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A new round of central “ environmental storm ” about to begin in April and then check the 15 provinces
February 15, 2017 -3 month 15 days, the Central Environmental Protection Inspectorate in conjunction with the Beijing City, Tianjin City, Shijiazhuang, Langfang, Baoding, Tangshan, Handan, Xingtai, Cangzhou, Hengshui City, Hebei Province, Taiyuan, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, Shandong Province, Ji'nan, Dezhou City, Henan province Zhengzhou 6, Hebi, Jiaozuo, Anyang city (city) in the first quarter of 2017, the annual air quality special inspection. The Ministry of environmental protection led by the Ministry of Chen Jining and 3 deputy ministers led by the Joint Provincial (city) composed of 18 inspection teams, and divided into 54 groups to carry out supervision work, involving more than 260 supervisors.
The coal rich province of &ldquo &rdquo again; closed; prohibit Sinotrans.
Guizhou, in the provinces south of the Yangtze River coal reserves and production ranks first, known as “ &rdquo called the southern sea of coal. Recently, &ldquo &rdquo of the southern sea of coal;; coal-fired power plant in an emergency, the market news, Guizhou province in late March 16th 12 after &rdquo, “ closed; prohibit coal out of the province, the customs of greater intensity, is to increase the ban on coal (between coal and gangue in the coal exit). At the same time, the specific end time undetermined.
The domestic offshore oil service overlord of the huge loss of 11 billion 400 million last year the latest share price lower than the starting price of ten years ago
The domestic offshore oil service overlord China Oilfield Services Limited by Share Ltd (601808.SH, 02883.HK, hereinafter referred to as COSL) 2016 surrender transcripts “ ” staggering. In 2016, net profit of COSL and operating income attributable to shareholders of listed companies were 15 billion 152 million yuan, -114.56 billion yuan, compared to the same period in 2015 were down 35.9%, 11.67 times. This is the worst performance of the company in 10 years. It is worth mentioning that the amount of 11 billion 456 million yuan loss has now exceeded the total market capitalization of A shares of Listed Companies in 65%.
Beijing Tianjin Hebei Industrial heating season or will peak production
In February 22nd the Ministry of environmental protection held in “ the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution will meet the media ”, Vice Minister of environmental protection Zhao Yingmin said, according to the "Beijing Tianjin Hebei is working on 2017 and the surrounding areas of air pollution prevention and control work plan (Draft)", will take six measures to strengthen governance haze. Including the increase to resolve the excess production capacity of the winter heating, comprehensively promote clean, strengthen the comprehensive management of pollution prevention and control of industrial air and heating season staggering production of industrial enterprises.
Information Review

Oil version Tucao conference: experts will be heard tears, layman will listen to silence
I married before the blind date N times, basically did not talk a few words on the blow. Why, when people listen to my wages, I said that I do not believe that the outside world are crazy, you are in the oil annual salary of one million, but also with me around the winding. It was not until I met my wife that I believed. Why? Because she is also in the oil, working for 10 years, the income of some hotel waiter also lost.
Simple “ ” not in conformity with China's national conditions
First, respect for national conditions. We have to see, “ lack of oil and gas rich coal natural resources endowment is ” the characteristics of Chinese. In 2016 the total national energy consumption of 43.6 tons of standard coal, the apparent consumption of 5.56 tons of oil (18.1%), natural gas consumption of 204 billion Party (6.2%), and the coal consumption of 39.1 tons (accounting for 62.4%), the average coal consumption accounted for only 29.2%. In addition, China's non fossil energy consumption is only 14.5%, of which the proportion of hydropower up to 73.7%, the proportion of new energy is less than the world average of 1/2. Therefore, from the above indicators, pure “ coal ” simply can not do.
MIIT Minister: don't look at the tinkling se, ranking the world's scientific and technological strength, China will know how far
“ made in China ” not as strong as we thought, western industry, nor recession to rely on china. Our manufacturing sector has not yet upgraded, and manufacturers have begun to evacuate. In the transition to the service industry and the slogan, the Ministry of industry and information technology minister Miao Wei himself, say the truth. Miao Wei pointed out that the comprehensive interpretation of "Chinese manufacturing 2025" Twelve CPPCC National Committee session of the thirteenth meeting of the Standing Committee of the global manufacturing industry, in the four echelon, Chinese is in the third echelon, but this pattern in a short period of time is difficult to have a fundamental change. At least 30 years to become a manufacturing powerhouse.
Enterprise dynamic

