Environmental Protection Minister Li Ganjie: "one size fits all" is firmly opposed, and generally does not exist
The nineteen news centers held a press conference, invited Yang Weimin, deputy director of the office of the central finance and economics leading group, and Secretary of the Party committee of the Ministry of environmental protection, Minister Li Ganjie, to introduce the concept of green development, to build beautiful China, and to answer the reporters' questions. Minister Li Ganjie said: "“ one size fits all &rdquo"; resolutely opposed, and in general, does not exist.
The Minister of environmental protection answered reporters' questions

CCTV reporter:

CCTV reporter: (source: Xinhua)
I would like to ask a question about the ecological civilization system reform, I would like to ask the two ministers, with the fourth batch of the central environmental supervision team completed, more than two years, the central environmental inspection team completed the 31 provinces and municipalities full coverage, accountability of tens of thousands of people.
I would like to ask the two ministers how to evaluate the effect of this big inspector In this process, we also see some worry, someone will say inspectors group go back to pollution, taoshengyijiu, “ ” or there are “ you come to me to stop, you go I continue to produce ” problems, how to avoid this problem? How to form a long-term and effective deterrent in the mechanism of supervision? What kind of specific deployment will there be in the future? Thank you
Li Ganjie:
Let me answer your question. The central environmental supervision is a major reform measure of the ecological civilization system and mechanism promoted by general secretary Xi Jinping in the eighteen years.
The inspector started the pilot project from Hebei at the end of 2015, and reached the full coverage of the 31 provinces and municipalities before the nineteen big. The two years of central environmental inspectors should say that the effect is very good, and has been unanimously recognized and affirmed in all aspects.
Some people summed up, with four words, the central environmental supervision is reached such a realm and effect, called the people point praise, central affirmation, local support, solve the problem. Personally, I think this evaluation is just right. There is no doubt that the results are very significant, which can be said to be embodied in four aspects.
First, it has greatly improved the consciousness of ecological environment protection and promoting green development in all aspects. The general secretary summed up in the nineteen report, since the eighteen, the party and the whole country to implement the concept of green development initiative and significantly enhanced, ignoring the situation of ecological environment protection has changed significantly. I think the central environmental inspectors play a big role in this.
The two is to solve a large number of outstanding environmental problems around the masses. We are in the four installment of the central environmental inspectors in the process, has accepted the masses report 135 thousand, one of which is repeated, after the merger, we assigned to local 104 thousand, so far 102 thousand have been gone through, which we sort out what about 80 thousand involves the garbage, smoke, odor, noise, pollution and sewage enterprises scattered, smelly water problems have been a better solution, so do inspectors action get the majority of people sincerely welcome and support.
Three, the central environmental supervision has promoted the transformation and upgrading of the local industrial structure. Many places in the central environmental protection inspector as a very good opportunity and motivation to promote green development, promote the supply side structural reform, to take this opportunity to strengthen the prevention and control of polluting enterprises, the internalization of environmental costs, so that law-abiding enterprises have a more fair competitive environment, especially those scattered, chaotic, pollution remediation enterprises, better solve some where the prominent presence of “ bad money drives out good ” problems, greatly enhance the scale and efficiency of the industry development.
The four is to effectively promote the local environmental protection, ecological civilization mechanism of sound and perfect. Many places regard the central environmental supervision as a good opportunity, carefully comb and analyze problems, and speed up the establishment and improvement of relevant laws and regulations. We roughly counted three hundred or four hundred items. The establishment and perfection of these systems have played a very important role in promoting the construction of ecological civilization and green development. As far as the results are concerned, I think these four aspects are very prominent.
We also summed up the central environmental protection inspector has so good results, there are six main characteristics: one is to adhere to the people-centered development thought, the people do when things in mind, in their hands; the two is to firmly establish the consciousness of &rdquo “ four;, speak unequivocally politics; three is on the Party committee and government, implement the party with responsibility for “ ” “ ” a pair of; four is to insist on problem oriented, ran to five; is full of information disclosure, effectively play the role of social supervision, basically we have received, received a report, a all to the public; six is a serious strict responsibility accountability.
These six characteristics are very clear, but also the successful experience of the central environmental supervision. These six characteristics and six successful experiences are in line with the national conditions of our country, fully conform to the characteristics of the system, but also fully conform to the laws of the development of things. It is because of this, we in the follow-up of the central environmental supervision process, will continue to insist on it, not only in the central environmental supervision, but also to refer to other environmental protection work.
The achievements and experience accumulated by the central environmental inspectors have fully reflected and confirmed that since the eighteen years, our party and the country have made great achievements, and profound and historic changes have taken place.
You mentioned that the central environmental protection inspector of this round of good, follow-up will continue to engage in it, some enterprises pollution problem will I think because the effectiveness of a stirring among the dry bones, our previous two years so good, so popular, and the middle and create and accumulate such good practices and experience, there will be no doubt. Later we will stick to it. As a matter of fact, after the end of this round, as the environmental protection department leading the work, we are following the following aspects:
First, make a full summary of the first four rounds of the first round. Sorting out problems, summing up experience, enteringStep by step improve the relevant mechanisms and supporting measures to prepare for the second round of follow-up. Two is to promote the formulation of the relevant laws and regulations of the central environmental supervision. That is to promote the effective mechanism of this work to make it into the legal, standardized track, let it develop for a long time, adhere to it.
Three focus areas, key industries, key issues for the organization to carry out mobile, pinpoint special inspectors, this is planning, probably by the end of this year, early next year will be the introduction of relevant measures, carry out the relevant special action.
Four is to actively guide and supervise the local establishment of the provincial environmental protection supervision system, the state governor, the lieutenant governor of province city county. The system mechanism has been basically perfect state governor, lieutenant governor and the reform of the system of environmental protection is the vertical management below the provincial level to promote, now we are speeding up the local guidance and supervision to set up this system, the future of national and provincial level two linkage, will make this a mechanism to play a better role. Media supervision is also welcome. I'll answer that, thank you.
Wall Street Journal reporter:

Wall Street Daily reporter (source: Xinhua)
The two ministers want to ask about, improve the ecological environment and to maintain steady economic growth in the target, will have some contradictions between these two goals? How the government is considering the contradiction between the two goals? We noticed for environmental reasons, there are some factory closed, now discontinued, we would like to ask for environmental reasons related factory production will increase the unemployment rate will not cause? Thank you.
Li Ganjie:
Let me answer this question first. At the press conference the day before yesterday, I noticed a reporter from the media raised a similar question to Zhang Yong, director of the NDRC. Will environmental protection affect GDP and affect development?
I think the director Zhang Yong answers very well. You have to say that there are no local or microscopic influences on the enterprise, and that's impossible. But in the long run, from a macro point of view, from the overall point of view, there is no impact. Strengthening environmental protection, promoting green development, strengthening the construction of ecological civilization and economic development are positive correlation.
General secretary Xi Jinping said, including, once again stressed again in the reiterated nineteen report, must establish and practice the beautiful scenery is jinshanyinshan concept, general secretary also said that the protection of the ecological environment is to protect productivity, improve the ecological environment is the development of productive forces. I think this is based on the profound rational analysis and sufficient, numerous successful practice case based on the scientific judgment, many successful cases abroad, we also have domestic, because the time is limited, I do not enumerate here, it does not expand.
Since the eighteen big, especially in the past two years, we have carried out the central environmental supervision, or is currently in some key areas of environmental law enforcement special action, or environmental protection does not affect economic development. As you can see, the economic development momentum of our country is very good in the past two years. All the indexes, including GDP, finance and foreign trade, are very gratifying.
In the process of central environmental inspectors, we also closely tracked the economic data of these areas, and we found that the provinces of the central environmental supervision, its economic indicators without any impact, in a sense better than in the past.
There are also some employment issues you mentioned, and you may know that the unemployment rate in major cities of our country has dropped to the lowest level in recent years. If we strengthen the environmental protection over the years, we don't think there will be such a figure.
And we also want to report to you that in the process of promoting environmental protection and environmental protection, we emphasize that we should not only fight, but also fight for a protracted war. The accumulation of the problem is not two days a day, and it is not overnight to solve it. Therefore, in the concrete implementation process, we still pay attention to the strategy and the method. On the one hand, for some illegal, polluting enterprises zero tolerance, according to the law seriously dealt with; but on the other hand, according to the principle of classification guidance, one factory one policy, specific issues specific analysis.
Some time ago, some media reported that we engage in across the board “ ”, I want to say is, the so-called indiscriminately, regardless of the quality of “ across the board ” we resolutely oppose, is not generally exist, even if the individual place, I have the first time corrected. Even for those illegal enterprises, but also according to the situation, to rectify the time given rectification, not a stick to kill. Only those that really do not exist value, but also serious pollution of the environment, there is no hope of remediation, and finally shut down closed.
It is because of such a strategy and method that I feel that our whole work has been supported by various aspects, including enterprise support, and local support. It is because of this, environmental protection and economic growth in the past period of time, I think it is mutually beneficial, indeed, environmental protection in strengthening, environmental quality is improving, at the same time, our economic development has not been affected. I'll answer that first. Thank you.
The environmental protection department said "&ldquo"; "no &rdquo";

(CCTV analysis of environmental supervision and other related issues)
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Source: Xinhua, CCTV news, China Tang