How long is the deadline for production shutdown? At least 3 months
The second round of the central environmental inspection team is coming. Recently, Li Ganjie, party secretary and Minister of the Ministry of environmental protection, said: after the first round of environmental supervision, the first four rounds of the first round were fully summarized. Combing the problems, summing up experience, further improving the relevant mechanisms and supporting measures, and has been ready for the second round of work.

The Ministry of environmental protection is carrying out the following four aspects of work
First, make a full summary of the first four rounds of the first round. Sorting out problems, summing up experience, and further improving the relevant mechanisms and supporting measures for the follow-up to prepare for the second round;
Two is to promote the formulation of the relevant laws and regulations of the central environmental supervision, that is, the effective mechanism of this work into the legal, standardized track, let it continue to develop for a long time;
Three focus areas, key industries, key issues for the organization to carry out mobile, pinpoint special inspectors, this is planning, probably by the end of this year, early next year will be the introduction of relevant measures, carry out the relevant special action;
Four is to actively guide and supervise the local establishment of the provincial environmental protection supervision system, the state governor, the lieutenant governor of province city county. The system mechanism has been basically perfect state governor, lieutenant governor and is through the reform of the system of vertical management below the provincial level to promote environmental protection.
EIA will only strengthen and not weaken
Recently, the Ministry of environmental protection held a symposium on the reform of national environmental assessment in beijing. Huang Runqiu, Vice Minister of environmental protection, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.
Huang Runqiu pointed out that the EIA system can only be strengthened, can not be weakened, but not canceled. Over the past year, in the joint efforts of the national team of the EIA, EIA reform in “ draw frame and rule, check the implementation of ” has made real progress, but the EIA work there are still many problems need to be resolved through further reform.
Huang Runqiu said, in order to ensure that the EIA implementation of reform measures in place, the Ministry of environmental protection this winter and the first half of next year to 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) to carry out supervision, supervision of the first round first 10 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities).
Through the supervision system thorough combing, summing up the past few years the problems of environmental impact assessment work be arranged find effective solutions, not only to prevent the reform measures of &ldquo, and ” idling; promptly correct the deviation, ensure the reform forward in the right direction, effectively enhance the rigidity of the EIA, the EIA team to reshape the image, restore confidence.

Provincial Environmental Supervision has been launched in large area
Guangdong: now stationed in Yunfu, Zhaoqing, ushered in the 20 day provincial environmental inspectors
Following the beginning of September in Guangdong Province in 2017 the first batch of environmental protection inspectors working up and stationed in Shantou city and Jieyang City, in November 8th, 9, fourth, third, Guangdong Environmental Protection Inspectorate has stationed in Yunfu City, Zhaoqing City, were carried out for a period of about 20 days to two city environmental protection inspector.
Recently, the Zhaoqing municipal government issued the "2017 annual winter and spring air pollution prevention special work plan" put forward more strict requirements on the implementation of the measures, the project responsibility of leadership, responsible departments.

