I love chemicals, but if my kids do chemicals, they kill them directly
Editor: do you love the chemical industry?
Interviewee: love! Super love!
Tracy: that you want your children to engage in chemical industry, father and son?
Interviewee: he dares! I killed him!
Although I love, but can not let my children into the fire! This is basically the status quo of the chemical industry, most chemical practitioners are reluctant to do their own children chemical, in the end is why? Xiao Bian, here are some examples:
1 it's almost gone

2 Almighty king is single
The chemical industry is the real king almighty! Adjustment, will offer, will do business, will drive, loading, computer, play money, communicating, reminders, accounts, finance, will be bargain, drink tea, drink, deceptive, bragging, playing cards, can stay up late, can get up early, to understand the political, bullied, understand entertainment, will look at the map...... another point of view, this is a perfect object, even if the girl is “ in the hall, under the kitchen, Dou Deguo mistress, beat the rogue ” but, such is the single most perfect King Almighty dog!!!
If you ask why, I can only say: “ have you seen the sun in the daytime, the moon in the middle of the night, the sunrise and sunset? Chemical people have seen... ” this situation, where there is a hard time to love, relatives should be scheduled, as if he is a big star!
3 daily life of chemical workers
Eat eight dollars meal, hurried to 100 million loan, with thousands of dollars in wages, with millions of orders, sitting on the bus with a piece of money, about a million contract, sleeping dozens of pieces of money hotels, pointing on the billion market.
Chemical industry, we are playing millions of business every day, earn hundreds of dollars of money, business is high-end atmosphere grade, profit is low-key luxury grounding.
Weak Tucao: thin profit with paper, and customers can ask “ cheaper ” quality, carry the price drop, beautiful, customers we can not put people to death in force?

4 small complaining hundred
All walks of life have their own pressure, but the pressure between each industry is really not the same, chemical industry, in addition to the above, there are environmental press, raw materials, soaring costs surged, freight increases the pressure before the customer hard, after chasing KPI, not when a new &rdquo “ “ ” scheme; pressure, light, their children who are willing to do chemical? Some chemical workers want to change careers themselves......
However, more people adhere to the chemical industry, for the family has been silently carrying, hoping that the chemical family, especially chemical children, to their parents more understanding and care, because the chemical is really not easy!
This article source: belated effort chemical, Guangzhou chemical trading center;

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