Burst! Factory explosion, chemical leakage, 1 days, 2 accidents, emergency evacuation
In May 9th, there were 2 factories in 1 days. The cause of the explosion, fire and accident is suspected to be related to chemical leakage. What's going on? Come on and see it!
Around 14 p.m. in May 9, 2018, a chemical factory named Shouguang League was born in the town of Shouguang, Shouguang City, Shandong province. A large number of red smoke appeared on the scene and accompanied by noise.

Reporters from the Propaganda Department of Shouguang municipal Party committee and the government of the government of Camp Town learned that the time of the leakage was about 2 p.m., the bromine tank of Shouguang domain Chemical Co., Ltd. was inclined, caused some bromine leakage, and a short red smog belt appeared on the spot. It was confirmed that the incident did not cause casualties.
Shouguang City Safety Supervision, environmental protection and other departments immediately rushed to the scene after the incident for assessment and disposal. At present, the site has been disposed of, and the cause of the accident is under investigation. It is understood that bromine is pungent and strong corrosive, and can not directly contact with the human body.
A fire in a factory in Guangxi,
Chemical chlorine tablet spills 3.5 tons!
Thousands of residents are evacuating!
A sewage treatment plant in Nanning, Guangxi, at 9:30 yesterday morning, was allowed to evacuate 2 kilometers of people in the vicinity of the site.
Around 12 o'clock, the incident was separated from the relevant departments by cordon. There were many unknown white powder on the ground near the accident area. Several large trucks reused sand to backfill some areas.
It is reported that chlorinated tablets are mainly composed of three chloroisocyanuric acid and sodium percarbonate, which play a good role in disinfection and sterilization of drinking water, swimming pool water and domestic waste water. After being exposed to heat and heat, three chlorinated nitrogen will be released, and organic matter will be inflammable.
Nanning citizen Ling Jia was working near a site in the vicinity of the incident. According to him, more than 8 points were seen from the height. There was a bit of smoke in the sewage treatment point. The smoke was getting bigger and bigger around 9:45, and the smell of the tire was burnt in the air. “ because the smoke was too heavy at that time to see people and vehicles around. Later, the fire police rushed to block the road surface. ”

Nanning thirty-fourth middle school students told reporters that around 11:45 in the morning, they were having fifth classes. At this time, the head teacher came in and told everyone that there was a fire nearby, requiring students to evacuate home. At 14:30 p.m. that day, the students returned to school normally.
Liang Xianmei, the Secretary of the Party Work Committee of the Jiangnan District, south of the Yangtze River, Nanning, said in an interview that the 9-1 sewage treatment plant in the south rural area of the south of the south of the south of the Yangtze River occurred on the same day that the suspected chemicals were affected by the tide. According to the preliminary understanding of the scene, the fire overheated area of about 10 square meters, burning material for temporary storage of chlorine tablets, because of heavy rain that morning after burning. At that time, the total chlorine stock was about 20 tons and the combustion volume was 3.5 tons.
Liang Xianmei said that after the accident, the local emergency evacuation of two kilometers of kindergartens, schools and residential areas around the neighborhood, fire, public security and other departments urgent to the site disposal, dispatched truck transport sand to fill the landfill, after 3 hours of treatment, the fire has been extinguished, the smoke is basically dissipated.

The picture shows the relevant departments carry out the aftermath treatment of the fire scene.
According to the announcement issued by the Nanning environmental protection department 13 minutes ago, chlorine was not detected at about 30 meters on the eastern side of the accident point, ammonia 0.6ppm. Environmental monitoring data show that there is no effect on water and gas.
At present, the property loss caused by the fire is being further checked, the traffic near the site has been restored and the production and life of the surrounding residents have been gradually restored to normal.
Chemical leakage,
What should I do?
1 evacuation and isolation
After the chemical leakage occurs, the unrelated personnel at the scene should be evacuated immediately to isolate the poisoned area.
If a large number of flammable and explosive materials are leaked, we should call the police immediately, ask the fire professionals to rescue them, and determine the evacuation and evacuation directions of the surrounding residents by the emergency rescue command.
The determination of polluted areas that affect the environment is generally determined by the environmental protection department according to the conditions of the on-site toxicology and meteorological conditions. The public security department carries out isolation and vigilance.
