Shanxi Changzhi coal chemical industry fire, 10 fire trucks to the disposal, the scene of smoke rolling
About 13:50 in the afternoon of January 26th, located in Xiangyuan County of Changzhi City, Shanxi Lu'an coal based clean energy limited liability company coal clean utilization of oil heating integration demonstration project (180 project) oil processing plant hydrocracking equipment platform fire.
After the alarm, Changzhi city public security fire brigade headquarters attendance rapid response, scientific decision-making, two long Lu, Xiangyuan County Fire Brigade emergency rush to the rescue, joint operations, to mobilize a total of 2 brigade, 1 active squadrons, 2 enterprise team, 10 fire engines, 68 people and 50 tons in the disposal of foam. The fire accident did not cause casualties.

14 05, Xiangyuan County Fire squadron arrived at the scene, the fire investigation and inquiry insiders know, fire site as a platform 16 meters cracking unit on low heat oil — reduce the oil heat exchanger E201A inlet flange, the medium in the pipeline for oil cracking decreased with increasing temperature, medium in the pipeline the peripheral flange insulation cotton, spontaneous combustion, such as not timely control the fire, tens of meters high platform device will instantly collapsed in critical condition!

Field command, shice accurately judged because of the situation, the establishment of detection, alert, fire, cooling, water supply, protection of battle fleet into 4 battle area, erected 4 fixed guns, mobile artillery, unified command, segmented responsible, carry out their duties, the flexible use of “ valve brokenmaterial, isolation, protection cooling, DCS monitoring, monitoring, upper and lower punch ” other tactical measures, in accordance with the fire site, adjacent parts level and focus fire cooling control and protection, to suppress the spread of fire.

Always adhere to the &ldquo command; detection in advance, disposal norms, professional disposal, safe disposal of ” the concept of operations, in the fire area is arranged around 4 fixed observation, closely monitor the hydrocracking unit structure, once the sign of danger, immediately issued evacuation signal.
At the same time, we should make full use of the fire source in the factory, and dispatch 5 high-powered water tankers, foam cars, high pressure jetting cars and remote water supply pumps, etc., and accumulate 2000 tons of water supply to ensure the continuous supply of fire.

Changzhi fire brigade promptly launched the emergency rescue mechanism, the mobilization of coal chemical industry experts to the scene, the mobilization of long Lu brigade, Xiangyuan county fire brigade brigade, Lu'an Group, coal based clean energy company fire brigade reinforcements, Lu'an Group of security experts to assess the safety of equipment and fire development situation, the community provides strong technical support for the accident disposal.
At 15:18, the fire was extinguished and the fire was effectively controlled.
At 16:40, in the continuous cooling protection and foam coverage under fire device temperature to room temperature, the resurgence of danger is eliminated, the end of fighting.
At 17, the fire officers and soldiers were evacuated after the security was ensured.

This fire accident disposal, commanders at all levels of the top command, Shenxianshizu, effective measures and tactics of science, reflects the whole process of “ and all elements of ” the tactics of firefighting; all the war soldiers braved the cold, calm in the face of danger, storm melee, high temperature, smoke, always fighting in the first line, the accident loss and minimize the harm, to avoid serious accidents. The company has won high praise.
About 180 project
In January 1, 2018, Shanxi Lu'an coal clean utilization of oil heating integration demonstration project (180 project) the successful trial run, the first barrel of coal based synthetic oil officially qualified high-end. The project adopts the technology of synthetic oil based high temperature slurry bed F-T synthetic oil with complete independent intellectual property rights.
Fast forward, in July 2017 2017 the whole project, air separation unit output of oxygen and nitrogen, marking the whole public project put into operation; in October 22nd, the first batch of gasification furnace ignition success, start joint commissioning, through continuous transformation, low-temperature methanol tail gas, hydrogen and other aspects; in December 4th, Fischer Tropsch synthesis device the output of intermediate products; December 29th, finishing device through the process output of qualified products, the entire process is fully open, stable and efficiency into the stage.
Shanxi Lu'an coal clean utilization of oil heating integration demonstration projects of production scale of 1 million tons per year of indirect coal liquefaction production line and cobalt based Fischer Tropsch synthesis of crude oil processing plant of 800 thousand tons per year, the total annual production of 1 million 800 thousand tons of oil and chemicals, referred to as “ 180 &rdquo project;.
The project for national high sulfur, high ash and high ash melting point “ high ” large-scale coal gasification technology demonstration; responsible for coal based Fischer Tropsch synthesis the production of high-end chemicals demonstration; responsible for driving methanol and other traditional coal chemical Upgrade Demonstration; responsible for the country's modern coal chemical demonstration of high standards of environmental protection.
The content from the | the Yellow River news network Changzhi channel, Asia Coal Chemical Industry