What happened to those who changed 13 jobs in 7 years?
An aimless person
Always a novice
My studio recruitment editor, a girl's resume is very bright: graduated from the Chinese Department of a prestigious school, worked as a newspaper reporter, won a prize in literature, and the pictures were very good. And the articles she attached to me are very interesting to me.
But the reduction is: she has not only been a reporter, but also a lawyer assistant, cosmetics sales, private school teacher … … 7 years from college, she changed 13 jobs, and the industry has a large span. It seemed that she could not keep on doing something stably. I'm a little worried that she can't come to me for too long.
Again and again, I still call her for an interview. It is indeed a pretty girl, who speaks well and frankly and comfortably. I was not satisfied with her answer in the face of &ldquo and why I had changed so much &rdquo.
She said she was interested in many industries and felt that she could do it well, so she really wanted to try it, &ldquo. ”
I said, there are always differences between what you want to do and what you want to do. What do you want to do most? She said it might be writing, but she could not give up for this. I decided to give up her at the moment. There is a kind of blind date to &mdash, — anything is good, is a flower heart. The injury is too hard, so it can only be rejected by one vote.
Just as no woman wants to marry a flower boy, no employer will like employees who frequently quit their jobs.
And from the perspective of this girl, I feel that this injury will bring disaster to her life. It is important for a man to focus on what he is good at if he wants to achieve some results.
At the beginning of the society, it can be tried and wrong, but it can't be changed without end. Otherwise, others will be upgraded in the professional field. You can open the east block and always be a novice.
More important than intelligence
It's concentration.
A party of Bill Gates and Buffett, Gates's dad asked two big riches to write down “ &rdquo, the biggest word for you, and Gates and Buffett, all written down “ focus on ” the word. It sounds like chicken soup, but it's true. Gates and Buffett have talked about it personally.
In fact, this is the consensus of many successful people: it is easier to do things with concentrated attention.
Buffett once said, if you don't know what you should do, then list 25 things you want to do most, then cut out 20, and put in the rest of the 5. Remember, 6-25 other things may be your life's interference. Don't spend your energy on it before the most important 5 things are done, and forget them all.
Jobs has done almost the same thing. After he had been forced to leave Apple Corp for the rights struggle and return to apple, he reduced the company's 40 projects to 4, and told everyone: “ our goal was to create these 4 products. ” later came the apple smart phone that changed the world.
Jobs said it is equally important to decide not to do anything and decide what to do. The company is so, the product is so.
In fact, life is more so.
The success of man can be understood as “ climbing to the top of the mountain ” Climbing a mountain with concentration is obviously easier to climb to the top. If A mountain climb half, and see the B mountain is good, B mountain walks a few steps by the C mountain to attract the past, to the end of the last half is a lifetime of running, a tired, nothing.
A friend of mine works in a bank, mainly dealing with bad debts, and dealing with all those companies that are &ldquo, once prosperous and later breaking &rdquo. She said that the tragedy of many companies is the result of blind expansion.
Originally a mattress enterprise, just a little good sign, the boss is unable to stabilize, and then make bed, the bed has not yet made profits, the sofa is on the line again. The last big booth was spread out, and the strength was not enough, so it was completely dead. If you insist on making mattress, the company can be very strong.
I started with the same girl as I said: the ability is not bad, if you focus on a little, it must be a good development, but not enough concentration, the prospect is difficult to say.
Psychologist Daniel · Goleman said: concentration is more influential than intelligence on a person's final success.
American psychologists have also done a long-term follow - up: 50 of children with a high level of intelligence and strong concentration, most of them become outstanding talents in all fields, and children with not enough attention, life and work are unsatisfactory after many years, and they can only comfort themselves by believing that fate is a God's arrangement.
Concentration is actually a mental ability. This ability has never been more important in the present era. Because human beings have never faced so much information and temptation today. Every second, there will be huge amounts of information coming to you, with all kinds of hands pulling you.
“ for a mountain to climb &rdquo, the temptation is very large and the cost is very low. But the laws of the world are constant, “ insisting on doing one thing is easier to achieve; the truth of &rdquo will not change.
So if you are strong enough, you may win the majority.
Focus on what you are good at
Of course, only concentration is not enough to lead to success. Equally important, you should focus on what you are best at.

Back to Buffett, Buffett is very sensitive to numbers. Now he is more than 80 years old, he can accurately say that in 1930, the population of Omaha was 214006. He also likes to think, “ consider business and investment issues ” it will make him happy.
Bill Gates said that Buffett's ability to assess people and enterprises is particularly magical. At best, he has Buffett's 1/5. So, the investor is no doubtThe job Buffett is best at. If he had changed his profession, he would not have achieved today.
Buffett's wife said that Buffett could not find the light switch in his house, nor did he know the color of the bedroom wall. Once she had a cold and was bedridden, she said to Buffett, “ I wanted to vomit, and you went to the kitchen to take something to &rdquo for me; and Buffett said well, ran to the kitchen, and a gust of Jingling and a filter. The wife said my dear no, leaking. Buffett ran to the kitchen and then came over and put the filter pot on the baking pan.
If Buffett is a criminal policeman or a nursing worker, he will not be able to bear it for life.
So focusing on what you are good at is as important as concentration itself. Some things, you really are not good at, doomed to do bad, then do not put your main energy here.
With the same effort for 10 years, you can drag your weakness into the ordinary. For example, a person who knows nothing about law can be an ordinary lawyer. You can also turn your advantage into a sharp point. For example, a very talented general practitioner has become a leading medical expert.
Obviously, this latter thing will bring you more benefits and greater significance. And greater honor, rewards, rewards, and sense of accomplishment will give you more motivation to stick to it.
When you know very clearly that you are doing the right thing, you will be unusually firm, even if there is a new temptation, even if the long repetition of special injury enthusiasm, you can not move, continue to persist, let yourself become better in the practice, and finally stand out.
This firmness will also save you a lot of entanglements and anxieties. As you know, we wasted too much energy in thinking and thinking in a dilemma. Of course, not all good things are worth focusing on. If you eat watermelons very well, you can also paint oil paintings. You must know which one to choose.
An average of 60 points
It's better to concentrate on 100 points.
Social competition is so intense that we can only go further by concentrating on building our own long boards. People have limited energy, don't waste it on your weaknesses, — — use the greatest energy to make your strengths clean, rather than just pass the inferiority.
Make a comparison. All posts in a newspaper are recruited. Remember all the jobs.
A everything will, but not well. Interview, design, proofreading and advertising are 60 points.
B can only be designed, nothing else. But the design of 100 points, one's hand, no one can be enemy.
Let you choose, who do you choose? The two words don't tell B to do the design, right? As for A, it depends on the situation. There is no single person who exceeds 70 points to get him. In fact, the chances are slim.
And the whole society, we can see as a large unit of all posts, it is the most favorite, must be a certain field of fine talent, rather than all kinds of all type of mediocre.
So you don't need to be proficient in all kinds of skills.
The skill is in the hand, all things do not worry. Ma Yun has been Faye Wong for many years, but how does he realize the dream of singing with Faye Wong? Instead of raising plastic surgery and practicing singing skills, enter the entertainment industry. As long as he concentrated on doing his best at the Alibaba business, Faye Wong came to sing with him.
The biggest shortcut to success is to focus on what you are good at.
Real smart people know how to focus on one thing and the best. And then use this point to support the whole life. A valuable thing, you can do well and stick to it for a long time. Finally, you will win.
This is the best answer I can think of about how to succeed.