2 cut off the power supply and remove the fire source
The power and fire source in the environment of chemical leakage often cause explosion and fire. After the accident, the power source should be cut off and the fire source should be eliminated.
If the leakage is a flammable and explosive substance, it is necessary to control the power supply and prohibit all kinds of fire sources in the whole area of poison leakage. Including the prohibition of the use of non explosion-proof electrical appliances, the prohibition of the use of mobile phones and walkie talkies.
3 Protection of emergency personnel
Protection of emergency personnel in accordance with the following principles:
1. all personnel who have entered the chemical leakage site for emergency treatment must receive special training and training to fully understand the chemical properties and reaction characteristics of the leaks.
2. before entering the scene, effective personal protection should be directed against the physical and chemical properties of the leaked substances. Before wearing the protective equipment, the safety performance of the protective equipment should be carefully checked, especially for the special person to check the pressure parameters and valves of the respirator.
3. the name and time of the personnel who enter or evacuate the scene should be recorded in detail.
4. it is strictly prohibited to act alone;
5. the site should prepare special antidote and other emergency medical supplies, and medical staff are on standby.
6. the poisoning personnel should be rescued or guided to withdraw from the upper wind direction.
4 field poison monitoring
The monitoring of the poisons in the leakage area should be continuously monitored, and the species, concentration and diffusion range of the leaked material should be mastered, and the warning area should be delineated properly, and the scientific basis for the decision of the site command is provided.
In order to ensure the accuracy of on-site inspection, environmental protection, health and fire departments should be strengthened to cooperate with each other.
5 leakage control
Cut off the leakage source
To smallWhen the container leaks, it can turn the leakage part to the safe area, then transfer the material, nail the wedge, and injecting sealant.
Leakage of large containers is usually done by transferring materials to safety containers while taking appropriate measures to stop leakage.
Leakage of cylinders must be handled by professionals, moving cylinders to safe areas for disposal. If leakage occurs in accessories such as joints, valves and pressure relief devices, special tools should be used to eliminate them. If leakage occurs below the level, the cylinder position should be changed so that only the gas in the cylinder is released and the cylinder is reduced. During operation, we should pay attention to inner pressure of cylinder, prevent cracking and explosion.
The leakage in the process of production and use should be immediately closed by closing the related valves, cutting off the equipment, pipelines, or changing the process flow. When the conditions permit, under the guidance of experts and technicians, the leakage can be controlled by the methods and measures such as shut-off valve cutting, opening valve diversion, discharge pressure discharge, flare emptying, emergency stop and so on.
Disposal of leaks
Prevent diffusion:
For harmful gases and vapors, water spray can be used to absorb and reduce its concentration in the atmosphere. In the field, fire trucks, washes and sprinklers can be used to dilute and disperse the leaked gas from the upward direction.
Liquid leaks on land can be accommodated by means of building dikes and digging trenches. In order to prevent leakage from infiltrating into soil and groundwater, soil sealants can be used.
For water leaks, it can be used to build dams to control leaks on small rivers. For example, leakage is insoluble mass, it can be controlled by trench; if leakage is insoluble floating material, it can be blocked by surface water grid, and then skimmed with the skimming equipment; if the leakage is soluble or settling, it can be collected with a sealed water grid.
For strong volatile leaks, foam or other floating materials can be used, or refrigerants such as carbon dioxide, liquid nitrogen and wet ice can be cooled at low temperature.
Scavenging degradation:
Liquid leaks on land, liquid and solid leaks in water can be removed by means of extraction.
The leaks on land (including some organic substances in water) can be adsorbed by active carbon, natural organic sorbents, natural inorganic adsorbents or synthetic adsorbents, and can be converted into a stable form by cement, gel and lime.
For acidic and alkaline leaks, neutralization method can be used.
Precautions for leakage control
When the leakage is uncontrolled, or has been burned at the leak and can not be extinguished, or the leak place has exploded, and the possibility of continuing to explode, do not run out of leakage control.
6 measures for the aftermath
After the leakage is effectively controlled, the leakage operation should be carried out in the leakage device, and the leakage site, including the people, vehicles, equipment and equipment working in the polluted area, should be thoroughly eliminated. The sewage produced by washing and elimination should be recovered and treated.
The damaged equipment should be thoroughly cleaned and replaced, and the instrument can be used for inspection and inspection. After the safety standard is reached, it can be overhauled or abandoned according to the regulations of the procedure and safety management.
