2018 the ranking of university graduates is coming out! What's the number of your alma mater?
Recently, China Pay Network published an authoritative survey report: 2018 China's university graduates pay ranking TOP200.
The list surveys graduates of nearly 100 universities in China in 2017, 2015 and 2013 (with a sample size of 2.81 million), and calculates the salaries of graduates.
Among them, there are 9 Petrochemical Universities in the rankings of university graduates. Beijing University of Chemical Technology topped the list, including China University of Petroleum, China University of Geosciences, China University of Mining and Technology, Changzhou University and Yanshan University.

In addition, the report also published the ranking of professional salaries of Chinese universities in 2018, in which the average monthly salary of petroleum engineering degree in 2017 was 8031 yuan, ranking ninth in the list. Applied Chemistry, Polymer Materials and Engineering, Composite Materials and Engineering and other professional salaries are also in the top 20.

Attachment: 2018 China University Graduates remuneration list TOP200 complete list