Sino US cooperation! Future energy and other enterprises reap billions of big single, you have your unit?
[source: China chemical industry daily]
In the afternoon of November 8th, President Trump launched his first state visit to China, becoming the first foreign head of state to visit China after the nineteen big event.
At 9 a.m. this morning, President Xi Jinping held a ceremony in front of the east gate of the Great Hall of the people to welcome President Trump's visit to China, and then hold talks with President Trump.

Source: Xinhua News Agency
At the beginning of the inauguration, President Trump proposed the US priority energy plan, which aims to promote economic growth, increase employment and achieve energy independence through the development and utilization of the rich fossil energy resources in the United states.
In November 9th, the Sino US entrepreneurs dialogue was held at the Great Hall of the people in Beijing, with 34 projects signed by the Chinese and American enterprises, amounting to 253 billion 500 million US dollars. This single “ ” “ The Belt and Road ” construction, energy, chemical industry, environmental protection, smart city and other areas. Among them, the petrochemical contract reached 100 billion yuan.
[US Air Products Company 23 billion yuan to invest in future energy coal indirect liquefaction project]

In November 9th, Chinese witnessed President Xi Jinping and President Trump, Yanzhou Mining Group with the United States Air Products Shaanxi Future Energy Chemical Corp Yulin indirect coal liquefaction a follow-up project (hereinafter referred to as a follow-up project investment) signed a cooperation agreement. The signing of the agreement is one of the important achievements of economic and trade cooperation between the two sides during the US visit to china.
According to the agreement, the United States Air Products Company intends to invest 23 billion yuan, in cooperation with the Yankuang Group follow-up project construction phase. American air product company will be responsible for the construction and operation of air separation, gasification and purification units, providing approximately 2 million 500 thousand cubic meters / hour of syngas for a subsequent project. The two sides also further consultations on the downstream unit cooperation model, to promote the implementation of the first phase of the project as soon as possible, as planned in 2021 completed and put into production.
American air product company is a world leading supplier of industrial gases. It has advanced air separation technology, hydrogen production technology, and liquefied natural gas (LNG) technology. The company has worked with an annual output of 1 million 150 thousand tons of oil in Yanzhou Mining Group Shaanxi future Yulin indirect coal liquefaction demonstration project in a period of cooperation, the construction and operation of air separation unit to provide 12 thousand tons / day of oxygen for the downstream chemical plant. The signing of the agreement will further expand bilateral cooperation to the first phase of follow-up projects.
A follow-up project with a total investment of about 77 billion 700 million yuan, the Yanzhou Mining Group independently developed large high temperature and low temperature Fischer Tropsch synthesis polygeneration technology, with an annual output of about 4 million tons of high-quality oil and high-end chemicals. After the completion of the project is expected to average annual sales income of about 30 billion yuan, taxes of about 8 billion yuan, the formation of ultra clean oil, rubber, plastics and other chemical characteristics of Fischer Tropsch industrial cluster in Northern Shaanxi, the development has important significance in improving the level of investment cooperation in the field of Sino US economic cooperation in the new pattern, promote two-way investment, open.
Yanzhou Mining Group Chairman and party secretary Li Xiyong said, hopes to further expand the good cooperation with the United States Air Products, with its technology, reliability and professional management and other advantages, to produce more high quality oil and chemicals.
Deputy general manager of Shaanxi Future Energy Chemical Corp, Yanzhou Mining Group Chairman Sun Qiwen said that the implementation of this project has important significance for the formation of complete indirect coal liquefaction technology system, will significantly enhance the indirect coal liquefaction industry competitiveness, the formation of a good pattern of coal chemical and petrochemical industry, complementary advantages and promote each other.
The United States Air Products Company Chairman and CEO Seifi Ghasemi said that the two sides to expand solid relations of cooperation is the common aspiration of the signing of the agreement, fully embodies the Yankuang Group trust in the United States Air Products, this trust is based on a reliable supply of the demonstration project. This is also in line with the development strategy of the American air product company, which is to invest in the development of world-class industrial gas projects.
The first ethane import contract signed by American ethane company and Nanshan Group

In November 9th, under the testimony of Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Trump, the American ethane company signed a trade agreement with Nanshan Group on imports of ethane from the United states. This is the first single contract for imports of ethane from china.
According to the American ethane company CEO John Houghtaling introduction, the United States ethane company and Nanshan Group signed is 20 years old about CIF (CIF) contract. According to the contract, ethane company will supply 2 million 600 thousand tons of ethane annually to Nanshan Group, and participate in the project of 2 million tons ethane ethylene project by Nanshan group.
The United States Sima, President of the Asia Pacific region ethane Wei told Chinese Chemical Daily reporter, the long-term contract will be based on “ the local market price of liquefied ethane + cost + fare ” mode of transaction, calculated in accordance with the current U.S. ethane price contracts totaling more than $20 billion.
The United States ethane company will invest not less than $5 billion in export terminal in Mexico Bay Construction of 10 million tons / year ethylene, which includes the collection, storage, ethane pipeline, liquefaction plant, wharf and large transport ship ethane VLEC, by way of CIF delivery in China coastal port development. It is expected to trade with China formally in 2-3 years.
Houghtaling said in an interview with reporters, after the shale gas revolution, the supply of ethane in the United States increased significantly, export to Asia has become an inevitable trend. Taking ethane from the United States to China not only conforms to the strategy of energy development and output of the United States, but also conforms to the trend of green and clean transformation of China's petrochemical industry.
Compared with the traditional naphtha producing ethylene, ethane has the advantages of short process flow, small footprint, small investment and high conversion rateState owned enterprises have shown interest in related projects, while raw materials and transportation have become the focus of Chinese enterprises.
“ China imports more than 17 million tons of ethylene per year. Ethane company will raise long-term stable ethane supply for China, and can bring more profit space for chemical olefin enterprises. Related industries have brought about revolutionary changes in China's ethylene and downstream chemical market. ” Houghtaling representation.
Agreement between Honeywell and Donghua energy for propane dehydrogenation plant project