When leakage can cause soil or groundwater pollution to affect public health, monitoring plans should be formulated and implemented.
After the chemical leak,
How to prevent the explosion?
1 basic measures
Control combustibles
Storehouses with fire and explosion hazardous substances are used to prevent the spread of fire by fire-resistant buildings.
Reduce the concentration of flammable gas, steam and dust in the reservoir area, so that it does not exceed the maximum allowable concentration.
Cut off the air
Isolated air stores some chemical inflammable substances, such as sodium in kerosene, phosphorus in dry water, and carbon disulfide sealed storage.
It clears the fire
The fire source is cleared, the fire source is isolated, the temperature control, the grounding, the lightning protection, the installation of the explosion-proof lamp, the sun and so on are adopted to prevent the flammable from firing in the open fire or the increase of temperature.
2 fire control
Control the fire source of overhaul or construction site, including open fire, impact friction, natural heating, electrical discharge, electrostatic spark, etc.
It is forbidden to use naked fire in the areas where fire and explosion are dangerous.
Fire and fire permits should be handled for special situations such as electric and gas welding.
Remove flammable and combustible materials in fire zone; configure fire fighting equipment. The fire builders must be certified.
3 friction and impact control
During the operation of auxiliary facilities and pumps, maintain good lubrication and timely and clearly adherent flammable dirt.
When carrying a metal container with flammable gas and flammable liquid, it prevents collision and throw from each other, so as not to cause fire and explosion caused by sparking or explosion of the container. The import and export personnel can not wear the shoes with nails.
During loading and unloading, light load and light unloading are used to prevent vibration, impact friction, heavy pressure and dumping.
4 natural fever control
Oil rag, oil and cotton yarn are easy to cause fire. They should be placed in metal containers, placed in safe areas and cleaned up in time.
5 electric spark control
The main equipment used in the reservoir area is low voltage electrical equipment, which often produces a short time arc discharge and the weak spark on the contact. It is dangerous to the combustible gas, flammable liquid vapor and explosive dust which need low ignition energy, so the electrical equipment and its wiring should choose explosion-proof type.
6 electrostatic spark control
Some friends may think that static electricity is a trivial matter.
Absolutely wrong! The most serious static electricity can cause combustion and explosion of combustibles, especially inflammable gas or steam requiring small ignition energy. In places with gasoline, benzene, hydrogen and other places, special attention should be paid to the harm of static electricity. The import and export personnel should take anti static work clothes. The flow rate should be controlled when the pipeline is transported, and the bulk chemical tanker should be reliable. Electrostatic groundingElectrostatic grounding resistance detection, alarm, etc., the whole system should suppress static electricity or generate static electricity quickly.
7 control of other fire sources
Avoid direct sunlight in summer and configure corresponding cooling measures.
Indoor warehouse to avoid high-power lighting for long time baking, using cold light source;
There are no fireworks in the reservoir area.
Prohibit the use of possible sparkles;
No explosion-proof mobile phones are strictly prohibited.
8 prevent the expansion of flame and explosion waves
The function of the fire resistance device is to put the flame into the equipment, container, pipe, or to expand the flame in the equipment and pipe, and the common safety water seal (196) fire arrester and one-way valve are commonly used.
The transport vehicles entering the inflammable and explosive reservoir area should be “ three certificates ” check and install fireproof cover and small fireproof equipment.
For storage facilities with pressure, pressure relief devices are important safety devices for fire and explosion protection, including safety valves and rupture discs, breathing valves and air pipes.
9 other matters of attention
When storing unstable olefin and dienes, we should take measures to prevent self polymerization, because self polymerization will exotherm and increase the danger of fire and explosion.
Indicator devices such as pressure meter (liquefied gas storage, etc.), thermometer, liquid level meter and high position alarm (flammable liquid storage tank) can be regularly checked, calibrated and calibrated.
In addition, lightning protection and anti static devices should be installed in irrigated areas.
10 emergency equipment
Gas automatic monitoring system, fire alarm device and sprinkler spray device are installed in the key parts of fire and explosion. (because most liquid chemicals are lighter than water, fire extinguishing will lead to the expansion of fire range), regular maintenance or test and calibration should have the function of explosion-proof equipment.
Formulate contingency plans for different storage materials and storage conditions.