It's no use complaining about how far away you are from the most comfortable position

Me do not want to dry, not dry master;
Earn money selling cabbage, bear sell white surprised;
Marathon Road, night owl class;
Into the factory like a small tiger, retired like a classic car.

This is a small series to see the most interesting on the chemical evaluation, but it is not the most accurate.
Chemical workers often complain about their work, such as:

If your option is the former, then as a chemical, whether you really into this industry?
Do you have a detailed plan for your career path and pay for it?
Xiao Bian would like to say to the chemical industry: complain useless, please upgrade

If you are a front line operator, heavy work, noisy environment, so that your physical and mental fatigue.
Does the teacher teach you to record and review regularly?
Are you aware of the operating principles and maintenance knowledge of each set of equipment in the workshop?
Do you think there is no need for workers to study Aspen and CAD?
You said the factory is the most comfortable position is not their own, but why can't you come down to enhance education?

If you are a chemical design or technical staff, work for many years but feel the position reached the ceiling.
Would you like to try to be a &ldquo &rdquo: write down all the details of your daily work on the schedule, make a thorough study plan for yourself and set up flag.
Read a news every day: all walks of life
Read three books a week: business, industry or management.
Take a set of chemical companies commonly used software;
Each year to get a certificate of the chemical can test;
Practice English, or even learn a foreign language.
Then you can tell the company leadership: Lao Tzu verbose fat quit!! Then with a skill to the door of the first-class enterprise.
Don't complain about others' success is because they have a good chance.
To be an actor without complaining

Complain the salary is too low, not trying to make you pay envelope thick; instead of complaining about the boss is too harsh, rather than trying to do a good job; instead of complaining about overtime too frequently, as you finish your work within eight hours; instead of complaining that the company did not provide &hellip as development platform, to build their own core competitiveness; …
In fact, there is a better choice in the sound of every plausible complaint, that is, to change the status quo, do not complain about the actors.
Better change yourself

A lot of people in the usual work is often responsible for others, but rarely find their own reasons. In fact, the existence and practice of others must have its rationality. It's better to change yourself than to complain. If you change, everything will change. It's like we can't go beyond the walls, but we can bypass, can also achieve the goal.
Turn complaints into constructive opinions

People who complain about the fact that some of the things have been in the minds of the views or solutions, may not be taken seriously or their own initiative, it can only complain.
I would like to think that the company should be very welcome if I think of my own ideas from the perspective of the company and take the initiative in the way that the leadership can accept it.
At the end of the article, small series for the chemical to send a picture, a look at you from the “ the most comfortable position ” how far!

Process equipment network release, please indicate the source.

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