Will the high pressure environmental protection pass? Don't think about the chemical industry, high pressure environmental protection has become constant
Ecological governance, environmental supervision, energy saving and emission reduction, supply side reform, transformation and upgrading in the future of China's economic development will become inseparable keywords. Living in the chemical industry, will also see more and more small, scattered, chaotic enterprises shut down, this will also become a new normal!
Hubei Zhijiang 3 years shut down the relocation of 14 chemical enterprises
As one of the important chemical industry base and Yichang provincial chemical industry park in 2017, according to shutting down 2 environmental non-compliance of the enterprises, 2 enterprises to relocate the park; in 2018, 4 companies moved 1 kilometers away from the river, 1 companies to relocate the park; in 2019, 2 enterprises, 2 enterprises move to relocate the park, 1 km away from the river Part 1 enterprises, moved 1 kilometers away from the river.
Don't shut down does not mean that the chemical industry, Zhijiang will invest 10 billion yuan to promote the upgrading of Industrial Park construction.
Based on the existing coal phosphorus salt chemical industry base, to build new chemical materials as the main body, with new energy, chemical industry, energy saving and environmental protection industry to support the development of a new pattern of high-end agricultural chemicals, chemical pharmaceutical supplement, build the industrial symbiosis between coupled national TTCE demonstration park.
Yichang to shut down in 2020 120 chemical enterprises
Hubei Xiangxi chemical was founded in 2006, a total investment of 250 million yuan, with an annual output of 200 thousand tons of calcium carbide.

September 17th Hubei Xiangxi chemical plant started dismantling, demolition site map
Chemical industry is an important advantage and pillar industry in Yichang, and it is the first industry with over 100 billion output value. In 2016, the scale chemical enterprises 261, completed the total industrial output value of 190 billion 630 million yuan, accounting for 30.6% of the city's industry, accounting for about 1/3 of the province's petrochemical industry.
The day before, the Yichang municipal government issued "on the upgrading and transformation of the chemical industry special rectification opinions". Before the end of 2017, the central environmental supervision feedback of outstanding chemical problems rectification in place, along the river chemical enterprises shut down more than 20. By 2020, Yichang will shut down more than 120 chemical enterprises.

Demolition pit phosphoric acid production device in September 17th Hubei Sanxin Phosphate Company
61 enterprises shut down in Nanjing
In August 23rd, the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of statistics issued “ Nanjing chemical industry survey report ” according to the modern express reporter understanding, by the end of last year, Nanjing chemical industry total number of 236 enterprises, involving 28 industry small class.
Among them, the organic chemical raw materials manufacturing industry accounted for 80% of the total three. According to reports, in 2017, Nanjing involves shutting down a total of 61 chemical enterprises, currently 5 enterprises have begun shutting down or moving.
12 enterprises closed in Yangzhou
263” since the special action, Yangzhou move really tough action to “ the eyes do not rub the sand ” the firm attitude, forced reduction of “ ” work.
Comments on a monthly issue at the meeting, municipal Party committee and government leaders asked everyone to “ the only problem, the results do not speak; only do not speak, how to speak only; no rectification in place, not going to &rdquo, and make rectification; hesitation, slow, and Township Park the relevant departments by “ position ”, effectively closed, closed, firmly ahead, take the initiative to close the chediguan, close harmony.
Included in the Yangzhou city plans to shut down 12 chemical companies all closed down. In addition, there are 3 listed companies shut down next year ahead of schedule shutting down chemical enterprises. Among them, the enterprises in charge, including Gaoyou auxiliary factory, paid about 10000000 yuan last year.
Zhejiang closed down unabated

