Digital transformation opens a new feature of integration of two modernizations
Digital transformation is opening a new journey of integration of petrochemical industry and industrialization. The theme was comprehensively interpreted at the 2019 China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Convergence Conference held in Beijing from September 18 to 19. The conference was sponsored by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation and sponsored by China Chemical Economic and Technological Development Center. Experts from informatization and petrochemical industry gathered together to discuss how to promote high-quality development of petrochemical industry by means of digitalization and industrial Internet under the new situation, and put forward new ways and connotations of integration and development of the two industries.
Industrial Internet injects new impetus
& At present, the main direction of integration is intelligent manufacturing, and the breakthrough is industrial Internet. Industrial Internet is becoming a new driving force for the integration of industrialization and modernization. & At the meeting, two big cafes from the information industry put forward this view.
Wang Jianwei, deputy director of the Department of Information and Software Services of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said at the meeting: & ldquo; manufacturing industry reform has become the core of national strategies of all countries in the world, digital economy has become the main theme of the development of today's era, and manufacturing industry reform and digital economic development have achieved historic convergence. The transformation demand of manufacturing industry and the accelerated penetration of information technology give birth to the industrial Internet platform. Industrial Internet platform is the hub of industrial links and the core of industrial resource allocation. It is promoting the continuous transformation of industrial infrastructure, production mode and innovation mode. It is related to the initiative and voice of the development of manufacturing industry in the digital economy era. It is also an important support for the realization of high-quality development in China. & rdquo;
He explained that the industrial Internet platform is essentially the integration, integration and innovation of industrial thinking and capabilities with IT thinking and capabilities, which brings about the dynamic allocation of manufacturing resources in the whole society, makes the manufacturing system from closed to open, accelerates the transformation of manufacturing industry to data-driven innovation system and development mode, and is building a new manufacturing ecosystem.
& The industrial Internet is a process of integration and cooperation between the Internet and traditional industries. It is a process of forming a new industrial form in competition and cooperation. It is not who subverts whom. Industrial Internet is not only the integration of industrial form and Internet technology, but also the application of positive Internet thinking in traditional industry. The main body of industrial Internet includes not only Internet enterprises and technology support enterprises serving the transformation of traditional enterprises, but also traditional enterprises after transformation, the latter being the key body. & Gao Xinmin, vice president of China Internet Association, said.
Zhao Zhiping, Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, introduced that in the face of various internal and external challenges facing the high-quality development of the industry and relying on the expert resources of intelligent manufacturing think tank of petroleum and chemical industry, the Federation will focus on four tasks: first, to study and formulate the general planning proposals for the development of intelligent manufacturing industry; second, to promote the formulation and promotion of industry intelligent manufacturing standard guidelines. The third is to compile the maturity evaluation system and business Atlas of integration of industrialization and intellectualization of industry intelligent factory; the fourth is to refine and summarize typical application cases of industry intelligent manufacturing. In order to support and guide the deepening development of the integration of petrochemical industry and industrialization.
Digitalization Becomes Core Competence
It is a global consensus to promote the digital transformation, and the digital process of petrochemical industry is also evolving gradually. Experts at the meeting agreed that digitalization is the core of the future competitiveness of petrochemical enterprises. Without digitalization, there would be no future of enterprises. The digital transformation should focus on safety and environmental protection, as well as the optimization of the whole process.
& ldquo; Without digital transformation, everything is empty talk. & rdquo; Wang Jianwei mentioned at the meeting: & ldquo; Without digitalization, there would be no networking and no intellectualization. Especially, the digitalization of the underlying equipment is the basis for the realization of enterprise's top-down connection, OT and IT integration and innovation application. In the future, the more data resources one has, the greater development potential he will have. & rdquo;
This is also fully confirmed by the information presented by representatives of several enterprises from the front line of production management.
Peng Lianjun, Vice Minister of Information Management of PetroChina Dalian Petrochemical Company, introduced the infrastructure and business system application of Dalian Petrochemical Digital Factory. Dalian Petrochemical started its initial informatization work in 1978. It has gone through four stages: from scratch, from decentralized construction to centralized construction, from centralization to integration, to the present system interconnection and information sharing. It has created the present digital factory and informatization enterprise.
According to Peng Lianjun, the first phase of Dalian Petrochemical's large data platform construction and application project adopts Hadoop, Spark and other technologies, and designs 15 functional modules at five levels, including basic management layer, large data platform, data analysis layer, business model layer and comprehensive display layer. It collects more than 1.5 billion data from nine categories of systems, such as ERP and MES, and initially realizes the unified integrated management of enterprise data. On this basis, Dalian Petrochemical Company has carried out the application of large data analysis of enterprise economic activities. At the same time, it has completed the preliminary preparatory work on the application of large data analysis of plant quality control and benefit optimization, and early warning and prediction of key process points. The application of large data analysis in economic activities solves the problems of limited depth and low efficiency of data analysis in the original economic activities, and provides a convenient, fast and reliable basis for production and operation analysis and decision support.
Zhang Jian, deputy general manager of informationization department of Zhejiang Xin'an Chemical Industry Group Co., Ltd., introduced that in the process of building intelligent chemical plants and digital applications, Xin'an Chemical Company changed its business model through assistant decision-making ability of large data platform, realized plan optimization and realized the optimal profit model instead of profit maximization. It not only ensures the supply of raw materials in the upstream of the group, but also ensures the delivery of customers in the downstream, realizes the balance of production and marketing at home and abroad, and ensures stable and orderly production.
Meeting New Challenges with New Thinking
For the petroleum and chemical industries, which have a history of 100 years, they are facing unprecedented challenges. However, the subversiveness of this challenge has brought many incompatibilities to the industry, and its severity has not been fully recognized by the industry. Therefore, many participants attended the special session.Home reminds us that the key point of digital transformation is to change our thinking as soon as possible and to meet new challenges in a new way of thinking.
In response, Sun Huimin, SAP's chief digital transformation expert, said: & ldquo; According to Darwin's theory of evolution, the species that survive are not the strongest and smartest, but the fastest response to change. In the future, the competitiveness of enterprises will no longer be the advanced technology, but the evolutionary ability of enterprises, which is the core competitiveness. & rdquo;

Zhou Jian, Secretary-General of the National Bid Committee for Integration of Industrialization and Diversification and Director of the System of the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center, also mentioned that the domestic environment now forces enterprises to transform and reform. Without transformation, there is no opportunity, and enterprises must make painful decisions. This transformation is more reflected in the reconstruction of the value system. All the changes are centered around this core. Only by understanding from this angle can we grasp the key and essence of the transformation.
He explained: & ldquo; In the past, technology decided the market. Enterprises focused on how to make products, and it was economical. They didn't need to worry about sales at all. Large-scale production solved the problems of economy and shortage of supply and demand. But now the difference has become flexible allocation of resources according to individual needs to respond to demand. In the future, it is likely that the market decides the technology. It is the market that first develops the technology, and the demand of the market determines the direction of the technology. The way of thinking and logical relationship have changed, at this time flexible production becomes more and more important. & rdquo;
Peng Lianjun also talked about his experience in promoting the digital transformation of enterprises. He believes that digital transformation is a complex system engineering, and the key to successful transformation lies in the construction of an omni-directional ecosystem. In addition to the technological ecosystem, the organizational ecosystem based on the cognitive ecosystem of decision makers and employees, the cultural ecosystem based on the transformation of enterprise thinking, and the decision-making transformation based on data + algorithm are also more important.