What's the monthly salary for dry chemical industry? "More than a 30000.
Health experts see one
In the spirit of light, tough physique, or uncle
Then asked, "&ldquo, what's your secret for staying young?" ”
Uncle said: “ insist on doing more than 10 years in the chemical industry,
Do not leave dust for more than 12 hours a day.
Concentrate on getting the job done,
Skilled in servicing equipment while handling unexpected conditions.
By the way, you have to shift or work on the night shift, ”
Health experts: “ your uncle &rdquo how old?;
Grandpa: “ 28”

&ldquo what's your monthly salary for chemical industry?
I looked at the &ldquo on the payroll. 3000.0”
Replied truthfully: more than a 30000 “ ”

If your boyfriend is dry chemical, please rest assured,
He has neither time nor energy to do anything.
Even where life is not, where's the sex life?......
"Why are you so successful?" asked the chemical man Kobe
Kobe: do you know what Losangeles is like at 4 o'clock in the morning?
Chemical man: Yes, I don't sleep at that time. What's up?
Kobe: no... Nothing, … …

It's time to graduate and look for a job,
A lot of friends call Xiao Bian consultation, do not let the children dry chemical?.
As an industry veteran,
I don't think it can be generalized.
We should look at this problem dialectically,
Depending on the specific circumstances of the child, specific problems specific analysis
For example, if it's biological, try not to...
&ldquo: what do you plan to do in the chemical industry, &rdquo?;
". Get your girlfriend ready. "

My friends often ask me how to do the chemical work well?
As a senior practitioner, I am going to say a fair word this time.
In fact, the dry chemical industry is very simple, as long as you have mastered:
Understand security, operation, calculation and software
Meeting, rescue, meeting, experiment, organization and management
Will monitor, process, process, test
Yes, maintenance, cleaning, theory and design
Will be summed up, will brag, will install X, can stay up late
Can get up early, bullied, tolerant, can shift
Understand technology, scientific research, not afraid of dirty, strange smell
Stand keep busy, but you Zhuxian.
Basically, you can be in the chemical industry

Today, I have an appointment with a psychologist.
He particularly understands my present situation,
It turned out that he was a chemical engineer with 9 years of service,
Later, for self-help, embarked on the road of psychological counseling.

I saw a girl call at the junction
Cry and scold: &ldquo, you're a liar, you don't love me at all, ”
And then hear a sentence of tore heart crack lung:
&ldquo, you're with me just to let me teach you Aspen, PDS”
The cafeteria dishwasher deft hands and feet, work conscientiously,
Wash each bowl at least three times.
One question, past laboratory quality inspection
I just graduated and suggested an evolutionary factory,
If you can stick to it for a year,
Then I'm not afraid of anything!

[this is probably the life that the chemical people aspire to.]
A wall

A bed

A refrigerator

Finally, the Internet has been circulating for a long time
Advanced reading books for people in Chemistry
Hope to cherish
Phase one
Principles of Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Chemical Engineering Technology
Chemical safety technology
Second stage
Don't get angry
The Buddhist Sutra
The moral Sutra
On protracted war
Third stage
Prevention and control of heart disease
"Hypertension step-down canon."
"Obsessive self recovery"
Pneumoconiosis prevention and control
Fourth stage

This article is purely ridicule, you chemical people do not mind,
In the chemical industry, although hard,
But I'm proud!