Shandong Park "On Heroes" Based on Mu Yield: Understanding Energy, Land and Other Elements System
In recent years, Shandong Province, a major chemical province, has introduced evaluation measures to measure unit output efficiency in order to break through the constraints of energy, land, environment and other factors and promote the high-quality development of parks and enterprises.
& In order to effectively break the constraints of energy resources, land space and other traditional production factors, we must give full play to the decisive role of market allocation of resources, force enterprises to take the initiative to save energy and reduce consumption, and promote the transformation and upgrading of backward production capacity. & According to Shi Xiao, deputy director of the Legal Work Committee of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial People's Congress, Shandong Province is establishing and improving the enterprise performance evaluation system oriented by the output benefit of unit resource elements such as land, water, energy consumption and pollutant discharge, as well as the enterprise classification evaluation system of per mu benefit, so as to improve input-output efficiency and promote it. Resource elements are concentrated in high-quality and efficient areas.
Accurate land supply for entry projects
As early as 2013, Shandong Province issued "Opinions on Further Promoting Economical and Intensive Land Use", requiring orderly guidance of industrial projects into parks, and exploring the establishment of investment and output standard system for operational construction projects. Among them, the average per mu investment intensity of new industrial projects in national development zones, provincial development zones and other industrial concentration zones should be no less than 3.5 million yuan, 2.8 million yuan and 2.2 million yuan respectively; the average per mu output value of projects after reaching production should not be less than 5.2 million yuan, 4 million yuan and 2.8 million yuan respectively; and the average per mu tax revenue should not be less than 300,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan respectively. 150,000 yuan. The average volume ratio of newly built industrial projects is not less than 1.0, and the building coefficient is not less than 40%.
Under the guidance of this policy, through scientific and rational planning, the planning and construction principles of park-ldquo, land-intensive, layout-centralized, enterprise cluster and industrial agglomeration-rdquo have been well realized. In the Qilu Chemical Zone, which was first established in Shandong Province, Qilu Petrochemical Company carried out 13 key technical renovation projects, such as “ zero-land technology renovation ” without requisitioning one inch of land, which successfully implemented technical renovation projects of 800,000 tons of ethylene per year and 1.4 million tons of heavy oil per year, and saved 760 mu of land. The project of comprehensive utilization of 3 million tons of heavy oil in Dongming Petrochemical Industrial Park occupies 1678 mu of land, saving 822 mu of land compared with the original plan.
In July 2017, the General Office of the Shandong Provincial People's Government issued "Opinions on the Implementation of Promoting the Reform and Innovation of Development Zones", which calls for strengthening the dynamic supervision of land use and periodically carrying out the evaluation of intensive land use in development zones from the aspects of development intensity of construction land, intensity of land investment, management and control of per capita land use indicators and comprehensive benefits. Price and evaluation results are important basis for evaluation, expansion and upgrading.
On May 24, this year, the General Office of the Shandong Provincial People's Government issued the Opinions on the Construction of Major Projects for Saving and Intensive Land Use Guarantee. It further requires that the site selection of land-use projects be properly handled, precise land supply be strictly implemented, and construction conditions such as unit energy consumption and emission standards, investment intensity and per Mu average tax revenue be put forward by all localities for one-time publicity. Incorporate land transfer conditions.
In accordance with this policy, Zibo has set up international first-class chemical industry parks to speed up the professional, intensive and intelligent development of six chemical industry parks, such as Qilu Chemical Industry Zone, and implemented major projects-ldquo; standard place-rdquo; supply policy to achieve-ldquo; starting construction-rdquo as soon as land is taken.
Tengzhou requests that the investment intensity of fixed assets of the entry project of Lunan High-tech Chemical Industry Park should not be less than 2.8 million yuan/mu, the output value of the project after production should not be less than 4 million yuan/mu, and the tax revenue should not be less than 200,000 yuan/mu.
Differential allocation of resource elements
In recent years, all parts of Shandong have established the concept of “ the hero of per mu production theory & rdquo; & ldquo; the growth within the fence & rdquo; insisting on the concept of “ root & rdquo; & ldquo; silver root & rdquo; linking efforts to optimize the structure, improve quality and efficiency, so as to save, promote transformation and promote upgrading intensively.