The program has been implemented since November 7th to March 15, 2018. In the industrial sector, the law enforcement supervision on key industrial pollution sources should be strengthened.
Compulsory measures should be taken for small enterprises that have not completed the rectification process;
Comprehensive clearance of incomplete emission enterprises involving VOCs emission;
Carry out comprehensive dragnet investigation on high pollution fuel boiler, implement control requirements one by one;
The VOCs emissions of key enterprises, ceramics, cement, glass, printing and dyeing enterprises and enterprises of the casting melting furnace to strictly enforce the staggering production or limited production.
Sichuan: start the largest atmospheric inspection action in history
In November 6th, the office of emergency command of heavy pollution weather in Sichuan held a news briefing on air pollution control campaign in autumn and winter this year.
It is reported that from November 6th onwards, Sichuan Province officially in Chengdu plain area in autumn and winter air pollution prevention and control work carried out for a period of 3 months of stagnation and to strengthen supervision, southern Sichuan, Northeast Sichuan, carry out mobile patrol inspection point.
The strengthening supervision is the largest scale action of Sichuan environmental protection department since its history. It has the characteristics of strong pertinence, long time, large number of people and great intensity.
The inspection time is at the beginning of November 2017 to early February 2018, during the inspection a total of 7 rounds of uninterrupted focus inspection, each round lasted for half a month.
The scope of inspection is mainly based on the air pollution transmission channels in Chengdu plain area, including Chengdu and Deyang, Mianyang, Suining, Leshan, Meishan, Ya'an and Ziyang;
And according to the actual needs of Zigong, Luzhou, Neijiang, Yibin, Guangyuan, Nanchong, Guang'an, Dazhou, Bazhong, and other Northeast Sichuan, Northeast Sichuan city.
On the prevention and control of air pollution in winter in Sichuan Province, after November, the next step requires all localities to make timely arrangements for deployment, further compaction compaction responsibility, increase the supervision and inspection of industrial enterprises pollution control facilities operation.
The pollution exceed the standard for enterprises to take to increase the punishment, rectification and other measures to limit production shutdown governance order according to law, the illegal sewage scattered “ ” enterprise regulation continued to maintain high-pressure situation, according to the law of the implementation of enterprise production of cement, ceramic tile, staggering, furniture manufacturing and other industries.
Hebei: start the third round of law enforcement inspection special action
In November 6th, the 20 days of atmospheric environmental law enforcement inspection special action started again in Hebei, focusing on illegal issues related to gas environment, to carry out law enforcement inspection.
On the first day of action, 24 typical environmental violations found in Hebei province were implemented at the provincial levelCase study, 8 of them refused to rectification or rectification is not in place of environmental violations started daily punishment program.
Different from the previous two rounds, the law enforcement special operations in Hebei, further integration, enrich the law enforcement forces, law enforcement forces equipped with monitoring personnel and public security departments, the scope of enforcement on the domain requirements of full coverage, the transmission channel of city pollution heavily deployment, can be said to be unprecedented strength.
Involving violations of air environment for the implementation of zero tolerance, “ ” Hebei round of inspection of law enforcement focus on corporate governance, involving the VOC emission peak production, heavy pollution weather emergency measures to implement the emission reduction measures, the first two rounds (Times) were strictly check illegal problems found rectification etc..

Jilin: autumn and winter air pollution control “ hundred days storming ” action
The day before, "Jilin Province in 2017 autumn and winter air pollution control “ hundred days crucial ” action plan" proposed in 2017, the province of respirable particulate matter (PM10) annual average concentration of 70 micrograms per cubic meter in control, which, in 2017 10-12 month of respirable particulate matter (PM10) Nian Junnong is controlled at 90 micrograms per cubic meter below compared with the same period in 2013 declined by more than 7.2%.
It is understood that Jilin will carry out fixed pollution source emission standards, small coal-fired boilers “ zero ” key industries, staggering production, and comprehensive utilization of straw Jinshao, heavy pollution weather to deal with 5 special action.
The staggering production is two: one of the main direction of building materials industry to the full implementation of the April peak production within half a year in November 2017, ceramic (without using natural gas as fuel) and other building materials industry, from November 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018, the implementation of all production.
Shanxi: environmental protection supervision extends to 11 cities, eliminate 6757 scattered sewage enterprises
The day before, Shanxi provincial Environmental Protection Bureau held a news conference, informed the province carried out the comprehensive management of air pollution in autumn and winter in the crucial action. At present, the comprehensive management of air pollution in autumn and winter in Shanxi province is being carried out in an orderly way, in which the supervision of inspectors should be strengthened.
The provincial Party committee and the provincial government launched the provincial environmental protection supervision to 4 cities of Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou and Yuncheng. Taiyuan, Yangquan, Changzhi, Jincheng 4 cities of Beijing, Tianjin and other cities outside the air pollution transmission channels, the province “ iron hand pollution control ” strengthen supervision team to strengthen inspectors in the city.
Up to now, the actual implementation of &ldquo in Shanxi province; coal to gas ” “ coal to electricity ” and other clean heating 1 million 95 thousand households, over fulfilled the task. Taiyuan, Yangquan, Changzhi, Jincheng, Linfen, Jinzhong, Lvliang, Xinzhou and other 8 cities have carried out “ prohibited coal area ” construction, other cities in strict accordance with the requirements of high polluting fuel forbidden zone, strengthen coal quality control.
The province eliminated the built-up area of 20 tons / hour, and the urban construction area of 10 tons / hour, 4031 coal-fired boilers, eliminate “ scattered sewage ” 6757 enterprises.
Hunan: starting comprehensive supervision of city and state, focusing on environmental supervision
In November 10th, the comprehensive supervision and mobilization training conference of Hunan provincial government in 2017 was convened in Changsha. According to the deployment, the provincial government will send 7 inspection teams, from this month began to carry out on-site supervision of 14 cities and prefectures and related counties and cities.
The meeting proposed that the inspection focus throughout the implementation of the provincial government major decisions and plans including the provincial government documents, the full completion of this year the main quantitative index from 1 to October, the economic and social situation, and focus on supervision of poverty alleviation action, ecological environment governance, transformation of enterprises in five aspects, deepening reform, a major upgrade of major projects construction work.
Jiangsu: governance haze again heavy fist, start autumn and winter air pollution cross check
In order to suppress the autumn season PM2.5 concentrations soared, the day before, Jiangsu provincial Environmental Protection Bureau composed of 12 inspection groups, the launch of the province's autumn and winter air pollution prevention and control of cross check, the cross check will continue until March 31, 2018.
It is understood that the cross check is mainly for “ small scattered dirty ” enterprise investigation, ban. “ small scattered sewage ” enterprises, the city environmental protection departments should timely apply to the people's government according to the law to rectify the ban, do “ two three (” cutting off water and electricity, removal of raw materials, cleaning products, cleaning equipment).

