Investigation of Chemical Industry Park in 2019
From July 9 to 12, the research group of China Bank on sustainable development of petroleum and chemical industry parks in 2019 led by Zhang Jianqiu, vice president of China Chemical News Agency, entered Jinshan No. 2 Industrial Zone in Shanghai, Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone and Jiangbei New Materials Science and Technology Park in Nanjing.

Sun Lijun, secretary and chairman of the Party Committee of Shanghai Jinshan Second Industrial Zone Development Co., Ltd., introduced the development process of the park to the research group and the work done by the park in VOCs governance in recent years.

The research team visited Shanghai Huide Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Dongrui Chemical Co., Ltd.

Yu Liangru, deputy director of the Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone Management Committee, introduced that Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone has realized the convergence function of large data centers and the number of related fields by building an application system of intelligent industry operation, intelligent safety emergency, intelligent green environmental protection, intelligent public works, intelligent management services and intelligent responsibility care, etc. & ldquo; 1+6+X” and so on. According to the basis is good. On May 23, 2019, Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone was awarded “ China Intelligent Chemical Industry Park Pilot Demonstration Unit ”.

Huang Yu, the head of industrial operation - basic chemicals of Cosco Polymer (China) Co., Ltd., introduced Cosco's work and achievements in energy saving and environmental protection.
Liu Xiaoguo, deputy director of Jiangbei New Area Chemical Industry Transition and Development Management Office, introduced that Nanjing Jiangbei New Materials Science and Technology Park ranked first in total economic output and total profit in the top 30 single rankings of China Chemical Industry Park in 2019. Next, the park will vigorously promote the three-year plan of action for transformation and development, and comprehensively accelerate the pace of transformation and upgrading.
The team visited the exhibition hall of Jiangbei New Material Science and Technology Park in Nanjing, and got an intuitive and detailed understanding of the development process, development situation and park planning of the park.
Pictures taken by Chen Qide and Fang Junji