In the signing agreement signed on 8, Honeywell and Donghua energy reached propane dehydrogenation device project agreement as the first chemical project attracted the attention of the industrial people. The content of this agreement is Honeywell UOP and Donghua energy Limited by Share Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “ Donghua energy &rdquo) signed a memorandum of cooperation, Donghua energy is planning implementation of the 5 propane dehydrogenation project will use Honeywell UOP C3 Oleflex process technology.
After the new project has been put into operation, the total capacity of propylene will be increased to 3 million tons per year, and the project will be settled in the coastal cities along the Yangtze River, such as Ningbo and Lianyungang. The signing of the cooperation agreement will help achieve win-win cooperation, and will also help Donghua energy become the world's largest use of Dehydrogenation Technology to convert propane into propylene producers.
5 years ago, China has become the largest market outside Honeywell, and the most important region of market share growth. Shen Dali, President of Honeywell's global high growth region, said: "“ the agreement signed today confirms another milestone in the deep cooperation between Honeywell and China.".
While the other side of Donghua energy contract will take advantage of this opportunity will be said, the use of high purity propane imports, with the world advanced production technology and equipment, planning and construction of propane dehydrogenation (PDH), polypropylene (PP) device; the planning and construction of ethane and propane cracking ethylene, propylene, ethylene polyethylene plant, actively introduce foreign enterprises cooperation in the development of the products deep processing project.
Jiutai [new materials and air products signed strategic cooperation agreement]

11 8 April, Mongolia Jiutai New Material Co. Ltd. and the United States Air Products (China) Investment Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement of intent in Beijing, group party secretary, chairman Cui Lianguo, the United States Air chemical company chairman, President and chief executive officer Ge Simin (Seifi Ghasemi) and the relevant leaders attended the ceremony.
The ceremony, Cuilian Guo chairman said, very happy in the capital city of Beijing, held for nineteen victories in the whole nation dance for joy day, Mr. President Trump in the opening Chinese trip signed a strategic agreement with the United States Air chemical company for Jiutai group, this is a moment of great significance.
In the course of development of Jiutai group, has been committed to the exploration of the coal chemical industry, new materials, the project is to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of key Jiutai group, so we look forward to carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation with AP company, into a powerful driving force for new projects, and faster development of Inner Mongolia help the coal chemical industry, the two sides to achieve the win-win cooperation.
The United States Air chemical company Ge Simin (Seifi Ghasemi) chairman of Jiutai in technology innovation, production safety, field management and other aspects of the achievements of appreciation, he said, Jiutai new material limited company project with good prospect and strong momentum of development, the United States Air chemical company is willing to work with the Thai side by side to explore, will build the project into the field of new materials company the world of fine coal chemical engineering.
Subsequently, Jiutai group party secretary, chairman Cui Lianguo, the United States Air Products Youxian investment company chairman, President and chief executive officer Ge Simin (Seifi Ghasemi) on behalf of the two sides signed the agreement.
China investment in Alaska LNG project

In November 9th, the witness of President Xi Jinping and President Trump, Sinopec, CIC overseas, China Alaska bank and the government of California, Alaska gas development company (AGDC), signed a joint development between China and the United States of Alaska LNG project to document. As one of the five party agreements, Dai Houliang, general manager of Sinopec, participated in signing the agreement.
The project is dominated by AGDC, which is subordinate to the government of Alaska, and will build a long distance pipeline from the north slope gas field to the Nicky Bay (Nikiski) port in Alaska Bay, and 20 million tons / year liquefaction plant and other facilities in California bay. Next, Sinopec will actively participate in the Alaska LNG project negotiations with all parties and under the guidance of the Chinese government, and contribute to the promotion of energy cooperation between China and the United states.
[Mobell cycling and the Dow Chemical signed a memorandum of understanding]

According to the Securities Times reported in November 8th, e company, v-mobile bicycle and Dow Chemical signed a memorandum of understanding reached a comprehensive strategic partnership: Mobell bikes and Dow will continue through technological innovation and model innovation, new materials and solutions in the application of more Mobell bicycle products and services, constantly improve the user experience while riding. The body and accessories further lightweight, build smart bike sharing one-stop green solutions, and create more value for customers and end users.
China energy construction signed a $83 billion investment framework agreement with West Virginia

National Energy InvestmentThe group announced a framework agreement with West Virginia to invest $83 billion 700 million in shale gas and chemical production projects, the largest agreement in a series of US investment projects with a total size of $250 billion.