2 billion! 4 months to buy 3 Jahwa enterprises! What is the existence of this leading enterprise?
2 billion! 4 months to buy 3 Jahwa enterprises! The speed is so fast that the industry is dumbfounded! In such a short period of time, the completion of the acquisition of three polyester plants, and quickly resume production, the leading enterprise is a kind of existence?

2 billion! 4 months to buy 3 Jahwa enterprises!
In March, invested 722 million yuan, the acquisition of the original Dragon Technology 200 thousand tons FDY project in May to resume production;
In March, invested 623 million yuan, the acquisition of the former Xiaoshan Hongjian 750 thousand tons of polyester filament, May to achieve production;
In July 9th, invested 771 million yuan, the acquisition of the former Jiangsu Minghui 250 thousand tons POY project in September to resume production.
Do you think who said Xiao Bian is who?
You're right! It's an aircraft carrier Enterprise in the polyester industry
— — Hengyi group.

Hengyi group this year in a short period of time, the completion of the acquisition of three polyester plant, and achieve rapid resumption of production, 3 million 800 thousand tons of production capacity of polyester has arrived, the expansion wave is “ precision, fast and accurate ”.

In the pet boom picked up the moment, to achieve instant polyester plant production, also means the promotion of profit. In October 19th, Hengyi Petrochemical released three quarterly, the three quarter of 2017 the company achieved a net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies 499 million yuan report, an increase of 230.87%; at the same time, the first three quarters of net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 1 billion 351 million yuan, up 168.7% than the same period last year.
The reasons for the blame are mainly market warming, product sales prices rising, while production, sales and trade income increased substantially. From the current point of view, this round of &ldquo Hengyi; &ldquo flow; wave of acquisitions, can say the time.
What is the existence of Hengyi group?
Heng Yi group, the full name is Zhejiang Hengyi Group Co., Ltd., is a professional engaged in chemical fiber and chemical fiber production of modern large private enterprises, the existing staff of more than 9000, the total assets of 43 billion 700 million yuan.
The main business layout is as follows:

Heng Yi Group's Ginseng holding enterprises now have an annual output of 13 million 500 thousand tons of PTA, 4 million 800 thousand tons of PET, 600 thousand tons of DTY, 300 thousand tons of CPL, 165 thousand tons of PA6 production capacity. And China is the first to grasp the large volume of polyester melt direct spinning technology and 2 million tons of PTA process, engineering technology enterprises, and formed a competitive “ polyester + nylon ” double industry chain driven development model.

The acquired enterprises, once very beautiful!
Was acquired by the Suzhou Ming Ming Hui Chemical Fiber Weaving Co. Ltd. 10 chemical fiber enterprises to set up joint investment project, a total investment of 4 billion 500 million yuan, covers an area of 400 acres, Taicang was the largest investment in chemical industry project. &rdquo has been hailed as the Taicang plate, &ldquo, tens of billions of corps &rdquo, seed, and determined to build “ domestic first-class chemical fiber industry group;.

With Minghui chemical fiber presents exciting enterprise vision: “ building a project to achieve an annual output of 250 thousand tons, differential and functional chemical fiber; the two phase of the project covers an area of 165 acres, the introduction of Japan's TMT384 ingot automatic DTY machine 50, the German high speed and elastic lattice Bama machine 150 extension project the three phase of the project; 350 thousand tons of differential and functional fiber expansion project. The one or two and three phase of the project will be completed, and the annual sales will exceed 15 billion yuan. ”
Shares 10 shareholders of Minghui chemical fiber are chemical fiber spandex industry veteran entrepreneurs, they think, Taicang chemical fiber spandex industry after nearly ten years of high-speed growth, to re shuffle “ ” critical moment of integration, to take on a new level of success, must be hold together, to create more business platform.
10 entrepreneurs jointly decided to extend the chemical fiber industry chain, to build the former &ldquo, ” project. Because they think that chemical fiber spandex industry bigger and stronger, strong financial strength will be extended to “ &rdquo, spinning; spinning because “ ” high technology content, the demand for funds, but the output and return to the same high, now launched &ldquo &rdquo, sales; spinning; no problem, can be solved in &rdquo “.
However, this is not the case. Although in 2009 ~2011 polyester industry once appeared profiteering market, but bright polyester products after 2012 only put into the market, just in the polyester market down, did not enjoy the polyester bonus.
In September 2015, the bright chemical fiber plant in Shaxi new material industrial park in Jiangsu, Taicang, suddenly stopped accidentally, involving POY products. Subsequently, on the Internet about “ Ming Hui bankruptcy ” the news has been a hubbub.

