World Environment Day only needs a little change
Today is the world environment day.
The theme of World Environment Day 2018 is: “ plastic warfare and quick decision ”
— — Beat Plastic Pollution.

A large number of plastic products are not only difficult to recycle
It is also a great harm to us

The EU recommends a comprehensive ban on disposable plastic products
On May 28th, the European Union proposed to ban all disposable plastic products, including plastic straws, and recycle 9 plastic bottles by 2025.

China also produces plastic waste “ big country ”

Beautiful China, you need me to build it. In 2018, the theme of China's environment day is “ beautiful China, I am the actor &rdquo. It is hoped that the whole society will actively participate in the ecological environment affairs, respect nature, conform to nature, protect nature, make the sky bluer, greener, clearer water and more beautiful environment, so that the idea of green mountain is more fully displayed on the land of the motherland.

So, how are you going to act on World Environment Day? Not only today, in the future life, please actively carry out the protection of the ecological environment, reduce the use of plastic products, and increase the use of alternative products. In addition to reducing the use of plastics, there are also minor things that you can do.
One of your small steps is a big step in environmental protection

We are not a superpower cosmological hero, but with these seemingly small actions in life, the earth will be better in our hands.