Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Industrial Water Saving Initiative: Strict Control of New Production in High Water Consumption Industries such as Petrochemical and Chemical Industries
The Ministry of Information, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance recently jointly issued the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Industrial Water Saving Action Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Plan). They clearly strive to achieve the international advanced level of water use efficiency in key water-consuming industries (iron and steel, petrochemical industry, food and medicine) in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei by 2022, and the water consumption of 10,000 yuan added value in industry. (New water intake, excluding reused water within the enterprise) has dropped to less than 10.3 cubic meters, and the reuse rate of industrial water above the scale has reached more than 93%, saving 190 million cubic meters annually.
Water resources in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei have been seriously overloaded for a long time, which is one of the most water-scarce areas in China. According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the total amount of water used in the region in 2018 is 25.01 billion cubic meters, of which 11.1% is industrial water. The intensity of water resources development and utilization has reached 106%, far exceeding the world's recognized safety warning line of 40%. Local surface water is insufficient to support production and domestic water use, and a large number of groundwater has been exploited, which has greatly reduced the groundwater level. At present, Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei have overexploited 3.47 billion cubic meters annually. More than 20 downward funnel areas have been formed, and the overexploited area has reached 50,000 square kilometers.
For industrial water use, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei industrial water use is mainly concentrated in groundwater overexploitation areas, and there is still a rigid growth demand in the future. In 2018, industrial water consumption in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei was 2.78 billion cubic meters. The efficiency of industrial water use in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei is in the leading level in China, but there are still many problems: first, the regional industrial structure does not match the carrying capacity of water resources. High water consumption industries still account for a large proportion in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. The water consumption of high water consumption industries in Hebei Province accounts for more than 70% of the total industrial water consumption. Secondly, there is a big gap in water use efficiency between industries and enterprises. Some industries with large water consumption have popularized and popularized a number of water-saving technologies and processes, and revised a number of water-saving standards, but other industries started relatively late. In addition, key enterprises and large enterprises generally attach importance to water-saving management, while the large-scale and wide-ranging small and medium-sized enterprises have weak water-saving basic capacity. Finally, some enterprises in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei are still pumping large quantities of groundwater, which does not meet the requirements of comprehensive management of groundwater overexploitation.
The person in charge also said that with the continuous adjustment of industrial structure, the further popularization of industrial water-saving technology and the improvement of water-saving management means, there is still a certain potential for industrial water-saving in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. According to the preliminary calculation, by popularizing water-saving technology and technology and building a water-saving industrial system, we strive to reduce the value-added water consumption (new water consumption, excluding reused water within enterprises) of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei million yuan industry to less than 10.3 cubic meters by 2022, and the reuse rate of industrial water above the scale reaches more than 93%. Water is 190 million cubic meters.
The plan proposes to adjust and optimize the structure and layout of high water consumption industries. In accordance with regional planning, water production should be fixed, new capacity of high water-consuming industries such as Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Petrochemical Industry should be strictly controlled, and the distribution and transfer of high water-consuming industries such as steel and petrochemical industry to coastal areas and outside regions should be promoted gradually, so as to increase the utilization of seawater. It is necessary to promote the integration of popularization, application and innovation of water-saving technology. Promote tackling key problems of industrial water-saving technology, and support Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei industrial water-saving technology innovation project to be included in the national key R&D plan.
The plan emphasizes that water-saving technological transformation should be strengthened. Promote the implementation of all-round water-saving technological transformation in enterprises, build a number of key water efficiency improvement projects, promote enterprises with annual water consumption of more than 100,000 cubic meters in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to independently carry out special water-saving diagnosis, and implement technical transformation of recycling water reuse, water cascade utilization, wastewater treatment and reuse. Water management in enterprises should be strengthened. Statistical monitoring of water use for industrial enterprises above the scale will be carried out. By 2020, water use plan management for industrial enterprises with annual water consumption of 10,000 cubic meters or more will be fully covered. We should vigorously promote the use of unconventional water sources. Supporting the direct use of seawater as circulating cooling water in steel, petrochemical and thermal power industries in the coastal areas of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, encouraging enterprises and parks with conditions to build roof rainwater collection facilities, underground rainwater storage and comprehensive utilization facilities, and encouraging enterprises near mines to use mine water.
In order to implement this action, the person in charge also said that it is necessary to establish a sound safeguard system and focus on the following tasks. Industrial water-saving management departments at all levels should strengthen the overall coordination of industrial water-saving work in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of industries, scientific research institutes and enterprises, guide and implement them step by step, and firmly implement them. We will promote water-saving standards, technological transformation and water-saving demonstrations. In addition, we need to increase policy support. Make full use of existing funding channels to support eligible industrial water-saving demonstration projects and promote the implementation of water-saving action plans. Implementing the preferential income tax policy for energy-saving, water-saving and environmental protection special equipment enterprises and the Catalogue of Guidance for the Promotion and Application of First (Set) Major Technological Equipment to mobilize enterprises'enthusiasm for water-saving. Financial institutions are encouraged to provide green financial services such as convenient, preferential guarantees and credit support for water-saving transformation of enterprises.