Jiangsu chemical enterprises should pay attention to the need for the responsible person and safety director to re-educate their safety knowledge.
On January 10, the office of Jiangsu Emergency Management Office issued a notice on retraining the knowledge of safety production management of the principal responsible persons and safety supervisors of chemical (hazardous chemicals) production and storage enterprises.

In accordance with the requirements of "Safety Training Provisions for Production and Business Units" (Decree No. 3 of the former State Administration of Safety Supervision and Administration) and the circular issued by the former General Office of the State Administration of Safety Supervision on the key assessment contents of safety production management knowledge for the principal responsible persons of chemical (dangerous chemicals) enterprises (Propaganda No. 15 of the General Office of Safety Supervision), it was decided to carry out chemical (dangerous) in the whole province. Re-training of production safety management knowledge for the principal person in charge of production and storage enterprises and the safety director or responsible person in charge. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
I. Training Targets
The principal person in charge and safety director of all chemical (hazardous chemicals) production and storage enterprises in the province shall be the responsible person in charge of the enterprises that do not meet the requirements of setting up the post of safety director.
Organizational division of labour
The Provincial Emergency Management Department is responsible for compiling training materials for the principal responsible persons and the Director of Safety, setting up examination questions bank, selecting and distributing teaching teachers and making uniform courseware; the districts and municipalities are responsible for organizing and implementing training, examining and undertaking related training costs such as teacher services and renting teaching venues.
III. Developing Training Plans
The districts and municipalities shall organize as soon as possible the registration of all the principal responsible persons of chemical (dangerous chemicals) production and storage enterprises and safety directors or supervisors in charge within their jurisdiction, approve the information of registered personnel and the number of trainees; specify the responsibility of the special personnel, formulate training plans, determine the specific training courses, time and place, and report to the Provincial Emergency Management Office before February 28, 2019.
IV. Strict Examination System
The principal responsible persons of chemical (dangerous chemicals) production and storage enterprises shall have no less than 16 hours of retraining time. They shall take part in the examination in the provincial safety production examination platform system, with a full score of 100 and more than 90 being qualified. The re-training time of the director of safety or the person in charge shall be no less than 24 hours, and the examination shall be organized in a unified manner. Among them, the objective questions shall be tested by computer in the provincial safety production examination platform system, accounting for 60% of the total score; the subjective questions shall be tested by open-book method, accounting for 40% of the total score, with 100% of the total score and more than 90% of the total score being qualified. If the examination results of the principal person in charge of the production and storage enterprises of chemical (dangerous chemicals) and the safety director or the person in charge are less than 90 points, the makeup examination shall be completed before September 15, 2019, and if the makeup examination is still unqualified, the makeup examination shall be ordered to be corrected within a time limit and dealt with seriously in accordance with the regulations.
V. Training Requirements
All localities should attach great importance to the retraining of the knowledge of safety production management of the principal responsible persons of chemical (dangerous chemicals) production and storage enterprises and the chief safety supervisors or responsible persons. The retraining work can be carried out in conjunction with the assessment of safety production knowledge and management ability of the principal responsible persons of enterprises and safety production managers. It is necessary to organize carefully, strictly manage training and test discipline, so as to cultivate students'abilities, and complete training and assessment tasks in an all-round way by September 20, 2019. In principle, trainees are not allowed to take leave of absence or absence. Once they are found to have acted as surrogate examinations or cheating, they will be disqualified from examinations and regarded as unqualified for training. We should earnestly do a good job in summarizing the training work, and report the summary of the training work, the summary of the retraining situation of the main responsible persons of chemical (dangerous chemicals) production and storage enterprises, and the summary of the retraining situation of the safety director of chemical (dangerous chemicals) production and storage enterprises to the Provincial Emergency Management Department by September 30, 2019. Contact person: Wang Feng, telephone number: 83332435.
(Source: Jiangsu Emergency Management Office)