[Run Feng] gas pressure measurement box components
The gas pressure regulating metering box is a necessary device for pressure adjustment and measurement of coal gas to gas transmission and distribution network. It can be described as residential area, public unit, direct burning equipment, gas boiler, industrial furnace and so on.
1 main structure:
Gas filter, gas regulator, gas meter, safety shut-off valve, safety relief valve, cast steel ball valve (or butterfly valve), main pipe, control pipeline.
2.1 process
According to the characteristics of industrial gas, determine the pressure regulating metering box adopts the first gas metering mode after pressure, pressure when using two voltage (open a standby) and one bypass form measurement using two measurement (a preparation), without bypass form.
The gas enters the pressure regulating metering box, first pass filters to filter the impurities, then cut off the valve into the pressure regulator, the regulator of the gas into the metering pipe, set intelligent flowmeter to measure gas flow, and then output. If the pressure of natural gas after overpressure, the safety valve opens, and if the pressure continues to rise, then cut off the valve action, cut off the gas supply [1]. A bypass line is provided to open the supplemental air supply when the inlet pressure is lowered. The characteristics of the process are that both the pressure regulation and metering are double paths, and they can switch to each other. The utility model can ensure the stable gas supply to the maximum extent, and can accurately measure the flow of the air supply, and is safe and reliable.
2.2 technical parameters
Design pressure: regulator inlet design pressure of 0.8MPa, regulator outlet design pressure of 0.3 MPa. Normal working pressure of regulator: inlet pressure is 0.2 ~ 0.6MPa, outlet pressure is 0.05 ~ 0.15MPa (setting value is 0.10MPa).
Design temperature: the design of the voltage regulation system is -20 to 60 degrees centigrade.
Calculate the flow rate: 1.2 times the maximum hourly flow required by the pipe network.
3 main equipment performance requirements
3.1 filter
Requirements: particle size ≥ 20mm particulate matter can be filtered; filtration efficiency ≥ 98%. Should meet the requirements of natural gas flow and pressure drop. The structure adopts straight through type. The filter assembly shall be resistant to medium corrosion, erosion resistance, and easy to clean. Install pressure gauge before and after the filter. The nominal pressure of the filter is 1.6MPa.
3.2 high pressure device
Requirement: the relative error of the outlet pressure is within ± and less than 5%. Must be self reliant, responsive and responsive in design technical parameters. Can meet the output flow, output pressure requirements. No dyspnea, pressure instability, etc., and installation, on-line maintenance is convenient. The nominal pressure of the regulator is l.6MPa.
3.3 shut-off valve
Requirement: when the outlet pressure is 0.1MPa, the overpressure cut-off pressure is 0.14MPa; the operation accuracy is ≤ ± 5%; the reaction time is ≤ 1s. Only rely on natural gas to drive and control, with overpressure cutting function, can be integrated with the voltage regulator, can also be configured separately, and requires action sensitive, reliable, timely cutting. When the valve is operated, the automatic cutting device in other running or standby conditions can not be influenced; the opening after the device is cut must be manually opened. The nominal pressure of the cut-off valve is 1.6MPa.
3.4 safety valve
Requirement: when the outlet pressure is 0.1MPa, the discharge pressure is 0.13MPa. Should meet the emission requirements when overpressure, pressure after the pressure rises to a certain value, the valve should be opened automatically in the diffusion process when the pressure drops to a certain value, the valve can be reset closed, and ensure tight closure without leakage, sensitive and reliable action. Should meet the requirements of online testing. The nominal pressure of the safety valve is l.6MPa.

Contact: Tan Zheng, 180-0338-3735, plus WeChat, quote anytime, QQ:2894242950


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