The price of LNG will be five figures at once! Create a new high! What is this?
In December 1st, due to the large temperature drop in Northeast China and the increasing demand for natural gas, the price of Daqing Zhong Rui gas liquid factory has created a new high of 9400 yuan / ton in the whole country.
The new Austrian Yongshun, Hebei Anfeng, Bazhou, China Ningxia, Jingbian pilot gas source etc. prices also exceeded 7500 yuan / ton. Southern China sea air began to increase the price of 700 yuan per ton in large area. Some urban gas stations are shut down and industrial users are shut down.
The soaring price can seriously affect the demand for gas in the lower reaches. According to the LNG and follow the trend of prices, vice minister China International Economic Exchange Center Information Department Jing Chunmei said at the meeting, the NDRC Energy Bureau attention LNG skyrocketing, are trying to find a way. Jing Chunmei believes that the problem of LNG price rise is in the field of marketization. The direct intervention of the government is not in line with the requirements. Therefore, the NDRC and the Energy Bureau are looking for better solutions.
LNG prices skyrocketing price is on the surface, in fact or system.
“ in the long run, the situation of the LNG market is mainly affected by the reform of the oil and gas system, and the reform of the system can be fundamentally improved. ”
Jing Chunmei's suggestion is that the downstream industry should cooperate with the government to feed back the current contradictions and difficulties to the government in order to support the policy. When government policy formulation is solicited, the government actively participates in and makes comments.
Controversy on the reform of natural gas price Marketization
In September 12th, Shanghai petroleum and natural gas trading center held the first natural gas auction transaction. The 9 million party natural gas in the Eastern Sales Company of PetroChina limited to 20% limit price.
In September 18th, the Shaanxi Liquefied Gas Association sent a letter to the Shanghai petroleum and natural gas trading center, considering that the transaction was illegal to suspend the transaction. The two article of Shaanxi Gas Design Institute, "the slow reform of natural gas price reform" and "further discussion on the marketization reform of natural gas price" have aroused widespread concern and discussion in the industry. (related links: bidding to solve the contradiction between supply and demand is a pseudo proposition? Further discussion on the reform of the price marketization of natural gas
The current bidding for natural gas has led to a rise in prices, and the Gas Co in the downstream city is facing a price dilemma.
Jing Chunmei said that at present, the gas source is tense, the price of natural gas is high, and the price of natural gas purchased by the city Gas Co through bids is also up accordingly. However, the state has imposed price restrictions on the use of gas for residents, and the city's Gas Co is in a difficult position to negotiate the downstream residents with no bargaining power.
Within 5 years, “ gas famine ” it is likely to continue
The shortage and backwardness of China's winter peak storage and gas storage facilities have been the consensus of the industry.
China's natural gas development report (2017), the white paper shows that as of the end of 2016, China has built 18 underground gas storages, and the effective work volume is 6 billion 400 million cubic meters / year, accounting for 3% of the total annual consumption. In the United States, the gas storage capacity accounts for 20% of the annual consumption, which is 25% in the European Union, and the gap between China and the European and American countries is obvious.
This meeting, the National Energy Bureau deputy director Zhang Yuqing said, this winter gas supply. One is due to the underestimation of the winter natural gas market situation, second of the main causes of natural gas reserves construction lags behind.
Xu Bo, senior economist of PetroChina economic and Technological Research Institute, said &ldquo. The main challenge now is that winter natural gas supply can not keep up. In short term, gas shortage is likely to continue in 5 years. ”
Xu Bo believes that to solve China's “ &rdquo gas shortage; priority problems and lack of gas storage is the first legislation, through legislation, supply demand, gas pipeline companies, enterprises, upstream enterprises, host responsibilities of enterprises, enterprises to participate in the construction of gas storage.
In view of the slow construction of the gas storage, Dr. Liu Manping, the Research Institute of the national development and Reform Commission's price monitoring center, said that there are two main reasons.
“ the first reason is that the investment cost of peak shaving gas storage is too high, and the current volume of work units is 3-6 yuan / cubic meter, but there is no special peak price. Industrial users and urban Gas Co are hard to profit from, so the power to invest in gas storage is very weak. Currently, they rely mainly on national financial subsidies and oil companies to digest through pipeline costs and sales profits. The second reason is that the resource conditions of the construction of China's gas storage are poor, and the location resources are few. China's oil and gas fields are mostly distributed in the central and western regions, and the consumption market is located in the central and eastern coastal areas. However, there are not enough gas reservoirs in the central and eastern regions, and there are not enough gas fields for building the database. ”
Liu Manping suggested that by raising the peak load price and other measures, the investment return rate of gas storage can be increased. At the same time, the examination and approval threshold of gas storage construction can be reduced, and the advanced technology should be introduced to reduce the cost of construction and operation.
The number of public, founder of sun times law firm senior partner Chen Xinsong attended the meeting and delivered a keynote speech, he said, with LNG prices continue to rise, the original contract signed in for the ceiling price point for enterprises are faced with the default large area, which is not conducive to further promote coal to gas works that is not conducive to the healthy development of the industry ecosystem.
Appendix: LNG liquid source price list in December 1st