Heavy pounds! Ministry of Housing: Cancellation of Temporary Certificate of Practice for First Class Builders

Notice of the Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction on the Cancellation of the Temporary Certificate of First-Class Builders
The Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Departments of the provinces and autonomous regions, the Housing and Urban-Rural Construction (Management) Committee of the municipality directly under the Central Government, the Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and the Department of Construction of the relevant departments of the State Council (Bureau):
In order to further promote the construction field-ldquo; custody-rdquo; reform, according to the requirement of no permit and qualification beyond the National Vocational Qualification Catalogue, standardize the administrative examination and approval matters, I hereby notify the relevant matters of the temporary license certificate of the first-level builder as follows:
1. From the date of issuance of this notice, the temporary license certificate of the first-class Builder shall be cancelled.
2. Those who hold the temporary license of the first-level builder and are in charge of the project of the construction unit may temporarily continue to be the project leader of the project until December 31, 2019; the employing unit shall replace the project leader as soon as possible in accordance with the relevant requirements.
3. In accordance with Article 7 of the Measures for the Implementation of the Qualification Examination for Construction Engineers (No. 16 of 2004 issued by the Ministry of the People's Republic of China), two subjects of "Construction Engineering Economy" and "Construction Engineering Project Management" can be exempted from the examination for first-class builders.
Article 7 of the annex (No. 16 issued by the Ministry of the People's Republic of China [2004] stipulates that:
Article 7: Personnel who meet the registration requirements of the Interim Provisions and have obtained the Qualification Certificate of Project Manager of Construction Enterprise Level I issued by the Ministry of Construction before December 31, 2003 and who meet one of the following conditions may exempt from the two subjects of Construction Engineering Economy and Construction Engineering Project Management and only participate in Construction. Examinations in Engineering Regulations and Related Knowledge and Professional Engineering Management and Practice:
(1) To be employed for senior professional and technical positions in engineering or engineering economics.
(2) Have a college degree or above in engineering or engineering economics and have been engaged in construction management of construction projects for 20 years.
4. The competent housing and urban-rural construction departments of provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) may, in the spirit of this circular, do a good job in canceling the temporary license of the second-level builders.
Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction of the People's Republic of China
19 July 2019
(This is voluntarily disclosed)
Copy: Registration Center of Practicing Qualification of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction.

Deep Interpretation
According to the requirement of the National Professional Qualification Catalogue, the certificate of the first-level temporary builder can be cancelled completely, and if it has been used in the project, it can continue to be the project leader of the project until December 31, 2019; the unit should be replaced as a formal builder as soon as possible;
If it meets the requirement of exemption, two "Construction Engineering Economics" and "Construction Engineering Project Management" can be exempted from the first-class qualification examination for builders.
Referring to this circular, all localities should do a good job in canceling the temporary license of the second-level builders.
The impact of the cancellation of temporary builders on the market:

Look at the figure above (official website data). At present, the first level is temporarily 23,000 people, and the second level is temporarily around 92,000 people. Most of them are used in projects because they can't use their qualifications. Most of them are in small and medium-sized enterprises. The cancellation of these companies has a great impact on them. They must immediately find a formal builder to fill the pit. The registration certificate is under strict inspection. More than 200,000 license builders have been cancelled, and temporary cancellations will aggravate the phenomenon of market shortage, which will further lead to a sharp rise in certificate prices and the emergence of tea sleeping builders.
The survival pressure of small and medium-sized enterprises has increased dramatically. Many temporary builders account for 1/3-1/2 of the total number of builders (mainly secondary temporary). Most temporary builders support the project management of the company. They are the senior ministers of the company. The use cost is low. After the cancellation, the formal cost is very high, and the operation of the company will be seriously impacted. Large enterprises have already eliminated temporary builders themselves a few years ago. On the contrary, they have no influence on large enterprises, on the contrary, they are still very good.
Looking forward to the reform, the Second Construction Project is likely to pass through the whole country in order to alleviate the current market demand, especially in remote provinces. As for the 17 draft of the dual-builder allocation policy for medium-sized and large-scale projects, it is very likely to land in 19 years, and it will also affect the market demand in the future. The market is still the era of the king of the leftovers!!!
Extended reading, the past and present life of temporary builders:
On December 5, 2002, the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Construction jointly issued the Interim Provisions on the Qualification System for Construction Engineers (No. 111 of Human Development 2002), which stipulates that the qualifications of construction engineers must be obtained and registered before they can be the project construction manager of the general contracting and construction management of construction projects. This marks the formal establishment of the construction engineer qualification system in China. The Regulations make it clear that Chinese builders refer to professional and technical personnel engaged in key positions of general contracting and construction management of construction projects.
On February 27, 2003, the Decision of the State Council on Cancelling the Second Batch of Administrative Examination and Approval Projects and Changing the Management Mode of a Batch of Administrative Examination and Approval Projects (Guofa [2003] No. 5) stipulated: & ldquo; Cancelling the qualification approval of project managers of construction enterprises, replacing by registered builders, and establishing a transitional period-rdquo;.
On April 23, 2003, Ministry of Housing and Construction issued Notice No. 86 on the transition from the project manager qualification management system of construction enterprises to the construction engineer qualification system, clarifying the transformation from the original enterprise project manager to the construction engineer qualification system. The transition period is from February 27, 2008, and the transition period is five years, during which the project manager certificate is issued. The book is still valid, which is the origin of temporary builders.
In 2004, the Ministry of Housing and Construction and the Ministry of Personnel promulgated the "Measures for the Implementation of the Construction Professional Qualification Examination" and "Measures for the Accreditation of the Construction Professional Qualification Examination".
The first-class builder is a document issued in 2003, preparing for the examination in 2004, but it was not until March 2005 that the first-class builder began to take the examination. In 2006, the first-class builder took two examinations.In 2005, the year-end examination belonged to 06, but in 2007, the first-class builder's performance did not come out because of the leaking case, which led to the suspension of the first-class builder's examination in 2008.
On November 19, 2007, the Ministry of Housing and Construction issued Supplementary Notice No. 54 on the transition from the project manager qualification management system of construction enterprises to the construction engineer qualification system, formally transforming the original project manager into a first-or second-level temporary builder, and at the same time prolonging the transition period. The original certificate of February 27, 2008 was invalidated. Changed to February 27, 2013, is really a changeable policy...
On December 5, 2007, a letter from Jiancheng Supervisor (2007) was issued to clarify the problems related to the transition from the project manager qualification management system of construction enterprises to the construction engineer qualification system. It was made clear that temporary builders could also be used as qualified appraisal bidders as formal builders.
On February 22, 2013, the Ministry of Housing and Construction issued a circular on the management of the temporary licensed builders in Jianfang City [2013] No. 7. It also extended the service life of the temporary builders. They can retire at the age of 60, but as the builders approved by the enterprise qualification management, they can only do projects, so what remains now is the project. Temporary builders are mostly used in project management. If they are cancelled or not renewed, they will be invalidated and there will be no re-registration.
On July 19, 2019, temporary builders finally completed their historic mission and withdrew from the stage of Chinese construction industry. The Ministry of Housing and Construction issued a notice to cancel the temporary certificate of first-class builders, formally announcing the termination of temporary builders, and the second-class will also be cancelled by the local housing management department in the near future.
Source: Information Platform for Housing and Urban-Rural Construction