In order to prevent enterprises from going through the motions, the cut-off period should be at least 3 months
Recently, the Ministry of environmental protection has released the draft of "environmental protection departments to implement the measures to limit the production stop production regulation".
Some enterprises are not deeply learned to be ordered to limit production, stop production remediation lessons, after thirty days of tracking inspection deadline, once again environmental violations.
In order to contain such behavior, the new "Regulations" stipulated that the time limit for discontinued production of unlicensed sewage, excessive excessive discharge, evasion of supervision and pollution discharge should be changed to at least three months.
If the polluter is in any of the following circumstances, the competent department of environmental protection may order him to take measures to stop production:
Emission of air pollutants and water pollutants has not been obtained in accordance with the law;
(2) discharging air pollutants by evading, tampering or falsifying monitoring data, temporarily stopping production, avoiding emergency emission channels in emergency situations, and preventing air pollution prevention and control facilities, etc., in order to avoid on-site inspections;
The use of seepage wells, pits, cracks, caves, kangaroo underground pipe, tampering, forgery monitoring data, or not the normal operation of water pollution prevention and control facilities to avoid water pollutant emissions supervision mode;
Not carried out in accordance with the provisionsPretreatment of industrial waste water that does not meet the requirements of the treatment process is discharged to the centralized sewage treatment facilities;
Within one year, pollutant discharge exceeding the national or local standards for pollutant discharge was continuously punished daily and exceeded the discharge standard of pollutants;
A total of five data exceed the standard within thirty days of the automatic monitoring of pollution sources on-line;
The illegal discharge of pollutants containing heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants and other serious harm to the environment and harm human health than the pollutant emission standards more than three times;
The total pollutant emission control over key annual pollutant emission index;
I was ordered to limit production after discharge of pollutants exceeding the emission standards of pollutants;
Because of the emergencies caused by pollutant emissions exceed the emission standard or key pollutant emission control targets;
Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

The enterprise shall obtain the emissions of air pollutants and water pollutant discharge permit, can normal production, but also should note annual total emissions of pollutants can not exceed the control index, the cumulative data exceed the standard five day or several times a year by warning punishment within thirty days of automatic monitoring of pollution sources on-line, may be forced to stop treatment for 3 months.
Article source: Today chemical mall