Violence against the law! Environmental protection personnel ordered to stop production invalid, the enterprise was presided over the knife chop 800 meters.
In the face of environmental law enforcement officers, violence can resist a series of laws. Last year was to close the door and release the dog. This year is more exaggerated. The owner directly chased the knife for 800 meters. After I saw it, I gave the law enforcement officers a cold sweat. Big guy, let's have a look!
Violence against the law of the knife chasing 800 meters
Recently, an environmental illegal enterprise in Zengcheng, Guangzhou, has been detained by the police in Zengcheng.
The company is known as the Hai Hai bean processing Department of Zengcheng, Guangzhou. It is located at No. eight, Guan Shan one lane, Lanyuan village, Yongning Street, mainly engaged in agricultural and sideline products (tofu) processing industry. Prior to the on-site inspection of the environmental protection department, it was found that the waste water and fume waste gas produced in the production process had not been discharged directly, affecting the surrounding environment, and the enterprise failed to show the relevant approval procedures for environmental protection.
In April 18, 2018, Yongning Street Environmental Protection Agency issued a notice of environmental protection rectification to the enterprise and ordered it to stop production immediately. Environmental protection personnel require the enterprise to complete environmental approval procedures and pollution control facilities before continuing operation.
On April 20, 2018 and 27, environmental protection personnel carried out on-site review of the enterprise, and found that the company did not produce the environment without approval procedures.

According to the joint law enforcement mechanism of Yonghe river river regulation, in April 28th, 2 staff members of Yongning Street Environmental Protection Institute and 3 staff of the District Environmental Protection Bureau were investigated and investigated by the Guangzhou Zengcheng sea sea bean product processing department according to law.
In the field of law enforcement personnel to ask the record, the person in charge of the enterprise refused to cooperate, suddenly chasing a knife chasing staff, continuous chase distance of up to 800 meters, fortunately, the law enforcement personnel have not been chased, no casualties.

Then the law enforcement officers called for help, and Yongning Street police station rushed to the scene. The head of the enterprise was put up with a desperate resistance and the police quickly controlled it.
After examination, the suspect X army confessed to the crime of violence against public service by his knife, and has been detained by the police according to law. (source: Zengcheng District Environmental Protection Bureau)
Violence against the law at the door of the dog, illegal detention
In addition to this year's violent anti drama, a similar incident last year against environmental protection personnel is also a big surprise.
In April 5, 2017, the Ministry of Environmental Protection announced that Beijing, Tianjin and its surrounding transmission channels &ldquo, 2 + 26 & R & D; the city will carry out a one year supervision and inspection of air pollution control.
The strengthening of supervision is the largest action directly organized by the national level since the history of environmental protection. At the same time, a video conference was held in Beijing to mobilize the supervision work. This is the first time the Ministry of Environmental Protection released the air quality of Beijing Tianjin Hebei and its surrounding areas separately.
It was at the tip of the wind that everyone was afraid to poke the basket. Who could think of a home enterprise not not only to cooperate with the investigation on the 16 day, but also to turn the environmental supervision group off!
It is understood that in the morning of April 16, 2017, the Ministry of environmental protection strengthened the supervision group of fifteenth inspector group to the Ji'nan City District Zhong Gong Zhen Shandong green Jay environmental protection and energy saving Technology Co., Ltd. inspection found:
The coal fired boiler in the workshop is not listed in the local coal fired small boiler. No dust and waste gas collection and disposal device is used in the welding production section. The noise in the workshop is relatively large and the dust on the ground is heavy.

The pollution in the company's factory is serious and the environmental messy is poor.
After hearing the news of the Inspectorate team, Wang, who is in charge of the enterprise, rushed to the scene. The inspectors and the local law enforcement officers of the environmental protection department showed them the law enforcement documents. Wang said that the certificate has problems, refused to check, do not provide relevant environmental information, at the same time lock the door immediately, do not allow inspectors to leave, and detain law enforcement personnel over an hour.
During the period, the inspectors repeatedly communicated, indicating their identity, but they were still blocked. It was not until the public security organs came to the scene that they were able to leave.
The anti law of environmental violence should be severely punished
At the same time, there was a close door to put dogs and illegal detention of environmental law enforcement officers. This time there was a knife cutting and killing of environmental law enforcement officers. These polluters sacrificed the health of the people to make profits for themselves.
The law enforcement officers who chase the sword with their knives have already become a crime of disrupting public service.
The definition of the crime of obstruction of public affairs in the criminal law:
By means of violence and threat methods that obstruct the staff of state organs and representatives of the people's Congress to perform their duties according to law, or in natural disasters and emergencies, the use of violence and threat methods impede the performance of the Red Cross staff in accordance with the law, or deliberately obstruct the state security organs and the public security organs to carry out the national security work in accordance with the law. Even if we do not use violence or threat, it will constitute a crime if it causes serious consequences.
The 277th article of the criminal law:
Those who obstruct state organs and staff members from executing their duties according to law by violence or threat shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, control or fines.
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Part of the source: a new environment for environmental protection