At the beginning of the October 2015, the Ming Hui chemical put employees 10 days off, and the existence of wage arrears behavior.
In November 15, 2015, the Ming Hui Huaxian posted a paper announcement, “ Minghui &rdquo bankruptcy; rumors finally sit real.
According to the relevant personage analysis, Ming Hui chemical fiber bankruptcy mainly because of excessive loans, in 2012 ~2015 years from bank loans 2 billion, debt is too high, and POY products into the era of meager profit, finally lead to capital strand breaks.
Frequent enterprise bankruptcy, where is the chemical fiber industry road?Square?
From bankruptcy frequently to being picked up, the industry is gathering further to the leading enterprises.
From 2012 to 2017, because the overall market downturn, facing the loss of polyester products, coupled with the internal reasons, this had dozens of leading enterprises in polyester eventually withdraw from the market in mighty wave crashing on a sandy shore. According to preliminary statistics, in recent years, the bankruptcy of large polyester enterprises reached more than 13, and more concentrated in 2012 to 2015, involving production capacity of 3 million 220 thousand tons.

(unit: 10000 tons)
The past two years, a lot of capacity through judicial auction have changed hands, and as such, the Dragon Hongjian device has been gradually return to the market, behind the scenes and then set it for polyester industry leading enterprises. According to preliminary statistics, from 2015 to 2017, the acquisition of reconstituted polyester enterprises up to 10, involving 2 million 380 thousand tons of production capacity! And most of it happened in 2017!

(unit: 10000 tons)
As can be seen from the table, the acquirer is an important business, guxiandao, Rongsheng, Tiansheng Hengyi polyester industry, the production capacity of polyester industry is highly concentrated further evolution!
Heng Yi group will continue to buy it?
Take a look at Heng Yi Group's next plan:
1. total investment 18 billion establish Haining New Material Industrial Park
In July 20th, Hengyi group another large project — — the total investment of 18 billion yuan of Haining new material industrial park project signed.

Hengyi new material industrial park will be settled in Haining Economic Development Zone (Jianshan New Area), with a total land of 2724 mu. The project is planned to be implemented in three phases. After completion of the project, the annual sales revenue is expected to be about 45 billion yuan.
2. advance to Shandong Dongying and sign caprolactam polyamide project
In November 13th, another “ big project ” landing. Zhejiang Hengyi Group Co., Ltd. and Shandong Dongying Municipal People's government signed the "caprolactam polyamide project" strategic cooperation agreement, it seems that Hengyi group began strategic layout of Shandong.

Hengyi group plans to invest in the construction of high-quality caprolactam polyamide project in Dongying Port Economic Development Zone, in accordance with the &ldquo plan; industrial 4.0” standard requirements in Dongying Port Economic Development Zone Investment and construction total annual production capacity of 1 million 200 thousand tons of high-quality caprolactam caprolactam and polyamide polyamide project, to create the world's largest production base. After the project is put into production, the annual sales revenue is expected to exceed 30 billion yuan, and the profits and taxes will reach more than 4 billion yuan.
3. Brunei integration project speed up
Since piling in 2017 March, the PMB project has entered a period of rapid propulsion. At the end of October, the underground engineering project has been basically completed, owned coal plants and desalination plants and other facilities are under construction.

In 2018, PMB project will enter “ installation year ” including large equipment hoisting, steel structure installation and pipe welding, etc.. At the same time, by the government of Brunei investment big Murrah Island Bridge will be officially completed in April next year. According to the plan, the first phase of the PMB project will be completed by the end of 2018, and formally put into production in the first quarter of 2019.
Source: Hengyi group, chemical fiber headlines, Sohu Finance