Total investment is 20.3 billion yuan! Gold Energy Science and Technology New Materials and Hydrogen Energy Project
On December 26, 2018, the project of comprehensive utilization of new materials and hydrogen energy, with a total investment of 20.3 billion yuan, began to lay a foundation for the construction of Dongjiakou Economic Zone in Qingdao West Coast New Area. The project mainly constructs three major plates of high-performance polypropylene, acrylonitrile co-production MMA and clean hydrogen energy comprehensive utilization, which will help the development of 100 billion grade green chemical new materials industry cluster in Dongjiakou Economic Zone and add new momentum to the high-quality development of the new zone.

It is reported that Jinneng Science and Technology New Materials and Hydrogen Energy Comprehensive Utilization Project signed a contract in the new area on January 19 to build 900,000 tons/year propane dehydrogenation and 8-times; 60,000 tons/year green carbon black recycling project, 2-times; 450,000 tons/year high performance polypropylene project, 900,000 tons/year propane dehydrogenation joint production of 260,000 tons/year acrylonitrile and 100,000 tons/year MMA project and raw material storage project. The project adopts the most advanced production technology and technology of Lummus and Basell, Italy. It has the characteristics of green, low carbon and cycle intelligence. Among them, propane dehydrogenation and polypropylene monomer unit design will create the largest technology and scale in the world. Qin Qingping, chairman of Jinneng Science and Technology Co., Ltd., said that after the project has been completed and put into operation, the annual sales revenue is expected to reach 30 billion yuan.
The project is invested and constructed by Jinneng Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Jinneng Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive chemical enterprise with comprehensive utilization of resources and economic circulation. It was founded in 2004 and listed in Shanghai A-share in May 2017. It has established a national enterprise technology center and a national laboratory. It has been ranked among the top 500 chemical enterprises in China for many years, and has won the award of “ a national technological innovation coal coking enterprise ”“ a national green factory; Rdquo; & ldquo; International Cogeneration Award & rdquo; and many other honorary titles.
As one of the ten functional zones of Qingdao West Coast New Area, Dongjiakou Economic Zone is one of the nine core zones of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone and a national circular economy demonstration zone. On September 28, the province's first chemical park with deep-water port advantages - mdash; & mdash; Dongjiakou Chemical Park was approved, Dongjiakou Economic Zone ushered in a new era of cluster development of high-end green chemical projects. At present, there are 26 berths in Dongjiakou Port, with cargo throughput of 130 million tons. There are 70 industrial projects with a total investment of more than 160 billion yuan in Dongjiakou Economic Zone.