People's Daily: technology talent is scarce. Can't find, recruit or stay
A recent survey of 100 enterprises in six provinces and cities by People's Daily shows that manufacturing industry is facing a dilemma in attracting talents. As high as 73.08% of enterprises believe that the most important difficulty in the process of high-quality development is “ lack of technical personnel ”.
The annual salary of a doctoral student enrolled by a central enterprise is about 2.3 million yuan, while that of a private enterprise is about 4.5 million yuan. Most people who want to make money go to real estate and finance, but few people go to manufacturing industry. …
— — voice from major manufacturing enterprises.
Recently, the People's Daily investigated 100 enterprises in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, Qingdao and Weifang, Changsha and Zhuzhou in detail, and realized that manufacturing enterprises are facing the problem of human resources.
The following is an excerpt from the people's daily.

China's manufacturing industry is in the forefront of the world in terms of personnel training, the structure of human resources in the manufacturing industry has been gradually optimized, the talent gathering plateau has initially taken shape, and the talent development environment has gradually improved.
The results of a questionnaire survey of 100 enterprises show that when asked about & ldquo, what are the main difficulties for enterprises to move towards high-quality development?
Many enterprises in the survey believe that efforts should be made to improve the income and treatment of skilled workers, to open up their promotion channels, so that the type of work to be recognized by the community, more respect.
Manufacturing industry attracts frequent talents.
Some traditional manufacturing enterprises have relatively low salaries, so they try to do a good job matching education, medical care and other life, by alleviating the worries of employees to retain people.
The results of a questionnaire survey of 100 enterprises show that when asked about & ldquo; what are the main difficulties for enterprises to move towards high-quality development at present?
In order to attract talents, the manufacturing enterprises used “ the eighteen Wu Yi ”

Treatment attracts talents. Some high-tech manufacturing enterprises offer &ldquo to high tech talents, and &rdquo at a high price.
“ we pay a lot of talent to the market. Mr. Lu, general manager of a certain equipment company, told reporters that R&D personnel and senior technicians are the key high-salary recruited talents.
Equity incentive is a common practice in many high-tech manufacturing industries. Du Xiaoxu, deputy general manager of Duntai Science and Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., said that attracting more than 10 years of technical personnel in the industry is basically dependent on equity incentives. Overall, employee ownership is one of the best ways to integrate personal struggle with the development of the company.
Supporting people. Some traditional manufacturing enterprises have relatively low salaries, so they strive to do a good job of supporting education, medical and other life, by alleviating the worries of employees to retain people.
We run kindergartens, elementary schools, and vocational schools, so that more people are willing to take root, but also a continuous stream of enterprises need to train technical personnel. ” Zhang Guanglei, deputy general manager of Shandong Hao Mei machinery Polytron Technologies Inc.
Policy is also playing a key role in encouraging talents to join the manufacturing industry.
At the end of 2016, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly compiled the "Guidelines for the Development Planning of Manufacturing Talents" to carry out the top-level design of personnel training, docking, training, management, evaluation and other links. The development rules for manufacturing personnel were also promulgated according to the actual situation.
In the survey, reporters found that overall, the construction of our manufacturing talent team has achieved remarkable results.
The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that the current scale of talent training in China's manufacturing industry ranks in the forefront of the world, the structure of human resources in the manufacturing industry has been gradually optimized, the plateau of talent gathering has initially taken shape, the environment for talent development has gradually improved, and the policy and social environment conducive to the growth and role of manufacturing talents are taking shape.