Sauna days, not only high temperature subsidies, as well as..
Into the hot weather, in a complete mess, in recent days the country appeared high temperatures above 35 degrees, really can not imagine how those who work in factories work?

At present, the state of the “ high temperature fake ” holiday conditions have not yet clearly defined whether to put “ high temperature false ” by local and units according to specific circumstances.
But in the "eighth way" management measures to prevent heatstroke in specific provision: during high temperature weather, the employing units shall, in accordance with the following provisions, according to the production characteristics and specific conditions, to take reasonable measures to arrange working time, job rotation, increasing labor high temperature working environment of rest time and reduce labor intensity, reducing the temperature time outdoor work etc.:
I. The employing unit shall adjust the operation time according to the forecast temperature issued by the meteorological observatory under the municipal meteorological administrative department at or above the municipal level, except that the personal and property security and the public interest need urgent treatment.
1, the highest temperature above 40 degrees Celsius, should stop outdoor outdoor operation that day.
2, the daily maximum temperature reached 37 degrees above and below 40 DEG C, the employer arrange workers all day long outdoor work time shall not exceed a total of 6 hours of continuous operation time shall not exceed the provisions of the state, and the highest temperature in the period shall arrange outdoor work within 3 hours.
3, the highest temperature of 35 degrees Celsius and below 37 degrees Celsius, the employer should change the liner, Hugh, etc., to shorten the continuous working hours of workers, and may not arrange outdoor outdoor work, workers work overtime.
Note: when it comes to high temperature work, many people begin with the idea that they are outdoor workers, but in the production line, they are exposed to temperatures several times higher than outdoors. Some of the cooling machine near the temperature even more than outdoor about 10 degrees Celsius, because the working environment is relatively closed, high temperature season, stay in the workshop like a sauna.

How many degrees does high temperature leave?
The so-called "high temperature weather" refers to the city, county meteorological departments responsible for meteorological stations, through local television, radio and other media released to the public the next 24 hours, the maximum temperature above 37 degrees Celsius weather. If the unit adopts air conditioning and other measures to cool down, so that the workplace temperature below 37 degrees Celsius, you can decide whether to put high temperature vacation.

High false standard according to the different temperature, the daily maximum temperature reached 37 degrees above, the unit should be taken according to the working conditions for liner Hugh etc., shorten the time of continuous operation of workers, but not arrange workers to work overtime. When the daily maximum temperature is above 39 degrees Celsius, the working hours of the day shall not exceed 5 hours, and the &mdash will be suspended for 11 hours. 16 hours during the high temperature period. When the maximum temperature reaches above 40 degrees Celsius, you can rest at home and do not go to work.
How many days can you leave the high temperature vacation?
According to the different standards of different companies, the high temperature vacation is usually 3-15 days.
Subsidies instead of high temperatures
For those who do not put the heat false employers should be appropriate subsidies for high temperature fees. High temperature fee is a general term, including two parts, one is high temperature allowance, and the other is summer cool drink fee.

For the high temperature allowance, some areas are issued daily and some are paid on a monthly basis. The Jiangsu is a big province of 200 yuan per month, Shandong province high temperature operation for 200 yuan a month, the same with Jiangsu; non high temperature operation 140 yuan per month. Did you get the money?
What are your doubts about the high temperature allowance?

1, non outdoor work workers may get high temperature charges?
Where no effective measures are taken to lower the temperature to 33 degrees Celsius (not including 33 DEG C), the worker shall pay the high temperature charge to the worker.
2, unit with mung bean soup, cold drinks and other high temperature charge, can you?
No, the enterprise shall continue to do a good job of providing cold drinks and medicines during the summer work, while giving subsidies for the high temperature season in the nature of labor protection. Both workers can claim.
3, labor dispatch staff have high temperature charges?
The "labor contract law" stipulates: the dispatched employees and employers of workers equal pay for equal rights, the employer shall in accordance with the principle of equal pay for equal work, subject to the same remuneration allocation of labor dispatch workers with similar positions in the unit. The obligations of the employing unit shall include &ldquo, and provide benefits related to the job ”.
4, high temperature fees included in the minimum wage?
A: not at all. According to the regulations issued units of shift, night shift, high temperature, low temperature, poisonous and special working environment, under the conditions of the allowance is not included in the calculation of the minimum wage in the project.
5, the night shift, there is no high temperature charges?
According to regulations, the high costs of issuing conditions depends only on the working environment for outdoor work, if the ambient temperature is how much, Never mind and day and night.
6, how the correct Tucao boss does not send high temperature fees?
No slot! The unit fails to pay the high season allowance according to the provisions of the workers may apply to the mediation organizations for mediation, individuals can also go directly to the labor supervision departments to make a complaint; for the unit group phenomenon can call the hotline 12333 to report. Note: the acceptance factors for reporting and complaint include the number of persons involved, Department, indoor / outdoor, indoor temperature, beginning and ending time.
This article source: chemical 707;

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