Saudi Aramco plans to market valuation of $2 trillion
Xinhua News Agency reported that Saudi Aramco has been informed by JP Morgan Chase Bank, the Bank of China and the Bank of England Stanley HSBC,, selected their initial public offering underwriters. Saudi Aramco plans to sell about 5% of the shares, the company valued at $2 trillion. The average daily production of more than 10 million barrels of oil, its control of oil reserves equivalent to about 15% of the global total.
4 million tons of coal oil to blame?! Both off for " " seven coal enterprises
The 22 day, the number of copies inscribed to “ God Huaning Coal Group Marketing Company ” written reminder “ ” Shuabing in the coal industry circle. These questions for “ &rdquo reminder; the tip is not warm, but the strong response of 7 large thermal power enterprises in Ningxia greatly reduce the requirements of coal contract prices demands: No, not a drop, or from April 1st onwards will be off for.
Since the beginning of the opening of the Daqing oilfield 400 million cubic meters of natural gas
Daqing oil field this year, the production of more than 4.4 cubic meters of natural gas, more than 90% of the output for exportTo meet the market demand. It is understood that since the beginning of winter, because natural gas demand continues to increase, the Daqing gas company first operation area has increased the yield, output reached a record high of 1 million cubic meters, total branch output more than 6 million cubic meters. They are based on the North gas field geological characteristics and production rules, to implement global row based, supplemented by the discharging and drainage measures to further stabilize the output of single well, to enhance the ability to protect the natural gas production and transmission, to ensure production safety, smooth transportation in spring.
Sinopec Chevron $900 million acquisition of assets in South Africa and Botswana
China Petrochemical Corp (hereinafter referred to as &ldquo ” Sinopec; China Petroleum Chemical Co and Chevron) announced in March 22nd, global energy company (“ Chevron ”) a sale and purchase agreement, Chevron acquired a 75% stake in the South Africa Company (the remaining 25% equity based on local laws held by the local trust and fund company) and related rights and interests as well as the Chevron Botswana company 100% stake the total turnover of approximately $900 million.
Project Follow Up

Inner Mongolia, a total investment of 17 billion 500 million yuan coal chemical industry project resumed
The project by the state energy group to invest in the construction of new shares, located in Baotou, the right of the new Industrial Park Industrial Zone, an area of 1700 acres. Supporting the construction of national polyglycolic acid resin ctmeg project, combined with the energy of modern coal chemical equipment manufacturing base, combined with energy 720 thousand tons of liquefied natural gas project, the coal to aromatics project, 50 thousand tons of coal base (PGA) comprehensive utilization of water resources project, 2.5MW, using waste heat power generation project project, natural gas pipeline project. As of 2016, coal glycol, coal chemical equipment manufacturing base, 720 thousand tons of liquefied natural gas and other projects have been completed to invest $3 in 4 billion 590 million.
Total investment of 9 billion 300 million yuan! China and Russia 6 million tons of oil complex project opened during the year
Created by Sirius group and the Russian enterprises invested 9 billion 300 million yuan, plans to put into operation in 2019, the annual 4 million 850 thousand tons of oil from Russia into Heihe funded Sirius group through the new pipeline formed Menglan Galaxy energy Limited by Share Ltd and the Russian Ross international oil company jointly funded, with an annual output of 6 million in the Russian border in the construction of the Amur Heihe border &mdash tons of oil storage and transportation and refining; complex project will start construction this year. The total investment of the project is RMB 9 billion 300 million yuan, which is a combination of oil refining and chemical industry, cross-border storage and pipeline transportation. It is expected to be used by the end of 2019. By then, there will be 4 million 850 thousand tons of oil per year thus conveying China, China has become a new energy vessels.
China Shanghai Petrochemical intends to build 5 billion million tons of PX project
Sinopec of Shanghai petroleum chemical industry published results last year, net profit rose 82.3% to 5 billion 968 million yuan, basic earnings per share of 0.553 yuan, the dividend per share of 25 points. The rise in profitability was mainly due to the decline in international crude oil prices throughout the year, but the price of oil and chemical products in the lower reaches of the lower margin, the gross profit margin increased. For oil prices this year, chairman and general manager Wang Zhiqing estimated that this year's oil prices will be slightly higher than last year, about 55 to $60 a barrel.
Market trend

The market price of crude oil and acrylic acid are frequent under the background of the downward trend will fall
In March the domestic market decline significantly, at the beginning of the month by 10600 yuan / ton to 7550 yuan / ton, price 3050 yuan / ton, the decline in the intensity of the larger. Domestic enterprises on behalf of Qilu Kaitai Wanhua chemical, CNOOC, Huizhou Petrochemical BASF have different degrees of decline. According to the following figure, the current acrylic acrylic with the upper reaches of the market appears, acrylic downward appear, while the raw material propylene rose.
Expert judgment: spring fertilizer market is expected to pick up
&ldquo as fertilizer products; big brother ” nitrogen fertilizer plays an important role in agricultural production. In the just past 2016, the “ big brother ” but under a pressure of walking. Spring is hot, the fertilizer market can out of the dilemma, embarked on a broad road? This has become the focus of the industry. The day before, sponsored by the Chinese nitrogenous fertilizer industry association of &ldquo &rdquo in the spring of 2017; analysis of fertilizer market situation; held in Beijing, industry insiders have suggested the common market for spring n consultation pulse.
Process equipment network release, please indicate the source.

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