The merger of Sinochem and Chemicals in China is coming soon
& ldquo; Star & rdquo; Ning Gaoning, the governor of the state-owned enterprise, brushed the screen again. From July 29 to 31, the annual meeting of managers of Sinochem China 2019 was held in Beijing. A total of 380 managers of Sinochem China and Sinochem China gathered together to discuss the key issues. & Ning Gaoning, Chairman of the Board of Directors, made a concluding speech on Let's Start a New Entrepreneurship Journey for the conference, which attracted a lot of attention and discussion.
According to Ning Gaoning's discussion at the meeting: & ldquo; it is difficult for any company in the world to merge & hellip; & hellip; however, & lsquo; two-way industrialization & rsquo; colleagues are very broad-minded, confident in the future, willing to work hard together in the tide of development & rdquo; & ldquo; we are creating a brand new company & rdqu u O; & ldquo; & lsquo; & rsquo; & industrialization; & rsquo; has its own history of development, but also has its own assets, team, culture and advantages and disadvantages, such cooperation is unprecedented & rdquo;. Combined with the signals released by management many times since last year, the next step is to steadily promote the strategic integration of the central enterprise group, focusing on the strategic restructuring of equipment manufacturing, shipping, chemical industry and other fields. We clearly see such a trend: mdash; & mdash; a major event in the national and even global industry. The merger of Sinochem and Chemicals in China will soon come to fruition.
The wind has been heard over and over again, but the restructuring and integration of “ two modernizations ” is of great importance and therefore should be promoted cautiously and cautiously.
Since the founding of New China, the biggest impact of the restructuring and integration of the central enterprises is the merger of South-to-North Railway and Shenhua and Guodian, which has achieved the glory of the world's high-speed railway king and created the world's largest coal-based energy carrier. After the merger, a super-large state-owned enterprise with total assets of more than 1.3 trillion yuan and annual revenue of nearly 1 trillion yuan will be formed, which will be promoted from the second echelon of the state-owned enterprises to the top of the pyramid and properly become the world's largest worker. This provides the best footnote for the eastward shift of the focus of chemical industry under the tide of globalization, and the pattern of chemical industry in China and even in the world will be rewritten accordingly.
From the domestic point of view, it is well known that unlike oil and gas, coal, refining and chemical industries, the middle and upper reaches of the raw material end stand side by side, the chemical industry generally presents a small, scattered, chaotic competition pattern. Even if there are central enterprises such as Sinochem, China Chemical Industry and a number of local state-owned enterprises, but due to the limited influence of individuals, it can not be guided. Form a good industrial ecology and industrial order. Excessive freedom and lack of self-discipline in the whole industry, not only scattered enterprises, but also scattered chemical industry parks around the world, which is an important reason for the disorder of market competition, low quality and efficiency, and outstanding safety and environmental protection problems in the whole industry.
With the restructuring and integration, these problems will be fundamentally improved. New & ldquo; Big Mac & rdquo; has greater industry influence and appeal, and can play a role in rebuilding industry order and industrial ecology by virtue of its strong supply chain radiation ability; more importantly, this event is likely to produce domino effect, which will lead to the reorganization, integration and mixing of domestic chemical state-owned enterprises. A new upsurge of ownership reform. In this way, in time, the intensive degree of domestic chemical industry will rise to a higher level, not only in the enterprise level, but also in the chemical industry park and regional industrial economy. Its biggest positive effect will be to straighten out the industrial order, improve efficiency and efficiency, and improve safety and environmental protection.
Internationally speaking, the world's largest chemical market is the most powerful chemical enterprise in the world. It has a huge spillover effect. That is, China will greatly enhance its voice and guidance to the international chemical market. &ldquo, &rdquo along the way, and a good play of Chinese chemical enterprises along the way will come later.
Of course, & ldquo; Diversification & rdquo; how much energy can be released and how much external expectations can be fulfilled in the end depends on the concrete effect of reorganization and integration. After the merger, the business of the two enterprises covers many fields, such as energy, chemical industry, materials, agriculture, rubber, chemical equipment, trade and finance, and there are many overlaps. How to effectively synergize and integrate is a big topic. As a major subject, Ning Gaoning, the first author of the project, has ushered in the most brilliant and challenging stage of his entrepreneurship career.
Looking forward to the future, & ldquo; we will surely become a chemical enterprise with clear main business, focusing on new technologies and new products; an enterprise with strong scientific and technological capabilities, constantly creating new materials and becoming a high-throughput innovative machine; and a public with noble ideals, respect and benefit to human well-being. Division, to promote the development of petrochemical, agriculture, environment and other industries; not only in the scale, profitability, internationalization, innovation and development, but also in the basic level, management methods, shareholder composition and other aspects are leading-rdquo;. For the prospects of new enterprises, Ning Gaoning seems to be in the breast.
Explore & ldquo; 1 + 1 & gt; 2 & rdquo; & ldquo; Dao & rdquo;, obviously more valuable than grasping & ldquo; two in one & rdquo; of & ldquo; skill & rdquo. That's why we are looking forward to the merger of “ two modernizations & rdquo. (Edited from China Chemical Journal)