Burst! Canada's largest refinery explosion
Irving Oil's refinery in St. John's, New Brunswick, Canada, exploded violently on Oct. 8, Russia's Satellite News Agency reported. Local police said they asked residents to avoid the area completely. The streets near the refinery have also been closed. No casualties have yet been reported.

Scene map (Global News Canada)

Scene map (Canada CBC TV)
Owen Petroleum said in a Twitter statement: & quot; we can confirm that there was a violent explosion at St. John's refinery this morning. " Erwin petroleum said the company is continuing to assess the situation.
A violent explosion occurred at an oil refinery of Erwin (Irving) oil company. Many mainstream Canadian media have reported that this is Canada's largest refinery.
The factory said on the night of the incident that the scene of the accident has been controlled and the overall situation has been stable. The factory also said that only a few staff members of the contractor were injured in the accident and were not life-threatening.
The Saint John municipal government has confirmed that no one died or seriously injured in the current incident. Police blockade of the surrounding area is being lifted. Local environmental and health departments said monitoring showed that air quality did not pose a public health hazard.
The refinery has about 1400 employees, handling more than 320 thousand barrels per day. However, the refinery has temporarily closed most of its facilities for maintenance since the end of September.
According to the website of Erwin oil company, more than half of the refineries are exported to the northeast of the United States. It is a major supplier of refined oil to the northeast of the United States and probably the largest foreign exporter of refined oil to the United States. After the explosion, the oil supply in the northeast of the United States may be affected for a while.

The media quoted the factory sources that the failure of the diesel handling unit may be the cause of the explosion. At present, the unit has been isolated. But the exact cause of the accident remains to be verified. Refineries also need to be closed for further investigation.
Source: overseas network, security swordsman, Sinochem new network