Secret: the real reason behind the strict environmental protection of the central government, do you know?
In 2018, environmental protection is getting stricter and stricter, a new round of environmental protection “ look back at ” start! Recently, Jiangsu and Guangdong have been renovating and shutting down thousands of cities. Why are environmental inspections so strict? Someone said the truth!

Photo source: Xinhua News Agency
This year, more and more strict environmental protection, many enterprises shut down, stop production, reduce production, everywhere is the complaint, everywhere is crying and crying, many small bosses so one night bankruptcy, the local government is also a lot of contradictions, the direct impact of the GDP, the impact of tax revenue, the impact of the industry, maybe also bring social instability. Sure.
Why does the central government have to blow the punch?
The surface reason is to control the environment, give people a blue sky, clear water for the people, and clean air for the people. Of course, this is one reason, but this is not the main reason. The author thinks that the main reasons are as follows:
Irregular enterprises such as messy and messy

At the beginning of the reform and opening up, this type of enterprise undoubtedly played a great role in the development of the economy, solved a lot of employment, contributed a lot of tax, and contributed a lot of GDP, the economy developed to today, the domestic enterprises all need transformation and upgrading, otherwise it is not competitive in the whole international market.
But transformation and upgrading require enterprises to invest a lot of money. Where do these funds come from? Do you borrow money?
Borrowing is only a temporary solution. In the final analysis, it is also necessary for enterprises to have huge profits and promote transformation and upgrading with profits. But the current situation is that the profits of the entire production enterprises are not high, mainly because the selling price is low.
Why is the selling price of the product not high and the profit is very low?
The main reason is that there are many market players. A regular enterprise needs to pay taxes, need to invest high cost of environmental protection equipment, pay full insurance to employees, high research and development costs, good working environment costs, and the cost of safety work. In order to ensure the quality of products and services also have expensive management costs, the cost of regular enterprises is very high.
While an informal enterprise or workshop has no such cost, even if there is a little poor, such enterprises are much lower than the cost of the regular enterprises, so they can get the sales at low price, and the regular enterprises can only lower the price in order to get the sales, which leads to the low price. The phenomenon of low selling price and low profit of regular enterprises is the phenomenon.
This phenomenon is extremely unfair to the formal enterprises.
Therefore, there will be regular enterprises will also try to reduce the cost of operation, there will be tax avoidance, environmental equipment, and so on, but also try to reduce the cost of raw materials, management costs, because only such a formal enterprise still has the space for survival.

Therefore, the economic development to the current stage is also a helplessness to have to cut down those irregular enterprises or to gradually transform all the enterprises into regular enterprises, and can also eliminate some excess capacity and backward production capacity.
Only in this way can the profits of enterprises be increased, so that more funds can be invested in R & D, transformation and upgrading, and more benefits can be provided to employees. Only in this way can the whole domestic economy enter a virtuous circle. Let our enterprises be truly competitive in the international market.
Talented people are paid off by high wages
Poor working environment of enterprises
For all enterprises, the most shortage is talent. It takes a lot of years to train a good talent enterprise. It needs a variety of training and training. It also needs to invest a lot of money.
But often the talents are well trained by other small enterprises, because small enterprises do not invest a lot of time and cost to train talents, and digging people is the simplest, fastest and lowest cost method.
This also leads to the fact that formal enterprises are unwilling to train more talents. This is also an extremely unfair phenomenon.
For the industrial enterprises, we all feel that the employees are impetuous, motionless, and not moving, even if they do not leave the job and do not want to do well, people are more and more difficult to manage.

Why does this happen? Because there are too many irregular enterprises in the society, I can find jobs everywhere I leave.
Therefore, in order to change this phenomenon, the Central Committee can only handle with pain, reduce the number of informal enterprises, and change the phenomenon of brain drain.
Although a lot of irregular enterprises have also reduced jobs at the same time, they may also bring partial unrest to the society, but it is also an impossible way, because only such enterprises can sink their hearts and cultivate more talents, make their employees less impetuous, and the economy can get better and healthier hair. Exhibition.
Like the war of liberation, in order to build a new China, many people have to sacrifice, and in order to build a good healthy market economy environment can only bear this pain.
Government lack of money and income
A big deal of money after selling the land
Why is the sale of land the main way for local governments to get financial revenue in the past few years?
Because the government is short of money, it can quickly get more financial revenue by selling the land, and then push the house price to astronomical figures, let the people can't afford to buy the house, and let the people of the whole society put into the profit of the real estate, and on the other hand, the real economy is also erased.

So now only to make all the enterprises regularized, people do not need to tax avoidance tax avoidance, so the government's financial income can be high, only by selling land to obtain financial income subsidies. The government can better stabilize the society, better serve the enterprises and serve the people better.
For enterprises, if all enterprises are formal, then everyone's cost is almost the same, and there will be no tax evasion, tax avoidance, stealing and so on.
Business owners can also put all their energy into the real development of enterprises, and do not need to worry about their lives.That's right. For consumers, they will not buy products that are unconscionable.
Recently, there are many complaints about environmental protection on the Internet. It is very strange that the central government should develop the real economy on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is hard to seize the environmental protection and shutdown enterprises.
In fact, this is not a contradiction, the future of the Central Committee is “ there are enterprises with responsibility, responsibility, conscience ” not for their own interests of the conscience of the enterprises to make money, for the unconscionable enterprise in the future society must not exist space.
So, look at things, or to analyze from a long-term point of view, do not only see the bad side, to see more good aspects, long pain is not as short pain, no matter how, we all hope that the environment is good, economic growth is also a higher level.
Source: micro LINK chemical industry