1 deaths and 3 injuries! Burst in a chemical industry park in Jiangsu
According to Nanjing Jiangbei new area 30, about 11:55 on May 30, 2018, at about 11:55 in May 30, 2018, the refining kettle of the raw material plant workshop of Nanjing Bai Jing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., 29 of the Fang Shui Dong Road, the Nanjing new area of Jiangbei, was flashed. The accident caused 1 deaths and 3 injured, and the injured people were sent to hospital for treatment.

Nanjing Bai Jing Yu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is located in Fang Shui East Road, Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park. The explosion workshop is located in the middle of the plant.

After the accident, half of the roof cover of the workshop was lifted, and many pieces of debris fell to the surrounding area of the factory.

At present, there is no fire and no smoke in the field. The fire department is closely monitoring the scene. The field rain discharge has been closed and the water water is controlled in the accident pool. At present, the air and water pollution are not caused, and the field monitoring is still in progress.

Of the 3 injured, 1 were scratched on the arm, 1 were slightly burned on the arm and 1 were scratched on the leg. The on-site emergency disposal has been completed. After monitoring by the environmental protection department, the accident did not affect the atmosphere and water bodies.

How to prevent flicker accidents?
The best way is to take all possible measures to stop the conditions of flash explosion. There are several similarities between flicker and combustion conditions. There are three conditions for combustion, namely, combustibles, combustion assisting objects and fire sources, and flicker can not be separated from the above three points. Under normal conditions, the first two conditions are uncontrollable, so we must work hard to control the detonating source.
Scavenging the fire source;
Cut off the dangerous power supply;
Shutting down the communication tools of all site personnel;
Control the flow rate in the pipeline and during loading so as to prevent static electricity generation.
The process parameters and temperature are well controlled, and the exhaust gas recovery system is utilized to reduce unorganized gas emission.
The static grounding of equipment, tower crane and loading vehicle is well done.
But in case of flash explosion, the scene personnel should not panic, should take the right rescue method according to the actual situation. In general, the following measures should be taken:
When the accident is spreading further, evacuate personnel to safety area immediately.
If any person is injured, take measures such as cleaning and bandaging according to the actual situation. If he is seriously injured, he should dial 120 for help.
According to the physical and chemical characteristics of the product, effective fire extinguishing method is adopted to minimize the impact of the accident.
In case of uncontrollable fire and danger, all personnel should be organized to evacuate in time in order to reduce casualties, and call 119 to wait for the rescue of the relevant fire fighting and government departments.