Heze City, which has nine chemical industry parks, has proposed to improve the access conditions of chemical industry parks, actively introduce projects with high investment intensity, great tax contribution, strong driving capacity and good social benefits, and strengthen the concept of “ hero of production theory per mu & rdquo; and increase the rigid restriction on investment intensity and per mu income.
Jining City, which has six chemical industry parks, has also set up “ a hero of production theory per mu ” a clear orientation to strictly implement the enterprise exit management mechanism, improve the land use rate and input-output rate, while increasing idle and inefficient land use and “ zombie enterprises ” cleaning up efforts to promote Park “ cage changing birds ” “ twice; Development & rdquo;.
On the basis of pilot exploration in various places, Shandong Province's "Opinions on the Construction of Major Projects for Conservation and Intensive Land Use Guarantee" calls for speeding up the development of & ldquo; per mu yield benefit & rdquo; evaluation reform, that is, taking counties (cities and districts) as the main body, to establish a unit land tax, unit energy consumption sales revenue, unit pollutant emission sales revenue, and all staff. The enterprise evaluation system with labor productivity as its main index carries out comprehensive evaluation, scientific classification and dynamic management of enterprises, and implements policies of differentiated price, land use, energy use, emission and credit.
On July 19, Shandong Provincial Industry and Information Office issued a draft for consultation on "Guiding Opinions on Developing & ldquo; Yield Benefit per Mu & rdquo; Evaluation of Reform Work", including "ldquo; Yield Benefit per Mu & rdquo; Evaluation of Reform Pilot Program", "Yield Benefit per Mu & rdquo; Evaluation of Implementation Steps of Reform Work". According to this suggestion, all localities carry out the reform of “ per mu yield benefit ” market-oriented allocation of resources, establish and improve the comprehensive evaluation mechanism of enterprise classification, and implement the policy of differentiated allocation of resource elements. By the end of December 2021, all county (city, district) Industrial Enterprises - ldquo; per mu yield benefit - rdquo; evaluation reform have been basically completed.
& Specifically speaking, the input intensity and output efficiency per unit area are regarded as the measures of industrial level and intensive level in chemical industry parks.Important indicators are to increase the disposal of idle and inefficient land in the park, and to make room for advanced production capacity through bankruptcy liquidation, merger and reorganization of a number of scattered and polluted enterprises. & rdquo; Shandong Provincial Bureau of Industry and Information Technology said.
Forward Motivation and Reverse Force
Located in the hinterland of Shengli Oilfield, Kenli District of Dongying City, a petrochemical town, takes the lead in comprehensive evaluation of per mu production benefit with per mu tax revenue, per mu sales income and industrial investment, and divides enterprises into four categories: A, B, C and D, highlighting positive incentives and reverse coercion. Among them, priority should be given to the development of category A enterprises, support the development of category B enterprises, upgrade and develop category C enterprises, restrict the development of category D enterprises, support high-quality enterprises to become bigger and stronger, force backward enterprises to technological transformation or withdrawal, and accelerate the transformation of new and old kinetic energy.
The region has also further promoted chemical industry-ldquo; five batches of-rdquo; engineering, strengthening the application of rating evaluation results, accelerating the application of chemical industry-ldquo; shutting down a batch, relocating a batch, transferring a batch, upgrading a batch, restructuring a batch of-rdquo; and implementing the shutdown and transformation of chemical enterprises to make room for the landing of large projects and the development of large enterprises. Energy consumption and environmental capacity.
The person in charge of Kenli Shengtuo Chemical Industry Park said that the industrial park should not be simple “ paving ”, small scale, circle but not built, not to mention “ per mu production ” how can the park have development benefits? The land efficiency is not high, and some “ zombie enterprises ” scattered and dirty enterprises, how can they promote the industry? Structural optimization and upgrading? How can a park occupied by enterprises with outdated equipment, low labor efficiency and serious pollution attract good projects and enterprises?
It is noteworthy that the Notice on Several Measures for Deepening the Construction of Innovative Provinces issued by Shandong Province on July 31 proposes to support the integration or trusteeship of national development zones and provincial development zones with higher development level in industrial parks with adjacent, similar industries and scattered distribution. Experts believe that this will have an important impact on the pattern of the province's development zones, and the chemical industry parks identified by the provincial government are not & ldquo; Insurance & rdquo; and must do something in terms of resource agglomeration and industrial synergy.