You say: how important is the leader of the first class class
As for the leader of the first class class, we say that:
Some people say:
Sinopec Hunan Chang Lian Petrochemical has a group named by the team leader, Daxing class. Personal understanding of the group leader's definition: take the team members as the master, take the leader as the eldest brother, take the company as a family, and take advantage as a nail.
Some people say:
The team leader is the most tired, but the result is the biggest. The minimum standard for a class leader is that the staff can be a fellow worker from work, and the work must be equal, otherwise the team will be charged with you, and the strength of a team is to see the leadership of the group leader.
Others say:
The monitor should have a good communication and friendship with the management level. It is necessary to be aware of the parents, have a nurse's heart, understand the advantages and disadvantages of the class staff, do a good job of guiding and example, give full play to the strengths of the class members, arrange their work reasonably, drive the class members to play the energy, understand the focus of the production operation, and make the production control well.
It has the ability to analyze and deal with the hidden dangers of production, so that the class staff can get a good solution from you when encountering problems, achieve common goals with the class and work hard for them. Reduce the probability of the team being assessed, tell the class how to do it, get a reward, do things well, and have an optimistic attitude for everyone. That's what I did!

The first class leader is very important, so how important is it?
The leader of a group is the leader of the class group. The leader of the class group is the direct command and organizer of the group production management. It is also the most basic person in charge of the enterprise. It belongs to the head of the army. It is a very large number of teams.
The special status of the team leader determines that he should take different positions on the three strata.
In the face of subordinates, we should stand on the position of representing the operator and speak with the voice of the leader.
In the face of business operators, he should stand on the voice of his subordinates' voice and speak with his subordinates' voice.
His immediate superior should also stand on the position of his subordinates and his superior staff.
Responsibility of class leader in production management
In a word, there are four aspects as follows:
1. Improve the quality of products
Quality is related to the market and customers. The team leader should lead the staff to work hard and produce high quality products on time.
Two, improve production efficiency
To improve production efficiency is to produce more and better high-quality products by constantly innovating and excavating the enthusiasm of the employees, improving the operation method and the management process under the same conditions.
Three, reduce production cost
Cost reduction includes raw material saving, energy saving, labor cost reduction and so on.
Four, prevention of industrial injuries and major accidents
Safety does not necessarily have everything, but without security there is nothing. We must adhere to safety first, prevent industrial injuries and major accidents, including efforts to improve the safety of machinery and equipment, and supervise staff and workers to work strictly in accordance with the operating regulations. Many accidents are caused by illegal operations.
The role of class leader in production management
Teams and groups are the smallest production units of enterprises, and team management is the foundation of enterprise management. No matter what industry and type of work, its common characteristic is to have the means and objects of common labor, and directly undertake certain production tasks, including service products, so the group leader has three important roles:
Group leaders influence the implementation of the company's production decisions, because decisions are good and decisions are difficult to implement if the executors are not effective. Therefore, the group leaders affect the implementation of decisions and affect the ultimate realization of the profits of enterprises.
Two, class leader is not only a bridge between the preceding and the following, but also a link between staff and leaders.
Three, the group leader is the direct organizer of production and the worker of production, so the team leader should be both a technical backbone and a versatile business person.
Duty of class leader in production management
The leader of the class is a large number of enterprises in the enterprise. The overall quality of the group leader determines whether the policy of the enterprise can be implemented smoothly. Therefore, it is very important for the leader of the class group to do its duty. The responsibilities of the leader of the class group mainly include:
First, labor management
Personnel allocation, scheduling, work, strict attendance, staff's emotional management, new employees' technical training and safety operation, production site health, and group construction are all labor management. (TPM, overtime management)
Two. Responsibility for production management
Production management responsibilities include field operation, personnel management, product quality, manufacturing cost, material management, machine maintenance and so on. (operation standard, dump stock, quality accident)
Three, auxiliary superior
The team leader should promptly and accurately reflect the actual situation in his work to his superiors, put forward his own suggestions, and do a good job as a staff assistant at the higher level. However, many group leaders only stay in the usual personnel deployment and production scheduling, and do not give full play to the leadership and exemplary role of team leaders.
With the development of the times and the need of work, more and more young people go to the post of class leader, but most of them rely on the way of the master to take the apprentice or by their own daily groping, accumulate experience to understand, understand what is management, so the lack of systematic management knowledge.
Experience is very important, but experience after all is not systematic, there are some blind areas, so the system must be trained to improve the management level, so that the management from spontaneous to a self-conscious level.
How should I be the leader of the class?
First of all, you should know your role in the business. Accurate grasp of their rights and obligations, the company's leadership expectations and expectations of employees. Exactly, there are three aspects:
First, accurately grasp the norms, rights and obligations of their roles.
The leader of the class represents three positions: the position of the undertakings, the position of the representative producer, the position of the direct boss representing the staff and the position of the auxiliary staff of the superior.
If the team leader is not clear about this regulation, he will not know himself.How many rights, duties and responsibilities should be played and what role should be played, then, although he occupies the position of the leader of the class, he has failed to play the role of the leader of the class group, and is the leader of the class without practical value.
Of course, in the grasp of their own role can not be excesses, the West called this phenomenon as the impression integral, said the popular is the “ ” even do not know or not understand the lower level of the masses.
Two. Understand the expectations of the leader
As a subordinate, we must have an accurate understanding of the direction of the leader, as well as the background, environment and leadership style of the leadership instructions. Sometimes, as a subordinate, you have done a lot of effort to do something, but it is not what the leader wants, but the result is not enough to achieve the desired result.
Of course, you may be right, but the leaders do not understand what to do.
At this point, you should choose the right time to present your suggestions, so that the leaders can accept or adopt your suggestions more comprehensively and accurately.
Now there is a Western saying: to manage your leadership well, that is, to understand the style of leadership, in order to better coordinate the relationship and carry out the work well.
Three. Understand the expectations of the lower class to you
The lower level has the following six expectations for the superior:
1, the business should be fair.
It is easy to speak fair, but it is very difficult to do it. Fairness is often mistaken as equalitarianism, so the leader of the class needs to be fair and fair in the distribution work, and the rewards and penalties are clear, and the distribution of interests should be fair, only in this way can we serve the public.
2, care for the subordinates.
Lack of care and understanding of employees in work and life, employees will naturally be dissatisfied with you.
3. The goal is clear.
Clear objectives are the most important and minimum prerequisites for leadership. As a team leader, the goal should be very clear. Otherwise, it is simply a confused official.
4, the order is issued accurately.
The leader of the class group is the leader of the front line. The accuracy of the order should be as accurate as the controller of the airport to the pilot. Otherwise, it is easy to produce ambiguity. In the course of the transmission of the command, such or such mistakes will inevitably occur, causing accidents in the work.
5, timely guidance.
At work, subordinates always hope that they can get timely guidance from their superiors, because the timely guidance of their superiors is the attention and training of their subordinates.
6, it needs honor.
As a team leader, you should generously give honors and bonuses to everyone. The more models you have, the better you can work.
Generally speaking, the team leader of the production site should know the above problems, but it is far from enough. It must be more careful and more accurate to understand the company's corporate culture, the leadership habits and the personality characteristics of the employees, the past, present, future, and the use of the Department.
The team leader is the main communication bridge between the company and the production staff. The management of the team leader will directly affect the production schedule and product quality of the company.
Source: Lean Production Promotion Center