Three chemical parks in Guanhekou, Jiangsu Province, will be closed in 2020 before reaching the standard.
In the next three years, Jiangsu will make every effort to solve 95 prominent environmental problems in seven categories. Reporters learned from the press conference of the sixth meeting of the 13th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of Jiangsu Province that the meeting considered the "List of outstanding environmental problems in 2018-2020" submitted by the provincial government. A total of 95 outstanding environmental issues were sorted out in the list, with clear timetables and road maps. Ninety-five prominent environmental problems are related to 21 aspects of structural adjustment, 7 aspects of ecological protection, 20 aspects of water pollution, 13 aspects of air pollution, 6 aspects of solid waste pollution, 7 aspects of environmental problems strongly reflected by the masses, 21 aspects of infrastructure and capacity-building.
Closure of Unqualified Chemical Parks in 2020
In March of this year, the environmental pollution problems of three chemical parks in Guanhekou were exposed by CCTV, which attracted widespread social attention. The report points out that Jiangsu Province has a large number of industrial enterprises and a large amount of pollution emissions, & ldquo; heavy-chemical & rdquo; industrial structure, & ldquo; coal & rdquo; energy structure and overdraft of ecological costs have become major bottlenecks for sustainable development.
For this reason, Jiangsu Province has proposed that chemical enterprises - ldquo; four batches - rdquo; and special actions should be completed by 2020, with 50% of chemical enterprises entering the park, and all chemical parks that fail to meet the standards should be shut down. According to the three-year action plan of the State Council to win the Blue Sky Defense War and the implementation plan of Jiangsu Province, the comprehensive renovation will be completed by the end of 2019.
Five districts & Cities & ldquo; Governing Qi & rdquo; Need to be strengthened
The list contains 13 air pollution problems, each of which is very specific. For example, the average concentration of PM2.5 in Xuzhou City is on the high side, which is the only city in the province that has not completed the target at the end of last year: ldquo; 10 atmospheric rdquo; and so on. In the report, the Jiangsu provincial government indicated that the average concentration of PM2.5 in Xuzhou, Zhenjiang, Suqian, Changzhou, Huaian and other districts was on the high side. The PM2.5 concentration in Jiangyin, Xinyi and Jiangdu districts ranked low among the 53 counties (cities and districts) of the province. Carbon, cement and other non-electric industries still need to speed up the progress of deep treatment of flue gas, particulate matter emissions have become a weak link in environmental management, construction, road wharf and other dust pollution problems are prominent.
There are many debts in environmental infrastructure and capacity-building in Jiangsu Province, which are mainly manifested in four aspects: first, the pipeline network of domestic sewage treatment plants is not matched and the treatment capacity is insufficient; second, the treatment capacity of urban and rural domestic waste is insufficient; third, the safe disposal capacity of hazardous waste is insufficient; fourth, the monitoring capacity of ecological environment is seriously inadequate.
The Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress, the Environmental Investment Urban Construction Committee, introduced that in future, the progress of inventory management in the previous year will be reported in the annual environmental report. (Source: Yangtze Evening News)