of safety, environmental protection and energy saving will change people's traditional cognition of the industry.
Meng Qingbo of Anshan Thermal Energy Research Institute of Sinosteel said that coking enterprises should select appropriate technology and build a reasonable industrial chain according to national development strategy and industrial technology progress direction, as well as their own actual situation. In order to achieve high-efficiency measures such as technological progress, optimization of combination, transformation and upgrading at all nodes of the whole industrial chain, we need to shift from traditional coal coking to providing modern coal chemical industry with & ldquo; high-quality carbon sources & rdquo;, low-cost & ldquo; hydrogen sources & rdquo;, various & ldquo; oil sources & rdquo;, and & ldquo; new carbon based materials & rdquo;, so as to realize green development of black coke and low-carbon development of high-carbon resources.
The reporter learned at the meeting that China's coking industry, which has a history of more than 100 years, has made remarkable achievements, but some industry problems still exist, mainly reflected in the following aspects: low industrial concentration, immature market system, weak sustainable profitability and high debt ratio of most enterprises, and low innovation power and effectiveness of technology, management and business model of enterprises Therefore, the cultivation and construction of the talent team and the improvement of the comprehensive quality of the whole staff need to be strengthened urgently. There is a large gap in the coverage of lean, information and intelligent management modes of the enterprise, and the task of stable and up to standard safety and environmental protection is still urgent and arduous.
Faced with the existing problems in the coking industry, Cui Pijiang called on the industry and enterprises to make more arduous efforts to improve. He pointed out that the whole industry should adhere to the new development concept and high-quality development confidence; adhere to reform and innovation as the driving force to promote industry innovation driven development; adhere to science and technology, management and talent as the support; realize the industry's low-carbon and green development, adhere to refined management as the breakthrough, and strengthen the basic management; adhere to a solid and effective service style, and fulfill their responsibilities for the industry's happy understanding and development Grasp the right direction of high-quality development of the whole industry, always adhere to the concept of reform and innovation, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the industry.
The conference was hosted by China Coking Industry Association and coking chemistry branch of China metal society, and attracted nearly 300 participants from coking associations, enterprises and third-party service providers in various provinces and cities.