Suzhou: the city shut down more than 100 chemical enterprises eliminated
It is understood that, “ 263” special action since the start, the city has shut down chemical enterprises eliminated more than 100, completed the annual task of about 70%.
Chemical enterprises shut down, due to lax supervision, often prone to security incidents. Recently, the Suzhou Municipal Committee, vice mayor Wu Qingwen City Commission by the letter, safety supervision department heads, check the Xiangcheng District part of shutting down chemical enterprises safety production measures implementation.
Suzhou jiuchuang Chemical Co., the original production of chemicals currently has no production of aluminum chloride, aluminum chloride, to storage and business. Inspection team found that the company's site environment is messy, fire extinguishers and other fire equipment has expired. Wu Qingwen reminded the company operators, although the enterprise is no longer produced, the risk has been reduced, but still in accordance with the provisions of fire safety work, including the production.
Suzhou WLT Chemical Packing Co., the original production of water glass (sodium silicate) at the end of May this year, the demolition work has been completed and production equipment, now turn to do other business. However, the inspection team found that the company still retains several five or six meters high iron storage tank, stored a lot of water glass, and iron tank is vulnerable to corrosion, will lead to chemical leakage, leading to environmental pollution.
The inspection team suggested that operators should build anti leakage cofferdam around the storage tank, and strengthen the inspection of the storage tank. Inspection team also found that the company built a number of illegal buildings. Wu Qingwen instructed local authorities to seriously supervise the rectification of enterprises and implement closed loop management.
The inspection team also checked for Suzhou Boshun polymer materials Co. Ltd. and Suzhou LANBO coating Co. ltd.. Currently, the two companies are in the process of relocation. The inspection team found that the chemicals in the two warehouses had a strong odor, requiring enhanced ventilation. Wu Qingwen stressed that during the chemical companies closed down, production safety work must not relax, enterprises must make the removal or relocation plan, local relevant departments to assess plans, strengthen supervision of the relocation process and in the enterprise, the risk of demolition, and specialized chemical facilities, production safety should hire expert guidance the demolition and relocation work.Nantong Haimen shutting down the 11 chemical enterprises
It is understood that since “ 263” since the work carried out, Haimen “ two minus ” outstanding achievements. In 2017, the city included 10 tons of steam boilers and 100 coal-fired boilers, 44 units have been eliminated, the total consumption of coal is reduced by about 60 thousand tons; the number of chemical enterprises shutting down the total number of 23, has now completed 11, of which 2 are closed in 2018 task. At the same time, the production of 11 chemical production enterprises, the remaining enterprises are for license change or cancellation procedures.
The advocacy group an on-site inspection of three factory industrial park Tianlong wharf of hazardous chemicals, the closure of the docks Changle Town Jiangsu Blackhawks Chemical Industry Co. Ltd., shutting down the town Sijia Jinlun clothing (Jiangsu) Limited by Share Ltd &ldquo coal fired boiler; coal gas ” situation. Nantong “ 263” the management of Haimen city through the regulation norms, transformation, upgrading, phasing out backward chemical production capacity and other measures for environmental burdens of the practice affirmed, will promote Haimen “ two minus ” work experience.
Changzhou has shut down 88 chemical enterprises
“ the Central Environmental Protection Inspectorate group assigned 90 environmental petition cases to Changzhou during the last year in Jiangsu. Up to now, the petition problem has been basically completed rectification. ” recently learned from Changzhou City, Changzhou City, not only for the central environmental protection inspector assigned by parts, attaches great importance to timely rectification, according to the “ two minus six for three ” the special action of key industries and enterprises by combing, deception, the second half of last year, has been shut down chemical company 88, closed livestock farm households 2395.

In the 90 cases, more than half of the cases were related to air pollution. As the largest volume of chemical industry park in Changzhou, residents of Changzhou Economic Development Zone in Binjiang have more complaints about bad smell.
The exhaust gas discharged organizedly, Changzhou Binjiang economic development zone plan this year in the 23 companies set up 24 hour discharge exhaust gas monitoring system, there are 6 companies to complete the installation and networking; the key enterprises in the park factory set up 50 sets of distributed environment monitoring instruments, automatic station in the chemical park surrounding the set 3 atmosphere, the formation of the full range of exhaust gas monitoring system.
At the same time, Changzhou Binjiang Economic Development Zone purchased Germany imported mobile waste gas monitoring vehicle, the first time to monitor the status of the gas and identify exhaust factors. In June 24th of this year, a large area of strange smell occurred in the North pond town of Changzhou city. The Environmental Protection Bureau of Changzhou Economic Development Zone in Binjiang launched an emergency investigation. Only 3 hours later, the odor source was locked in a PET factory in the chemical new material industry park of Jiangyin town.
Changzhou city is gradually reducing chemical backward production capacity, the plan before the end of 2018, shutting down 354 chemical companies, 1~5 has shut down the chemical industry 88. Changzhou City 263 office full-time deputy director Zhou Zhonghua said that, as of June 25th, the average concentration of PM2.5 in Changzhou city 54.2μ g/m3, down 12.7% in 2016 compared with the same period. This year, 1~5 months, Changzhou 33 “ water ten ” assessment section has 31 to reach the annual assessment target, the standard rate of 93.9%, did not appear large-scale aggregation of cyanobacteria phenomenon.
The Hengshan town of Changzhou Economic Development Zone responds positively to “ reduces ” plans to carry out a unified plan; up to now, 55 agreements have been signed and 78.6% of the targets have been completed.
Wujin Niu Tang Town involves “ 263” reduce the work of a total of 33 enterprises, of which 29 chemical enterprises, textile enterprises 2, electroplating enterprises 2.
Vice mayor Yang Zhiming said that the completion of all chemical enterprises Guantingbingzhuan before the end of 2018, there are a number of production enterprises, such as Changzhou Niutang accessory Co. Ltd., Changzhou Haonan Chemical Co. Ltd., Changzhou City Food Co. Ltd. add pure sweet.

The picture shows that Changzhou Wuzhou environmental protection science and Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly Changzhou five Yang Auxiliaries Factory) has been completely dismantled
Source: Process Industry