The iron rice bowl is gone! The oil company announced the completion of reform before the end of November

For nearly 3 years, China oil comprehensively deepen reform pressed “ fast forward button: ” has organized nearly 20 reform leading group meeting, held a party meeting, study considered 53 major reform issues, the arrangements for the deployment of more than 150 reform tasks. Finally in the recently announced corporate restructuring will be completed before the end of November.
In August 11th, the oil business restructuring work held video company, the meeting clearly in the oil and an enterprise owned by the whole people before the end of November 2017 to complete corporate restructuring work.
At the meeting, the oil reform and enterprise management department announced the "notice" on matters related to restructuring work of Group Corporation, the interpretation of the relevant policies, a clear division of responsibilities, procedures and time schedule, the group company and its subordinate enterprises owned by the whole people before the end of November 2017 to complete corporate restructuring work.

In July this year, the State Council issued a notice, in accordance with relevant documents, requiring state-owned enterprises to basically complete the restructuring of state-owned enterprises by the end of 2017.

Changing from the ownership of the whole people into the corporate system is not just a “ a brand ” a change. Corporate restructuring in the form of enterprise organization will be in accordance with the enterprise owned industrial enterprises owned by the whole people of the national registration change according to company registered limited liability company or Limited by Share Ltd.
PetroChina was originally a veteran state-owned enterprise, and these years have gradually established a market-oriented operating mechanism. In recent years, PetroChina has completed the restructuring of most of its subsidiaries by compressing corporate entities, especially PetroChina, PetroChina and petrochina. But at the end of November, the company will reform from top to bottom round end.

In the capital market, PetroChina has frequently acted on the divestiture of non-performing assets and the injection of high-quality assets into its listed companies.
2016, PetroChina has sold Nanjing Kunlun Gas Co., Ltd., Zhuzhou Kunlun Gas Co., Ltd., Yueyang natural gas company 51% stake. The above three companies in 2015 performance losses, the total loss of more than 8 million yuan.
Entered in 2017, the pace of China's oil slimming fitness has not stopped. At the beginning of the year, CNPC transferred the Beijing Central Asia Times Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu special technology development Co., Ltd. and Chengdu Tian Ke petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Co., ltd.. Relevant information shows that the above three companies are more common profitability.
While stripping assets at the same time, PetroChina's asset sector also accelerated the pace of listing. PetroChina capital and PetroChina project re listed on February 2017. CNPC's financial sector has finally come to the market as a whole, forming the three largest listing platform for PetroChina, CNPC and petrochina. China's oil industry restructuring began to take shape, and major breakthroughs were made in the reform of mixed ownership.
In addition, oil and gas reform has become a key issue. In May this year, the oil and gas reform program was announced. In order to gradually promote the separation of plant network, network sale, transmission and distribution, storage and transportation, gradually form the exploration and mining system with large state-owned oil and gas companies as the dominant and a variety of economic components to participate in.
PetroChina has established 5 major regional natural gas sales companies in the north, East, West and southwest. This means that the oil and gas pipeline and sales business officially separated. It is worth noting that, oil and gas reform program mentioned, will step by step to promote state-owned large oil and gas enterprises trunk pipeline independent, to achieve the "pipe" and "sales" separately.
At the same time, the oil introduction of private capital, change the marketing mode, last year, PetroChina Alibaba in hand, the two sides in the Internet, electronic payment, Internet banking, membership card sharing, integral exchange, joint marketing and other areas to carry out a number of cooperation.
The innovations and reforms of this series of institutional mechanisms have greatly enhanced the vitality and stamina of enterprises.

By the end of November, PetroChina “ blood transfusion ” is to completely end, oil is almost to the existing mechanism. “ thin and healthy ” after the oil, is likely to be “ the old city &rdquo, let us wait and see.
No matter what you do, Xiao Bian feels that the meaning of this picture is the key.

This article source: chemical 707;

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